"Wow, this guy is so swollen that he dares to be disrespectful to the eldest princess."

"Brothers, hurry up and get this guy's address and flesh out. I'll go and chop him to death myself."

"Count me in."

"What's more, I'd like to see how Lin Luo used a hundred meter long sword to kill the princess?"

"If Linluo can't kill Princess Chang, I'll kill you..."

In the live broadcast room of battle. Net, many people heard that someone was going to kill the princess Chang with a sword hundreds of meters long. In a moment, they got angry and began to fight each other.

Sheep Baa Baa is not excited.

The strong is fearless, worthy of the strong is fearless, even qualified to receive the imperial Princess Laura letter of war.

Idol is invincible

One of them is the imperial princess who dominated the last imperial college competition, and the other is the new traffic king of battle. Net. The strong are fearless. The battle between them will definitely detonate the whole empire.

And linlo, he's just happy.

Even if the eldest princess doesn't come to this afternoon, he will come to her in person, because Laura has a task worth tens of thousands of rewards?

At this time, Jay Nain said again: "of course, it also requires you and dawning team to defeat all the opponents who block the way. If you are eliminated halfway, you are not qualified to let the princess do it in person."

His face suddenly became ferocious, "linlo, if you fail, you will become the sinner of the whole empire, nailed to the humiliation of the Empire, and let everyone despise you."

"And the whole dawning team will be dragged down because of your failure, and will never be able to recover. They will even be assigned to some different dimensions forever. They will never return to the Empire all their lives. If they violate, they will be killed."

Leslie heard Jay Nain full of provocative words, immediately angry, "Wow, you are still this group of guys, really shameless, with two holy places to attract those guys who graduated early back, now still dare to say sarcastic words."

"Gannigang, don't let me meet you in the competition, or you will die."

Think about it. In order to eliminate Lin Luo, the Empire even took the price of two holy places, making other teams start to call up experts one after another.

Now, it's shameless for the imperial family to make sarcastic remarks here.

It's not only Leslie, but the dawn team, Emperor team, senfeng team and artifact team are all angry

Jay Nain ignored Leslie, continued to grin at linlo and said, "linlo, I've given you the chance. It's up to you to grasp it."

"I hope you can hold on to the end, but don't be eliminated halfway..."

Jay Nain said, he decisively back, with the Imperial College, toward his team seat.

At this time, Kidd suddenly took a look at linlo, his face was gloomy, and said a meaningful word, "linlo, we will meet soon..."

With that, he followed the team and left.

But linlo was alert for a moment.

He felt a very gloomy and terrible smell from this guy.

And, very familiar!!

This breath is the breath of Robb, the super S-class strong man of the Empire.

Linlo is sure that this guy's breath is Robb's.


Why is Robert here!?

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