Chu Tianhui's anger at the bottom of his heart has reached the limit. He yells: "avrila, you must get away from me, or I will fight with you."

However, his threat is nothing to avrila.

"Wow, don't you know that linlo is my horse? If you beat him, I'll beat you. "

Avrila yelled, "if you have seed, don't run. I'm going to blow you to death..."

With that, avrila's speed suddenly increased.

Not only that, her hands of the super flame balls sent out the smell of destruction, more and more terror.


Chu Tianhui gave a sneer.

Why did he run!?

Not only can he not run, he even wants to fight back

Chu Tianhui plans to beat up avrila in front of him first. At that time, he wants to see who dares to stop him from killing Lin Luo?

The next moment, the great spiritual power suddenly condenses into a spiritual armor to protect the whole body.

Chu Tianhui looks confident and stands in the same place.

In his opinion, although avrila's power pill is powerful, it is impossible to tear up the defense of his power armor.

His spiritual power, as early as in the breakthrough to A-level, on a step.

The armor is made of the whole body's spiritual power. Its defense power is extremely terrifying. You can't break the defense unless it's a S-level combat skill.

And is the ball in avrila's hand a S-level combat skill!?

How can it be!?

Chu Tianhui has a good look.

The next moment, however, his face changed.

Because of the super ball in avrila's hand, the color suddenly changed.

The original flaming flame power suddenly flashed a pale blue, which made the breath of destruction emitted by the flame ball in her hand almost increase in geometric multiples

As a result, the turquoise flame ball that destroyed the seal of the foreign channel at the beginning reappeared in the world. Just now, Evra's flame ball may not reach the s level, but now it may be.

When Lin Luo saw the appearance of the pale blue flame, he felt a little bad. When the terrible familiar breath broke out, he was shocked.

He almost forgot.

This is a special beast husky. When this magical creature completely releases herself, what can she do!?

Lin Luo couldn't care to eat any more. He yelled at several people nearby, "Wow, don't eat anything special. Hurry to find a place to hide!"

Gianna also saw this scene, her heart suddenly set off waves.

This kind of war skill, can join the ability unexpectedly!? Not only that, but also can bear the blue flame of avrila.

That is to say, as long as avrila wants, this kind of ball fighting skill can instantly reach A-level and S-level

I'll be good!

It's just

Gianna's mood, no longer know how to describe.

However, it was such a terrible war skill that its creator threw it around like a cabbage.

Even if you are willing to learn, he will teach!!

Gianna's beautiful eyes kept flashing, and she decided in her heart that she must learn this combat skill.

Then, she turned her head and saw that several people in Linluo were retreating crazily, even greeting her.

It means to let her run with her.

Gianna was stunned for a moment. She suddenly remembered that avrila was holding S-level combat skills

S level combat skill!?

Trenching!! That fool

The next moment, Gianna is running for her life, running crazy behind linlo

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