"Won!? Mr. Lin Luo won! "

"Mr. Lin Luo won the top four lists? Become the first person in the history of Imperial College competition to win the top four

Long live, long live

"Serena is also powerful, and Su Xiaoyu, especially Fu Xinyi, even suppressed senior Lin Luo and became the number one assassin on the list..."

"Long live dawning team, long live Xingyao City psychic college!"

The students of xingyaocheng psychic college cried and laughed and hugged each other. On this day, they have waited too long, and now they can finally be proud.

"Won? We won! " The elder of Green's house was in tears.

He did his best to set up this college team. Originally, he just wanted to restore some dignity and reappear the glory of the college before. But he didn't expect that Lin Luo swept the four lists with his own goal.

Yes, sweeping.

Because in addition to Lin Luo, Fu Xinyi, Su Xiaoyu and AI Sha are all on the list.

On the chair, all the old professors of the Institute of Rune were staring at each other, with an incredible look in their eyes. Even Mr. Peibo, who has strong confidence in Linluo, looks shocked.


It's really through

He can't understand how strong this 33 fold defense is. Even bangu, No. 3 on the S-level list, launched a full blow, but only to break through 29.

And linlo, he hit 33 times.

Pei Bo, looking at Lin Luo, suddenly burst out a strong interest and said in secret: "what is the fighting skill of that demon like figure? So powerful Is it true that the God of war is coming? "

at this time, one of the old professors swallowed a spit and said, "do you say that the princess can beat him with this strength of Lin Lo?"

"It should be OK. After all, Princess Chang has stepped into the s level. With her accumulation, even if she has just stepped into the s level, she will surely become the most powerful existence in the s level."

"I think it's a bit mysterious. One hit through the 33 fold defense and the rune shield of the battlefield. This strength has obviously surpassed the s level. No matter how strong the princess is, it can't be stopped by this move alone."

Others nodded, apparently in agreement.

It's not just the old professors at the rune school who are talking about it, but other people in the arena are also talking about it.

"This Lin Luo, what has he experienced since he left the Lin family? How did it get so terrible? "

"Now there's a good play to watch. Lin Luo's strength has become so terrible that it's estimated that the Lin family can't sit still."

"I hope that Lin Luo can defeat the yama clan of the Lin family and win the first place in the Imperial College competition, because I want to see what face the Lin family will have to occupy the position of the head of the four families at that time?"

In fact, many forces in the imperial city are very dissatisfied with the fact that the Lin family has occupied the top position of the four families for a long time, and the emergence of Lin Luo undoubtedly gives the major forces a chance to reshuffle their cards.

All of a sudden, many people look at Lin's eyes, full of schadenfreude.

What they didn't expect, however, was that the people in the yama clan were just a little shocked, and then they immediately recovered their peace. Their eyes looking at Lin Luo were full of fun

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