Deep in the forest behind Lin Luo's team.

Reira was running at top speed with a serious expression on her face.

Behind her.

There were also four people following him.

From the way they were dressed, it was clear that they were members of a small team.


Reira turned her head and asked, "Did you inform Vice Captain, Siebas?"


It was the person who was the closest to Reira.

He answered, "Yes, they have already left from their destination. I believe they will be able to find Selina's team very soon.

Also, Lee Yuan's team, they all pressed the locator four hours ago, and are now saved. "

Hearing that Lee Yuan's team was saved.

Reira heaved a sigh of relief, cursing inwardly, "Damn it! Where did these high-level mutated beasts come from?"

Before the selection began, she had people scan the entire area.

He did not find any high level mutated beasts at all.

In other words …

These mutated beasts had suddenly awakened from their slumber.

Reira would never feel at ease if the academy's team was harmed because of this.

At this moment.

"Captain, how should we deal with these three?"

Reira glanced at the unconscious black clothed man in the hands of her teammates.

When they were searching for Lin Luo's team, they suddenly found that the three of them were being chased by a [B] class Earth Dragon and they were saved.

What he did not expect was …

They actually found some tracking devices on their bodies.

And the target of the pursuit.

It just so happened to be Lin Luo and the others.

How could there be such a coincidence in this world?

Reira's eyes flashed with a cold light. "Bring them back. I want to interrogate them personally."

Hearing that the captain was going to interrogate him personally.

A hint of sympathy appeared in his eyes.

The interrogation methods of the captain weren't as gentle as the others.

At this moment.

At the center of the forest.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider and Lin Luo were in a confrontation.

Suddenly, the Man-Faced Demon Spider let out a strange cry and rushed towards Rat King.

Everyone in Lin Luo's team.

His facial expression changed drastically.

Su Xiaoyu's legs began to tremble.

This had nothing to do with being timid.

Rather, it was the might and pressure that came from the depths of one's soul.

Being able to stand was already quite good.

He saw the Man-Faced Demon Spider attack.

Lin Luo shouted, "President Selina, activate all your ice attribute abilities to stop the droplets of blood from continuing forward."

Selina's face was pale.

Her Ice Discipline was indeed suited for combat control.

However, due to the short duration of the awakening, no more control-type offensive skills have yet been developed.


The human face drop of blood was simply too huge. It was still an unknown whether or not her ice-type Discipline would be effective.

However, the situation now …

There wasn't much time for her to think.

Selina could only listen to Lin Luo and fully activate her ice-type superpower.

Suddenly …

A thick fog rose from the depths of the mutated forest.

Water Escape. Concealment Fog Technique!

The chakura that Lin Luo erupted with was too huge, and the density of the fog had never been this dense before.

At this moment.

The temperature in the forest began to drop rapidly. Countless water droplets began to condense in the fog, and started to rain.

Ice energy met water.

It was like pouring hot oil into a burning flame.

In the blink of an eye.

Within a radius of a few hundred meters, the temperature dropped rapidly and turned into a world of ice.

Countless sharp icicles formed and bombarded the blood droplets from all directions.

This was also the limit of what Selina could do.

Due to overexertion of his Discipline.

The Spiritual Energy in her body consumed them too quickly.

In less than a minute, it was about to come to an end.

A sheen of sweat covered her forehead.

Lin Luo was also a bit anxious.

If he could escape by fire.

A single rich fireball was enough to grill the droplets of blood on the other party's face to seventy percent.

There was no need to go through so much trouble.

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