Above the sky, a huge airship is crossing the void.

All the people who have the quota of holy land set foot on the journey of Holy Land dimension when they bid farewell to their families for a short time.

From the third dimension to the fourth dimension, we need to go through a long dimension barrier, which can not be reached in a short time.


With the help of the airship, people soon reached the dimension barrier.

The so-called dimensional barrier is a huge dimensional door. It is a transmission channel opened by the supreme power by the supreme means when the holy land was opened.

Behind the door of dimension is the holy land.

When you see the holy land, norat tells you how many dimensions there must be around you

"The holy land was jointly opened up by the three great powers of Noah Empire, Caesar Empire and Tianchen empire. Both Caesar Empire and Tianchen empire are super powers that have given birth to the supreme power. Compared with them, our Noah empire is the weakest of the three great powers."

His tone is very dignified, "and in addition to the three empires, there are all kinds of forces, big and small, who have taken root in the holy land. Therefore, today's holy land is full of fish and dragons. After you go to the holy land, don't provoke others at will, otherwise, even if the Empire comes out, you may not be able to protect you..."

Finish saying, he reminded of to see Lin Luo one eye.

These words, in fact, are said to linlo. Even norat has to admit that linlo is really strong. But the holy land is too complicated. People who are stronger than Lin Luo are not without them, so it's better to keep a low profile.

Where there are people, there will be struggles, and so will the holy land.

Not to mention the fierce competition among the three empires, even in the Noah Empire, there was competition among the major forces.

The most important thing is that there is a strong Lin family in the Holy Land!!

Although these strong members of the Lin family did not threaten Lin Luo, they were the people who had made great contributions to the development of the holy land. If things were not handled properly, it would probably shake the Empire's power distribution in the Holy Land

Now that the Lin family has been destroyed, this matter has come to an end.

Lin Luo naturally found norat's reminder and guessed what he meant. Lin Qinghe and Lin Qiankun returned from the holy land, which means that there must be the influence of the Lin family in the holy land.

For him, the purpose of going to the fourth dimension is to create leaves. As for the holy land, it is just a transit station.

If other people don't provoke him, he won't provoke others. But if there is one who doesn't have eyes, then linlo will not be polite.

If it's a big deal, just go and find a place to open up a holy land for yourself.

Today's Lin Luo, want money, want people, is so willful!!

Others are on the alert.

They have heard that the holy land is dangerous, but they did not expect that the competition would be so fierce that even the comprehensive power of the Empire could only be at the bottom.

Some people's heart, even have a trace of retreat.

Norat seems to have found this point, and continued: "but you don't have to worry too much. After entering the holy land, you have a choice, that is, to choose a force as your support. As long as you join this force, you will be sheltered."

"If there's nothing wrong, there won't be people who will be sheltered..."

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