Avrila saw this scene, immediately exploded, "Wow, Lin Qiankun, you son of a bitch, do you want to play?"

"Lin Luo is one-on-one with you when he talks about the rules of the world. You can't do it without help. It's shameless..."

In fact, it wasn't just evela, Serena and others.

Everyone's whole body is tight, like a sharp arrow about to take off the string, as if the next moment is about to run out and tear Lin Qiankun to pieces.


Lin Qiankun ignored avrila and others, but locked all his perception on Lin Luo.

His heart is very clear, although Lin Luo suffered his full blow, but this guy's breath is a bit weakened, still a powerful group.

Jay Nain also found out and took a breath of the air conditioner.

he and Lin Qian Kun with the all-out blow, did not have Lin Luo thoroughly to kill, this guy is simply powerful, even to catch up with the long Royal Highness.

They look at each other and make an instant decision to get rid of the past and join hands to kill Lin Luo first

And at this time, Linluo also trembled to get up.

Next, his eyes were fixed on Jay Nain, flashing with infinite ecstasy.

Jay Nain's spiritual secret attack can be transformed into a special chakra, and the kaleidoscope wheel eye is also opened by this special chakra of the spiritual department.

Just now, linlo absorbed chakra, which was transformed from this system, and made his pupil force of the kaleidoscope wheel eye recover a little.

If you continue to absorb, it is very likely that the pupil force of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye will recover completely.

Oh, shit!

This is a surprise.

Serena and others see Lin Luo OK, also slightly relieved, but tight body, but not the slightest lax.

Avrila yelled again, "Linluo, don't fight with these bastards, beat them, kill them..."

Selena, gado, gaman, Leslie and others are not talking, but their looks have already said everything.

What are the rules of the world!?

What's one-on-one!?

These are all bullshit. As long as Lin Luo orders, they will definitely fight together and kill Lin Qiankun and Jie Nain.

But linlo, he suddenly yelled, "no, don't do it. Don't interfere. I'll kill these two guys myself!"

Are you kidding!?

If everyone rushes on, Lin Qiankun and Jay Nain will not last for half a minute, and they will be beaten so much that they don't even know each other

In this way, it's all over.

Linlo will slowly force Jay Nain to drain this guy completely to restore the pupil power of the kaleidoscope wheel eye.

Linluo this wave of sudden Sao operation, instantly let avrila and others Leng in place.

It's time for DUT. Is this guy going to talk about the rules of the world, one on two?

Oh, shit!

Is his head damaged? How can he become stupid!?

This is not domineering.

It's called stupid!!

Lin Qiankun and Jie Nain were also stunned, and their faces darkened quickly. Their murders were as sharp as a blade

Who are they?

One is the ancient god of battle. Net, and the super genius selected into the fourth dimension vanguard team. The other is the deputy leader of Imperial College and the right-hand arm of Princess Laura.

And now, Lin Luo actually wants one to two, single choice!?


Who do you look down on.

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