
It's very cold!

At the moment, facing kadanya's question, Linluo felt chilly, as if he was in winter.

He was about to cry.

What's more, this two goods husky, run after the pit is finished, wait for me.

However, just at this time, a train slowly drove into the station, Lin Luo found the opportunity, suddenly said: "people come, we hurry to go, to meet people, late can be bad."

With that, Lin Luo rushed into the station.

But at the bottom of his heart, it is avrila to pull into the blacklist, this two goods husky, obviously is to cheat.

What beautiful girl!?

This guy is obviously making trouble. If you catch her next time, you must make her look good.

Seeing Lin Luo's tangled expression, kadanya smiles, takes gado and gaman to follow Lin Luo, and walks into the station.

However, the bottom of her heart will be this thing to think about.

Although avrila jumped off, she didn't know how to tell lies. She even said that she would give Linluo a beautiful girl. Maybe she would.

"Linlo, how can he attract bees everywhere?" Katanya had a headache, thinking about how to look after this guy.

It's a regular train. It's an imperial train.

Because there are too many people coming here this time. In addition to Dean green of xingyaocheng college, Dawning team and others, there are other teams in the Eastern Division who have entered the top eight. They all come together.

When Linluo walked into the station, he immediately sensed the position of Serena and others and just stepped off the train.

Together with Leslie and others.

As soon as Linluo passed by, Leslie found out and cried out happily, "brother Linluo, this way, this way..."

Finish saying, this goods directly rushed up, want to give Lin Luo a hug.

However, Lin Luo ignored him, directly staggered, gave Serena a a hug, "hard for you, Lieutenant!"

Serena smiles and suddenly says, "are you in trouble again, or are you hiding something from me?"

The woman's keen intuition told Serena that there must be something wrong with this guy, otherwise, he would not be enthusiastic!?

Lin Luo was startled and said with a smile, "how can I hide something from you?"!? Ha ha ha... "

As everyone knows, his expression at the moment, a look at something. Make complaints about

Leslie's stiffness in situ, watching Linluo and Selena two people sprinkle dog food in public, and feel so sour that they can't help but Tucao: "depend on, have heterosexual inhumanity!!"

All of a sudden, Leslie saw katanya's figure, walking slowly towards this side, and suddenly exclaimed, "linlo Brother linlo, come on Look, Princess Empire, Princess kadanya! "

His voice was trembling. "Wow, Princess kadanya came to see her off in person. Who is it that has such a big face?"

Leslie's words instantly attracted the attention of the rest of the team.

"Wow, it's really Princess kadanya!"

"So beautiful, so beautiful!"

"She deserves to be an imperial princess. Even the two foreign servants around her are the best in the world."

"Ah, Princess kadanya is looking at me, she is looking at me..."

"Get out of my way, Princess kadanya. She's looking at me."

"Whoa, whoa!! She's coming. Princess kadanya is coming this way. Is the person she's going to pick up also here? "

In the crowd's scream, kadanya was smiling. She came all the way and finally stopped in front of Serena. She suddenly said, "sister Serena, you're here at last. Nice to meet you!"

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