As the organizer of the last round of the Imperial College competition, the royal family changed the rules of the competition system privately. If this kind of thing is spread out, it will definitely be reviled by everyone.

But now, Jay Nain can't manage that much.

Now Lin Luo has won the first place in the list of fighters and the second place in the list of assassins. He must not be allowed to enter the list of reloading.

In the past imperial college competition, the people who entered the double list were. Norat, who is known as the first madman in the Empire, once won the first place in the list of soldiers and the third place in the list of shooters.

But with norat's uncanny talent, he just won the double list. The third list has never appeared in the history of Empire.

If linlo made the remake list, he would be the only one in the history of the Empire to win the third.

People who always support the Empire will definitely choose. At that time, it will not be so easy for the royal family to move linlo.

So, even if it's a big risk, Jay Nain will stop linlo. As soon as his order was given, the pressure of the whole Zhenling battlefield and Zhenling peak suddenly disappeared.

In the battlefield, Lin Luo suddenly felt light on his body and frowned immediately. "The seal and pressure of Zhenling battlefield have disappeared!"

For Lin Luo, these seals and pressures are just a decoration, useless.

But for Ray Allen, Lei Jian and Lei qianjue, it's different.

When the seal and pressure of Zhenling battlefield disappear, it means that they can burst out spirit power and use powers. Combined with the blood and multiple strength of Berserker, their combat power will increase in a straight line and increase several times in an instant.

The next moment, three deafening roars, suddenly sounded. It was followed by the sudden appearance of thunder all over the sky, which filled the whole battlefield.

Lin Luo can find out that the seal of Zhenling battlefield has disappeared. Naturally, Ray Allen, Lei Jian and Lei qianjue can also find out that they have the strongest fighting power in an instant.

All previous captains of the thunder team, in addition to the blood of the awakened warrior, also awakened the thunder ability, which is why the thunder team is named after thunder

In today's battlefield, only avrila doesn't know what happened. She has been under the protection of Linluo and can't feel any changes in the Zhenling battlefield.

When the artillery was bombarding her, a lot of fun.

However, the next moment, a thunder suddenly flashed, suddenly tore the flame blockade, and attacked and killed Linluo and avrila.

"Wow, how can this product become so fierce?" Avrila looks at Ray Allen in thunder suit and is shocked.

Ray Allen can't be compassionate. Just now he was caught by avrila, which made his anger reach the extreme. Now that we have the opportunity, how can we let Elvira go.

Thunder power, crazy warrior blood, multiple strength, at this moment, all burst out, making Ray Allen's speed, strength have reached the peak, hit avrila.

There was a little panic on avrila's face, and then it suddenly solidified. It's too late to dodge. If she's hit by Ray Allen, she won't have to fight any more in this college competition, just lie in the hospital

However, at this time, Linluo pushes away avrila, but he is exposed to Ray Allen's iron fist.

When Ray Allen saw that Linluo himself had sent him to the door, he immediately grinned, "hahaha, Linluo, die for me..."

Then there was a roar of thunder.

Lin Luo's figure was hit by Ray Allen and flew out. However, this is not over, the second Thunderclap followed.

At this time, Lei qianjue catches up with Lin Luo and immediately comes behind him. The first whip kicks Lin Luo lazily, just like a ball, kicks Lin Luo back

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