"No, it's not!"

Norat denied, "I came back this time for the elves. It's just by the way to settle your feud with the royal family. "

There was no fluctuation of spiritual power in his body, but the feeling to Linluo was as deep as the sea.

"This man is not easy to deal with." So Lorraine thought.

At the beginning, norat just entered the S-level, and directly became the number one in the S-level list, surpassing all the old strong, and was praised as the most likely genius in the Empire to become a super-s-level strong, with outstanding talent.

Norat would no doubt be on Laura's side if she were to be completely shameless with the royal family now. Linluo can be fearless, but what about Serena and others?

Almost in an instant, linlo fell into thinking.

Next to him, Leslie, avrila and Gianna are all waiting for Linluo's decision, while Selena, as well as other members of dawn team, are also watching Linluo.

, "Your Highness, I can accept your war."

Suddenly, Lin Luo's voice rang up, "you and I, no matter win or lose, gratitude and resentment are written off."

The next moment, his voice suddenly became excited, "but From now on, if the royal family dares to annoy me again, then I will uproot the whole royal family. No matter who it is, as long as it is a member of the royal family, I will not let it go. "

"Don't doubt my strength, I can do it..."

"What are you talking about?" Laura heard Lin Luo's words, instantly furious, "you are going to uproot the royal family? You're threatening me! "

"Yes, I'm threatening you!"

Lin Luo's face is calm, but the whole person is like a full bow string, "I only have this one condition, if you promise, then after the first world war between you and me, the enmity between me and the royal family will be written off."

"If you don't agree, I'm still saying that yesterday's event, all those involved in it will die..."

Although Laura has a task worth tens of thousands of rewards, for the sake of Serena, even if she has more rewards, she can give up

"If you dare to threaten the royal family, you are looking for death!" Laura clenched her teeth, her body suddenly shook, as if she would start next moment.

At this moment, norat suddenly said, "linlo, I've agreed to your terms for the eldest princess."

He looked at linlo and said, "from now on, after your battle with the eldest princess, no one from the royal family will look for your trouble, nor the trouble around you."

"If anyone dares to violate it, you don't have to do it. Norat will be the first one to let him go..."

Norat finished, his back soaked in cold sweat.

He just glanced at the dawn team. When his eyes fell on Aisha, his whole body fell into the abyss.

Norat will never forget the breath of Asha.

This is the spirit of the royal family, not only that, Aisha looked at Laura's eyes, clearly revealed a strong killing.

Norat is sure that as long as Laura refuses linlo's offer, she will be on the must kill list of the elves

Norat doesn't know about linlo's relationship with the elves, but he can't let Laura take risks. So even if linlo's conditions are unreasonable, he must agree.

Once you are targeted by the elves, not to mention Laura, even the whole empire will never have peace from now on

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