Outside the battlefield.

Lin Qinghe suddenly sneered, "with the seal of space blockade and the divine power of destroying the compass, Lin Luo is already a dead man!"

"The power of God!"

Ace, the super expert in the Royal College, suddenly exclaimed. He took a careful look at Lin Qinghe, and then said, "I didn't expect that in order to kill Lin Luo, you should take out all these divine weapons. It's really a big deal!"

Only weapons contaminated with the power of God in the fifth dimension can be called weapons of God.

Every God's weapon contains a powerful and strange power, which can suppress the fate of a tribe or even a race. It can not be used unless it is a last resort.

In the whole third dimension, there are very few forces qualified to possess God's weapons.

"We are like each other!" Lin Qinghe said faintly: "in order to deal with Lin Luo, don't you also take out the space seal that the super-s class strong can use?"

After a pause, he continued: "in fact, this is not a complete weapon of God. It's just a common vessel with a trace of God's power. Even so, there is no problem in killing linlo."

After all, once the opponent turns to the end of the sea, he will not be able to escape to the end of the sea

Said here, his eyes, sudden flash out of a fine awn, "however, the power of God can not be defense, Lin Luo, he is dead."

At this time, ACE also said, "even if Linluo wants to escape, he can't escape, because the surrounding void has been sealed for a long time. No one can break the space seal except the ancestors of the Empire and the elves..."

Then he and Lin Qinghe looked at each other and immediately began to laugh.

In their eyes.

Linlo is doomed this time!!

It's not far away.

Ray Allen, Lei Jian, Lei qianjue and valkiri all frowned.

The volume head of space seal, together with the destruction compass containing the power of God, is Linluo really going to be killed?

Even Gianna's heart, also raised a trace of concern, this man full of mystery, is it going to end?

On the battlefield.

When the black edge of the destruction compass broke out, Lin Luo had already been cautious, and chakra in his body was madly restless.

He did not expect that there was a trace of divine power in Lin Qiankun's compass.

As long as the relationship with God, the power is not small.

Linlo knew that for a long time.

After all, the immortal corpse in the secret place of the God of war is the existence of the same level as the God. Only a trace of power permeated from the immortal corpse can form a terrifying alien creature.

And the complete immortal corpse has reached 500000 reward value.


With a trace of God's power, you want to kill Linluo. That's too small of Linluo.

God's weapon, he also has, and is a complete three artifact.

Linlo wants to see it, too.

Whose are his three artifact and the weapon of God in this world more powerful

Suddenly, Linluo's kaleidoscope eyes suddenly open, an orange red chakra, frantically rushed out, and quickly wrapped Linluo's whole body.

Then, the second form of Su Zuo Neng Hu suddenly appeared and stood in the battlefield.

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