Looking back dozens of steps of Laura, everyone was stunned for a while, and then recovered.

"Wow, what's the matter?"

"the first generation of the contemporary college, the royal highness of the princess has been suppressed!"

"Brother Fearless is so strong!"

"Princess Chang is also very strong, but she seems to be a little weaker than brother Wuwei..."

"You know a hammer. They haven't been serious since just now. They have been fighting with sword skills and physical skills. The only big move just now is to surprise."

, "yes, the royal highness of the princess is suppressed. It can only show that Lin Luo's body skill is stronger."

"Damn, who are you talking about? Don't leave after school

"Next is the key. The princess is going to be serious..."

even across the battle screen, everyone can feel the Royal Manor emanating from his royal highness, as if to penetrate everything.

Laura's face was a little ugly.

Her sword skill, which she was proud of, had no choice but to take Linluo and was defeated.

The next moment, the void around Laura began to become chaotic, countless air around her rotation, and her hand's Rune sword, now turned into a blood color, flashing red.

The power of blood Elimination!!

Laura even put the power of blood elimination into the sword skill.

It seems that influenced by the power of blood elimination, the air flow around Laura also shows a trace of blood color at the moment, and the rotation is faster and faster, finally wrapping the whole person of Laura.

What's more, Laura's figure began to rise slowly and float in the air with the help of the airflow.

The next moment, the air suddenly dissipated.

But Laura's appearance has changed greatly. There are some blood colored lines on her forehead, which adds some mystery to Laura.

Laura's wings are very similar to the wings of a bat. It's even more similar to the wings of a bat.

If you look carefully, you will find that Laura's eyes, there is also a change.

Become indifferent, become high above, as if the legendary god overlooking the ants in general.

With the emergence of the power of blood elimination, the whole arena, the whole battle. Net studio, and even the whole empire of men, can't help but have a bit of infatuation.

This is the real goddess. She is very domineering.

No, it should be the queen!?

Linluo frowned and looked up at Laura in the air.

I don't know why, when Laura became this posture, he had a trace of disgust, as if he had met some natural enemy.

When linlo thought about it, he understood.

It should be his immortal body that repels Laura, and the only one that repels her is the immortal's mortal enemy, the Legendary God.

"Is Is there God's blood in the body of the long princess

Lin Luo said in secret: "if it is true, the elimination power of blood in her body may also come from the blood of God..."

It's no wonder that the reward system will be worth tens of thousands of blood.

The legendary blood of God!?

It's worth it.

At this time, Laura, who was suspended in the air, looked down at Linluo below. She pointed the long Rune sword in her hand, without any sign. A trace of blood flashed by, and the force of elimination suddenly started

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