Helen was a little pleased to see Lin Hao.

But when I saw their clothes, it was a bit messy.

This is to enter a large-scale secret place to carry out an exploration mission. Is it really good to wear such a big bag of clothes?

To put it mildly, this is a living target.

At this moment, Helen tutor suddenly a little tangled, in the end should not remind Lin Luo?

In fact, not only Helen, but also the other vanguard teams gathered in the task hall were stunned when they saw the dress of Lin Luo and others.

The black windbreaker embroidered with red clouds, the hat tied with wind chimes, and even a ring on one's hand, what's so special about this?

As long as the team with a little experience guessed for the first time that Lin Luo and others must be new to the holy land, they all showed their dislike.

Time passed quickly. Half a day passed, and more and more vanguard teams gathered near the mission hall.

The next moment, a huge transmission door suddenly appeared, standing on the square in front of the task hall.

At this time, Helen's voice sounded again, "remember, as long as your task is to explore, now start!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the vanguard teams rushed towards the transmission door.

And Lin Luo led Xiao is no exception, directly with the team into the portal.

All of a sudden, a dizziness came. When the reaction came, they were already on a huge flat land.

Nearby, teams appeared one after another, and then began to camp.

Obviously, this is the miyada plateau, and this is the temporary residence of the pioneer team.

They set up camp with them. They repaired all the things they should prepare for the night, and went straight to the secret place the next morning.

This world is different from the third dimension world. There are all kinds of dangers everywhere. It took Linluo and others a long time to enter the secret place.

This is a huge swamp!!

From the beginning of entering the swamp, the sun was almost invisible, and there was even a chill in the air. What's more, the harassment of snakes, insects, rats, ants and other poisons was very annoying.

"What the hell is this place?" Along the way, avrila has been swearing, if not for fear of exposure, she would have burned the place with fire.

At this time, Lin Luo yelled: "be careful, something is coming?"

As soon as the voice fell, the ground suddenly began to vibrate, followed by a huge figure from the shadow.

This is a mutant animal similar to crocodile. It is more than ten meters long, and its teeth are only half a meter long, emitting cold light.

The moment avrila saw the crocodile mutant beast, she jumped on it directly, and yelled, "don't do anything. I'm going to burn this big guy!"

Suddenly came to this ghost place, she had a glimpse of the fire, is looking for a mutant beast to vent, and this everyone just hit.

Avrila didn't even think about it. She held a huge flame ball and hit it on the crocodile mutant's back.

However, the crocodile's skin is rough and thick, and its defense is too weak and strong. Avrila's flame ball smashes on it, just like rubbing her back.

And its tail, however, has been drawn towards avrila

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