On the battlefield.

Ray Allen and ray qianjue are green when they see Lin Luo's split body exploding.

They just opened up their fighting power, so they had a special engagement!? What the hell is this? It's almost no different from the entity.

Moreover, their spiritual power broke out completely, and they could not feel the slightest breath of Linluo. This guy seemed to have completely disappeared from the battlefield.

Avrila will not consider these, she saw Ray Allen and ray thousand absolute two people beat violently, unexpectedly is a part of Lin Luo, instantly understood.

Isn't this brother fearless's unique skill? How did linlo learn that?

The next moment, her heart finally relaxed, followed by a burst of laughter, "Wow, you two big idiots, even to a split open big, but also played for a long time before the split burst, did not eat in the morning? Can you play? Go home... "

At the same time, there is also a suspicion in avrila's mind, "isn't it This product is a fearless fan of the strong Well, very likely! "

Ray Allen and ray qianjue are about to explode, and then they are caught by avrila. How can they bear it? The next moment, they turn into thunder and kill avrila in the roaring explosion.

"Damn it!" Avrila was startled, and quickly summoned the Feitian firestorm bear to use the terrain advantage to snipe Ray Allen and ray qianjue.

However, ray Allan and ray qianjue have burst out the crazy warrior's blood, multiple strength and thunder abilities. Their speed is several times faster than the speed of sound. In the blink of an eye, they come to avrila's side and don't give her the chance to summon the flying flame bear

The next moment, two blow up the empty fist, directly toward avrila hit down, see about to blow avrila fly.

And at this time, a ripple in the space suddenly rippled open, followed by a figure suddenly appeared, stopped in front of avrila.

Lei qianjue was overjoyed and cried out: "Linluo, you've come out at last. We've been waiting for you for a long time."

Between the words, he and Ray Allen attack avrila's fist, almost at the same time change the trajectory, and turn to hit at Linluo.

Ray Allen and ray qianjue attack avrila decisively in order to attract Lin Luo. After all, the enemy hiding in the dark is the most terrible.

As long as Linluo comes out, Ray Allen and ray qianjue can absolutely crush Linluo and kill him completely.

In fact, as they expected, Lin Luo came out.

However, at the next moment, the fists of Ray Allen and ray qianjue went straight through Linluo's body and almost fell down zhenlingfeng.

"This Or separate? "

"Oh, no, we're trapped..."

Thunder thousand absolute moment reaction come over, however already late.

The next moment, Lin Luo has appeared in front of him, holding a large jade spiral pill with a diameter of more than five or six meters in his hand, facing Lei qianjue's chest.

When he attacked Lei qianjue just now, he engraved the skill of flying Thunder God on Lei qianjue. No matter how fast Lei qianjue's speed is, it can't be faster than the skill of flying Thunder God.


The void vibrates and collapses. One after another, the shock wave of air flow suddenly takes shape and spreads wildly, sweeping the whole battlefield in an instant.

Lei qianjue's defense is really strong, and he can resist the attack of Linluo spiral pill.

But Lin Luo said that there is nothing that can't be solved by pills. If there is, it's just that the pills are not big enough

The super large jade spiral pill with a diameter of more than five or six meters, even if Lei qianjue's physique reached the s level, could not wait. He was directly blasted down zhenlingfeng and smashed on the ground.

I killed one first, and it was a second kill!!

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