The sword in Laura's hand shakes, and the shadow of the sword disappears suddenly. All of them gather in the rune sword, which blooms a dazzling blood awn.

At the same time, the mysterious lines on her forehead suddenly disappeared, and she climbed up to the rune sword along her arm, like tadpoles, covering the whole body of the sword.

The next moment, the blood awn extends towards the tip of the sword.

With the continuous injection of spiritual power into Laura's body, the erratic blood is more and more prosperous and solid.

"This is..." Norat eyes dignified, "Laura want to fight with all her strength, completely determine the outcome?"

In fact, he also saw some clues. Lin Luo's performance seemed very weak, but his whole body was full of breath, like an abyss.

On the contrary, Laura, the overload of blood elimination force has appeared. If it goes on like this, it's no doubt that she will lose. It's better to do her best. In the

team, other members of the other teams were also shocked and shocked. The royal highness of such a state was simply terrible.


Laura, with her sword in her hand, began to thrust forward.

There is no fancy sword shadow, there is only a bloody sword, fast to the extreme.

However, just at this time, Lin Luo's retreating body suddenly stopped, feeling the strong killing in front of him, and his mouth suddenly withdrew a little radian, "are you desperate? You want to win with one shot!? In that case, come on. "

After that, Lin Luo bit his finger, pressed it down, and suddenly drank, "the art of channeling. Wuchong Luosheng gate!"

As soon as the words came to an end, the ground between Laura and Lin Luo suddenly vibrated. Five scarlet gates, 100 meters high and engraved with the mask of green ghost tusks, stood up in the battlefield.

With the support of magic, Lin Luo can finally summon the ultimate defensive ninja.

"This is the iron gate where Linluo resisted my blue flame!"

Outside the battlefield, when avrila saw wuchong luoshengmen, she jumped up from her position and exclaimed, "isn't there only Sanchong? When did it become five instead of two

The five fold Rosen gate was printed in the deep of Laura's eyes, but Laura's face did not change at all, but the speed became faster.


Like a bloody meteor.

The sound of Nora's sword crashing into the body is the sound of her sword

There was silence, and the picture seemed to be still.

Everyone looked at the scene in the battlefield and kept swallowing. The atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

"Did you win?" Finally someone can't help saying.

Then there was a loud cheering.

"Won!? Your royal highness won! "

"How can it be that brother Wuwei lost?"

"True or false..."

"Damn, brother Fearless is too careless to belittle the enemy. He chose to be tough with the princess Chang, who is good at sword skills. It's a bit unfair to lose."

"Yes, brother fearless still has a lot of fighting skills to perform? Four nature's ability, separation, wooden man, feel that he is not hard with the long princess, can kill the long Royal Highness with war skills? "

"Well, what's the use of saying that now? Brother Wuwei has lost."

"However, this battle is indeed the peak battle of the college generation. It doesn't matter who loses or who wins..."

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