Laura looked at the figure in front of him and sighed silently.

She knew that she had lost the battle. And no loss, no suspense, from the beginning to the end were suppressed.

Just in this dreamlike magic space, Laura doesn't know when linlo started? You can't beat linlo outside, and here she has no chance.

She looked at linlo and said suddenly, "come on, what do you want to know when you pull me in here?"

Lin Luo smile, "I have no other meaning, I just want to know, your blood elimination power, exactly from where?"

He looked at the princess in peace.

Laura doesn't have any ability to awaken. Naturally, it's impossible to use the three attributes to awaken the blood, and then combine them with the tasks released by the system.

Linlo is very sure that Laura's blood, after elimination, is acquired. And what is it? It can make people wake up to the power of elimination.

Laura heard Lin Luo's words, suddenly became a little frustrated, "well, you and I had an agreement before the war, no matter whether we win or lose in this battle, I will tell you this secret..."

Said, she slowly stretched out the palm, in the palm, unexpectedly slowly condensed a drop of scarlet blood.

At the moment when this drop of blood appeared, Linluo's reading space began to vibrate violently, as if it would be torn at the next moment.

Linluo looks at the blood in Laura's hand, and the powerful pupil force of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye suddenly releases, which stabilizes the reading space.

At the same time, the prompt sound of the system suddenly rang out in Linluo's mind.

[trigger special branch mission: blood of gods!! 】

[capture the fifth dimension of the blood of the gods. After the task is successful, you will get a reward value of 80000!! 】

at the sound of the system, Lin Luo took a breath of cold air.

God's blood!?

80000 bonus!?

At this moment, Lin Luo understood why a blood succeeding elimination task would be worth 50000 reward value. It turned out that this involved the God of the fifth dimension.

A drop of blood worth 80000?

Lin Luo suddenly thought of the immortal corpse in the secret place of the God of war. The complete immortal corpse is worth 500000 reward value.

It seems that the world is not as simple as Lin Luo thought.

What is the fifth dimension?

Immortal? gods?

What kind of existence are they?

Is it the same as the big tube wood people who call themselves gods in the world of fire shadow?

When Lin Luo thought that he might face these powerful existence in the future, his head hurt a little

At this time, the divine blood in Laura's body was completely stripped, her breath began to weaken rapidly, her face turned pale, and she said, "this is the answer. The elimination power of my blood is born after fusing this drop of blood."

, she paused, continued: "this was when the ancestor was fighting, and unconsciously discovered in a different dimension, because the power of this drop of blood was too strong, and then it was sealed in the forbidden area of the royal family."

"For more than 100 years, some people in the royal family have been studying this blood, trying to integrate this drop of blood into the royal blood, but they all failed. After I was born..."

Laura said here, her eyes suddenly burst out a fine light, "after I was born, this drop of blood suddenly became restless, even directly tore the seal of the forbidden area, flew out, and melted into my body..."

She looked at Lin Luo's eyes, suddenly became hot up, "it is said that this is a drop of God's blood!"

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