Then, the audience on the stage, as well as some people in the fight seat, all turned their eyes to the royal college team, especially Jay Nain.

What happened in the Zhenling battlefield, seal runes and pressure suddenly disappeared. If it had nothing to do with the royal family, they would not believe it.

Many people have guessed that Jay Nain did it.

However, it was he who made people cancel the seal and pressure in the Zhenling battlefield, and completely released the force of famine in Linluo's body. He instantly crushed Ray Allen and ray qianjue. His achievements were amazing, and he was driven to catch up with and surpass the first generation of the current college.

It can be said that Jay Nain is lifting a stone and smashing himself in the foot.

The pictures in the battlefield have already spread throughout the empire through the official battle. Net and other mainstream media.

Now, a lot of people know about linlo. The Empire worships the strong, and kendo people are sure that linlo will soon become the idol of the new generation of the Empire.

At that time, the Empire wanted to move linlo, but it was difficult.

In fact, it is true that Jay Nain is now as miserable as swallowing countless dead flies. He risked a great deal of inaction and finally accomplished Linluo.

Now, the royal family has a bad reputation, but linlo is completely famous.

Now that linlo has won the top three, it's impossible to stop him. We can only start from other aspects.

At the same time, Lin Jie's eyes fell on Qinghe. Their eyes met with an indescribable meaning.

Sheep Baa Baa see Linluo won the three list, thoroughly hi over, even more excited than her own on the stage. It's not long before linlo becomes an imperial idol.

In the live broadcast room of battle. Net, all the little friends were completely destroyed.

"NIMA, hi, this Lin Luo is the real man, the real face is hard, the three hard core captains of the thunder team actually won."

"My God, the first person in the history of the Empire to win three lists, linlo, this is invincible."

"It is estimated that only brother Wuwei and Princess Chang can fight head-on..."

"I don't know why. I'm a little worried about brother Wuwei. With Lin Luo's valiant achievements, if brother Wuwei is really right, he will kneel down."

"What are you talking about? How can the invincible be defeated? "

"Don't you see a problem? Avrila, the goddess of imperial fire dance, stealthily took the second place in the double list, which is absolutely the most explosive achievement in the history of the fire team.... "

"The goddess holds Lin Luo's thick thigh and paddles all the way to the top of her life. Wow, it's amazing."

"You know a hammer. It's called being wise as a fool. If it's you, do you dare to paddle with Lin Luo in front of the three hard core team leaders of the thunder team?"

"Wow, how dare you call the goddess a fool? You are a fool. The goddess is not a fool. I can crush everyone... "

In the team seat, Gianna looks at avrila, who is walking at the pace of not knowing her family and constantly laughing and showing off, with a trace of envy in her eyes.

This two goods, even lying with a double list

Is it true that a fool is blessed with stupidity?

If you were Gianna, with her steady style, she would not paddle with Lin Luo in front of the three hard core team leaders of the thunder team

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