Chu Tianhui saw the situation and ran away.

If he doesn't run any more, he won't have a chance to wait, because bangu, who is in front of him, has already ignited himself and brought the flame to his side.

The more powerful the spirit is, the more terrifying the fire is!!

Banggu's look was no longer as calm as before. If the flame was allowed to burn down like this, he would be dead.

As a last resort, he could only shout for help, "Uncle JAS, Mier, come and help me as soon as possible!"

I heard bangu calling for help.

Chu Tianhui and the people who eat melons around him run faster.

Even bigwigs like Banggu can't stop them. If they don't run long ago, they will be dead.

JAS, Mier and gilness on the pavilion in the distance suddenly felt a frenzied shiver and chill.

They don't understand!?

Why is the third man in the S-level ranking calling for help!?

But now is not the time to think about this. Banggu must have encountered a crisis of life and death, even fatal. Otherwise, he would not easily call for help.

The next moment, the figure of JAS and Mier flashed, and they appeared in front of Banggu in the blink of an eye. They felt Banggu's state at this time and took a breath of air.

What the hell is going on!? Bongo can ignite a fire!?

There was almost no hesitation. The two men's spiritual power kept shaking. They wanted to extinguish the flames around them with a powerful spiritual storm.

However, at this time, Banggu's warning suddenly sounded, "don't use the spirit power. These flames feed on the spirit power. The stronger the spirit power is, the fiercer the flame burns. At last, it ignites and burns, and there is no corpse..."

JAS and Mier were shocked and quickly annihilated the spirit power in their body.

Can't use psychic power!?

How to put out the flames in front of us!?

JAS's face was gloomy and he bit his teeth. Then he took out a delicate Yujing vial and poured out a drop of crystal clear liquid

When this drop of liquid appeared, the temperature of the surroundings dropped suddenly, and the temperature of the flame was suppressed by force.

At this time, bell suddenly put out the fire in the open space. It was the moon that couldn't bring out the cold

Later, Bell said to Aisha: "it seems that master Linluo's plan is going to be seen through. This man obviously came back from the fourth dimension. If he can have the moon spring, it should not be difficult to identify the royal family of elves!"

Asha didn't speak.

At the moment, she is like a fairy in the moon, out of the dust, noble

Bell saw Aisha's appearance and understood that he didn't intend to help at all. He was dumbfounded and didn't know what was on his mind!?

Gradually, under the chill of the moon spring, the flame was gradually extinguished.

There was a twinkle in JAS's face.

This kind of moon spring is born from the moon tree, the guardian tree of the royal family of spirits. Even in the fourth dimension, it is extremely precious.

JAS has been in the holy land for more than ten years, but he has only collected two drops. Today, he has lost a lot of money. It's no wonder he doesn't feel sorry.

The next moment, his anger suddenly rose, and he had decided in his heart that he must seize the culprit who caused all this today, and then he will be broken into pieces

And the culprit, that is, linlo, and the little girl named avrila.

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