Sheep Baa Baa hears Jiang Heng slander his idol and blows up his hair directly, "master Jiang Heng, are you stupid? If you don't do this, how can you attract other people and surround them?"!? It's called tactics. If you don't understand it, you can read it well and learn it well.... "

Shentemo's tactics!?

Jiang Heng almost choked to death, his face was a little red, "OK, I'd like to see, what's the tactic? Linlo, how on earth is he going to surround so many people? "

The quarrel between the two also made the studio more popular, and countless rhythms took off instantly.

And the audience on the stage, as well as the people in the fight seats, also shook their heads.

Their ideas are similar to Jiang Heng's.

Lin Luo is really stupid. He is looking for his own death. It seems that he will be kicked out soon.

The battle for the list of fighters will soon end, and the final ranking will only be dominated by Lin Qiankun, Jay Nain and Kidd.

On the battlefield.

Rat King's soul concussion, still continue, soon, a close small Gang, has rushed to the vicinity of Linluo.

They are the only few who do not rely on the Lin family and the royal family.

"Linlo, are you really here?"

When these people saw Lin Luo, they immediately got excited. One of them even laughed wildly and said, "hahaha, find out Lin Luo for me and kick him out directly. In this way, the soldier badge on him and the two holy places promised by the royal family are all ours..."

"Linlo is in this position!"

"Come on, go with me and kill him."

In a flash, all of them began to respond, and all of them rushed towards Lin Luo with concussion.

For these shrimps, Lin Luo didn't even bother to take a look. His goal was Lin Qiankun and Jie Nain, "gado, gaman, kill them!"

As soon as Linluo's voice fell, gado and gaman had rushed out.

One punch!!

Just one punch!!


The whole ground vibrated in an instant, and then it burst into pieces.

The people who rush to Linluo are all shocked. When they react, countless cracks have appeared under their feet, like cobwebs, spreading.

Seeing this terrible power again, Lin Luo couldn't help taking a breath of air.

It's too violent.

I can't see it.

Those who rushed to Linluo were stunned by the strange force at the moment. Then they were beaten by gado and gaman one by one.

Immediately after that, he was buried, leaving his head exposed.

Avrila had seen the fighting power of gado and gaman for a long time, but there was no special reaction, while the others were different. Their jaw was almost falling to the ground.

People outside the battlefield also saw the terror fighting capacity of gado and gaman, and their hearts were also slightly shocked.

Is that what linlo relied on to say so much?

"That's linlo's card!"

In the commentary seat, Jiang Heng's voice suddenly rang out, "the fighting power of these two alien women is really strong, but with them, it is impossible to win the people led by Lin Qiankun and Jie Nain."

"Lin Qiankun and Jay Nain are both top class a players, especially Lin Qiankun, who came back from the fourth dimension vanguard team. They are not afraid of Lin Luo at all."

"So, Lin Luo, he will still be eliminated. This is an unchangeable fact..."

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