Boom, boom, boom

Every time chakra's sword and sword collided, the battlefield would tremble, and the arena would make heavy sounds.


In the quiet arena, suddenly thought of a string of swallowing voice.

And the battlefield broadcast room is also countless, it is burst.

"Wow, what's going on?"

"Who is the man who fought with linlo? What a strong look. "

"This man is Kidd of Imperial Academy, the earliest ancient gods of battle net. He dares to be tough with Lin Luo, so strong..."

"I'll go. After Linluo's God of war came, the sword in his hand seemed to be a little longer. It was not far away from 100 meters."

"Fortunately, the latest Rune technology was used in this imperial college competition, which shifted the battlefield to different dimensions. Otherwise, the battle between the two men would only overturn the arena of the imperial capital."

"If it's a man, it's hard. Brother Lin Luo, a real man doesn't explain..."

They can't see the situation inside the space seal. Naturally, they don't know what's going on inside. Otherwise, it will be more crazy

Because the fearless brother of battle. Net finally appeared.

On the commentary seat, Jiang Heng looked excited and began to explain, "so strong, these two people are so strong. Kidd is worthy of being the ancient god of battle net. He knows that Linluo is the king of single challenge. He even dares to be tough with Linluo. It seems that the tribe is inferior. "

After learning that Lin Luo is a fearless man, especially seeing that Lin Luo's hidden strength can hang all the teams, Jiang Heng's attitude suddenly made a 180 degree turn.

He knelt and licked linlo crazily, "but No matter how strong Kidd is, it's only under the condition that Linluo doesn't break out the strongest fighting skills. As long as Linluo uses his fighting skills to break through the 33 defenses yesterday, he will surely be able to lay the foundation and win the war. "

"And Kidd, the Super Master of the Royal Academy and the God of battle. Net, will become the stepping stone for the rise of Lin Luo, just like Lin Qinghe..."

"I'll see how far linlo can go!"

Jiang Heng's passionate explanation is that the sheep are bleating. She looks suspicious and stares at Jiang Heng. She seems to want to know why Jiang Heng suddenly changes his attention and praises Lin Luo crazily.

Is He also found out the identity of linlo!?

On the battlefield.

The sword cut out of Robert's hand, once again with Lin Luo's su Zuo Neng, rolled up a violent shock wave.

And his figure was forced back a few steps by the powerful anti earthquake force.

"Perfect, perfect..." Looking at Linluo's Scarlet eyes and suzanneng's magical figure, Robb suddenly said, "Linluo, as long as you stop and offer your body, I can give you the chance of reincarnation and help you find a new body..."

"Otherwise, you will pay for your impulsive choice."

Lin Luo couldn't help laughing. "Do you think highly of yourself?"

"If your true body comes, I may have some scruples, but you should not choose to take away Kidd's body. Now you can't even exert 30% of your power in your heyday. How can I be afraid of you..."

"Stop talking nonsense. If you want my immortal body, come and get it."

The expression on Robb's face suddenly condensed, and a cold murderer sent out, "good, very good. In that case, you can die for me..."

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