All the members of the yama clan are boarded with the seeds of darkness by the creatures of the dark dimension. They turn their bodies into black fog and travel through the void. This is one of the forces brought by the seeds of darkness.

Lin Qiankun's strength is not weak, reaching A-level peak, infinitely close to S-level, and the strength of ancient warnet God is beyond doubt.

However, there was no panic on Gianna's face, and her inner spiritual power was shocked suddenly. At the next moment, it seemed that the air of ice and cold for which the void was about to freeze suddenly spread.

Lin Qiankun's fist had just been smashed, and he suddenly found that all the emptiness around him was locked by the cold. The frost visible to the naked eye quickly condensed, and countless ice cones were gathered in an instant. Like a storm, it tilted down towards Lin Qiankun, and directly tied him into a hornet's nest.

Nature is the third form of the ice power. It can instantly change the form of the power according to its own ideas. Even the ice power, which is good at assisting, can play a powerful lethality.

"Hum!" When Lin Qiankun saw the ice cone coming, he didn't want to dodge at all. His body turned into black fog and let the ice cone penetrate his body.

But his fist didn't hesitate and went straight down.

Gianna's heart trembled and she took a breath of cold air, and the ice power burst to the extreme. An ice wall suddenly condensed, blocking Lin Qiankun's fist in front.

With the first ice wall, naturally there is a second one.

But in a flash, between the fists of Gianna and Lin Qiankun, there were countless ice walls, which made people gape.

But no matter how many ice walls there are, it's no use.


Under Lin Qiankun's fist, the first ice wall broke, then the second, the third

Countless ice walls were smashed by Lin Qiankun.

"Ha ha ha, it's no use. Die for me!" Jilin was all grinning at Anna.

With the seeds of darkness, Lin Qiankun not only turned his body into a black fog and was immune to his opponent's physical attacks, but also strengthened his strength and speed to the extreme.

His current strength is definitely no less than that of the western region.


Powerful power instantly penetrated into Gianna's body, making her face appear a trace of panic.

Outside the audience saw this scene, immediately silent.

Second kill

Gianna, the ice goddess, was killed by seconds.

"Wow, what's going on?"

"Why did Lin Qiankun become so powerful?"

"The archer is even more immune to distant attack, and the way for you to be immune to distant attack is to steal fart..."

"Dig a grass, physical immunity!? How can we play this? "

"The goods are definitely open. I want to report him..."

In the team seats, all the members of the yama team sneered. Since the dark seeds were planted in the body, everyone had the ability of Lin Qiankun.

It can be said that today's Yanluo team has already changed.

This battle, Lin Qiankun won!!

"Impossible? Why is frost girl so weak? " Avrila's face changed and exclaimed.

Then, her body suddenly stood up, trying to rush into the battlefield to save people, but the next moment was pressed back by Linluo.

"You're in a hurry. The game isn't over yet?" Linluo rolled his eyes, and there was a curve in the corner of his mouth.

Good play, it seems to start!!

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