Today's team, Su Xiaoyu is the most powerful in addition to Lin Luo. Under the full speed outbreak, the two members of the wolf team didn't even react and were already pressed on the ground.

And avrila followed, hand without any mercy, a huge flame ball to one of the people's face, directly in the past.

Other people are the same. For a moment, the sound of broken bones and shrill screams rang through the whole task hall.

Leila looked at the scene in front of her eyes.

After all, when she was in college, Leila saw the difference between him.

But what happened to Su Xiaoyu, Fu Xinyi and Serena!?

How to be fierce?

Especially Su Xiaoyu, if Leila remembers correctly, when she returns to Xingyao City psychic college, this person has just awakened her blood.

How come it's like a different person now?

To tell you the truth, the strength of these people has surpassed Leila.

Next to the blue daisy is also constantly swallowing saliva, with a trembling tone said: "Leila, this is really your younger sister? Why is it a little different from what you said? "

In Leila's previous words, her group of schoolboys and schoolgirls didn't even enter a class, but now they are chasing the wolf team!

This is not into a level!?

"When I left, they didn't really step into a class." Said Leila, but she believed it.

And Lindsey rolled her eyes.

She remembers that the last time Leila went back, it was only two months ago. Did it take these people less than two months to step directly into Grade A? How could it be possible?

Moreover, their combat effectiveness is comparable to that of ordinary A-level, and they can press the wolf team on the ground, which shows that their strength is at least the peak of A-level

That's even more impossible.

Leila saw many surprises. The team led by Lin Luo is so powerful that maybe it is really possible to resolve the crisis of Feiyun team.

At this time, all the members of the wolf team had already turned back and wailed on the ground, and Serena had already stopped. Only avrila seemed to feel uncomfortable and made up for each member of the wolf team on the ground.

Even if that's OK, the problem is that what she mentioned is a little embarrassing. She even kicks people's lifeblood, which makes Lin Luo feel frightened.

The skeletons of everyone in the wolf team were broken, and their lifeblood was abandoned. The scream suddenly turned into a howl. They looked at Lin Hao's eyes, filled with deep hatred, "you Who on earth dare you to do this to us? You will die when the main fighting power of the wolf team returns! "

Linlo understood in a flash.

No wonder these people are so weak. They turned out to be only some left behind and really powerful main combat forces. They went out to carry out missions.

The next moment, he slowly walked into the wolf team and said in a cold voice, "aren't you looking for me? Now I'm standing here, and you don't know me? "

"We're looking for you!" Several people in the wolf team were obviously stunned. One of them said: "we don't even know who you are. How can we find you?"

Linlo laughed. "Don't you know who I am? To remind you, I killed Lin Qinghe and Lin Qiankun! "

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