Lin Qiankun's explanation also calmed others down a little.

"It must be a mutant."

"Yes, in the whole battlefield, who but us

"Brothers, come on, no matter what the mutants or others are around us, we just need to kill Linluo, and the battle for the list of soldiers will be over..."

"Yes, let's go together and kill linlo!"

Once again, everyone calmed down and began to turn to linlo.

In fact, their goal is Lin Luo. As long as Lin Luo is eliminated, their goal will be completed

Suddenly, they started to shout and rush to Linluo again.

"Hum, a bunch of idiots!"

However, at this time, Lin Luo's cold hum suddenly rang out, "have you not found that you have been surrounded by me?"

The next moment, let all people are frightened scene, suddenly happened.

Between the surrounding smoke, suddenly spread a burst of cold hum with one voice, "hum, a group of fools, don't you have found that you have been surrounded by me?"

It's like tens of millions of people talking together.

Hearing these people ring out, everyone's looks suddenly changed, and the bottom of my heart is set off the waves.


"What's the matter?"

"Where do these voices come from? Are we really surrounded?"

Suddenly, there was a chill in Lin Qiankun's eyes. He yelled, "I'll see what you're up to!"

As he spoke, his body had leaped up, and a startling sword suddenly appeared. With a clear sword sound, he disappeared into the smoke.

Bang Bang

The sound of the sword cutting the earth suddenly rises.

"Do you see that, folks?"

Lin Qiankun said with a smile, "there is no one in the smoke at all. These are all the tricks set by Lin Luo."

Fu Wenluo promised that he would not kill the imperial family as long as he followed the imperial family

At this moment, everyone's mind, directly on Weng's sound, exploded.

No less than the benefits of the imperial family!?

Doesn't that mean that as long as you kill Linluo, you can get four holy places

Four holy places!?

My God, this is crazy

It's crazy, because everyone is crazy, like a crazy mutant animal.

At this moment, no one can stop them from killing Lin Luo. If anyone dares to stop them, they will kill anyone

"You're asking them to test linlo!"

Suddenly, Jay Nain said to Lin Qiankun, "the sword you just cut was obviously shot by someone. Although I don't know who did it, it must be Lin Luo's trap."

As he said this, his tone suddenly became taunting. "You Lin family are really willing to have two places in the holy land. As far as I know, there are only three places allocated by you Lin family, right?"

Lin Qiankun's trick was seen through, and his face did not fluctuate. "This is the same with each other, and the holy places allocated by your royal family are not much!"

As long as we wait for Lin Wudao to go out of the pass, we can take the whole Lin family to the sky in an instant. At that time, the whole empire belongs to the Lin family.

It's just two holy places. The Lin family can afford it.

Lin Luo shook his head in front of the crowd, but he was a little crazy.


If you are stupid, read more books

I don't know if they are used. These people are really stupid.

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