Everyone stays in suzoneng. It's a bombing to the sword saint of the shadow tribe.

Seeing that her 100 balls were not as powerful as a tail beast jade, avrila immediately showed her envious eyes and asked: "Linluo, your dimension beast is too powerful. Like this powerful dimension beast, you can't really have nine!"

The next moment, she didn't wait for linlo to answer, and then said, "where did you get it from? How come you never mentioned it? Can you give me one? "

When Linluo heard this, he was stunned.

Give you a tail!?

You really dare to say

Gianna couldn't hear it any more. She put a fierce chestnut on avrila's head and said, "do you know how powerful the dimension beast is? Even if send you, can you surrender? Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand... "

Avrila covers her head and wants to fight back.

And at this time, a shrill scream, followed by the front of the smoke was torn by a golden light.

The sword sage of the shadow tribe finally appeared in the public's field of vision.

However, this swordsman is a bit miserable.

The only complete thing on the body is the golden sword in the hand. As for the armor, it was torn up by the powerful power of the tail jade.

When avrila saw the skin on Jiansheng's body, she was startled. "Wow, how can it be a green skin monster? It's hard to survive this kind of attack! "

But the next moment, her eyes fell on the giant sword in the sword saint's hand, and she did not hide her greedy tone, "I want that golden sword, and no one will rob me..."

When linlo heard this, he was speechless.

This special battle is not finished, you start to share the spoils, right?

The sword saint on the other side seemed to understand avrila's words and was furious in an instant. Visible to the naked eye, layers of waves emanated from his body, and a storm broke out in an instant.

The next moment, the sword saint has been holding a huge sword to kill Lin Luo and others.

Lin Luo naturally is not polite, controls a tail animal directly, jade to the past.

At the same time, in his two big hands, Shiquan sword and Bachi Qiong gouyu have been condensed into shape, and the Bazhi mirror has become a flame wrapped around him.

Three artifact finally in this moment of complete show out!!

The sword saint on the other side is not weak. The golden sword in his hand directly tears the chakra energy of the tail jade and comes out of it.


He should not choose to fight against linlo!!

It can be said that today's Linluo melee single ability is even more powerful than the long-range use of tail jade bombing.

Just when the sword in the sword master's hand chopped at xuzaneng, countless black flames appeared out of thin air and instantly filled xuzaneng.

It makes the color of suzonenghu become orange red and black, which is extremely strange.

And this is not the end. At the moment when the golden sword touches suzanneng, the black flame has surged up along the blade and spread to the sword saint's arm.

The next moment, a very sad scream suddenly sounded!!

The sword saint of the shadow tribe shakes the spirit power in his body madly, trying to put out the fire.

But it didn't work.

This kind of flame can't be put out at will.

As long as linlo's pupil force exists, it can burn all the time

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