Laura just wanted to introduce linlo.

And at this time, everyone's communicator suddenly rang up.



The sound rang through the whole bar in an instant.

In this case, information will be released to inform everyone when there is something important in the holy land.

Laura, norat, Gerry, molden, Leila, and landace all took out their communicators almost at the same time. When they saw the above information, they all took a breath of air.

Here comes the elves!?

And more than one came. According to the information, two royal elves are coming to the holy land to investigate the attack of the shadow tribe's sword sage and shadow beast on the vanguard team

The next moment, everyone's fiery eyes fell on Lin Luoji again.

Xiao, the sword sage of the shadow tribe, has attracted the attention of the elves. If they can join the elves, they will take off.

No, take off with the whole Holy Land!!

Because since the establishment of the holy land, the holy land has always been the vassal of the elves, and no one can really enter the vision of the elves.

Even if they are the overlord of the three supreme levels, the elves don't pay attention to them.

According to their words, the highest level promoted in the third dimension is not really the highest level in the true sense

This can be seen from the combat effectiveness. The three supreme levels of the holy land can't even help a supreme level of the elves.

As for the weaker Chao s class, the same is true.

Can you single out three or four super-s psionic warriors without seeing a sword saint of the shadow tribe?

This is a natural disability, there is no way to make up for it!!

Everyone was swallowing their saliva in silence, and the heat in their eyes was more and more intense.

If we can have a good relationship with them at this time, we will definitely benefit a lot in the future

Some of them saw Gerry and mourden standing at their table in Linluo, and their eyes flashed with unprecedented envy.

Gerry and mourden naturally accepted all the admiration around them, even the whole person felt floating.

But Lin Luo did not pay attention to other people's eyes, what he expected finally came.

Since it can attract the attention of the elves, it can also attract the attention of the shadow clan. All he needs to do is wait for the big fish to bite.

But when he looked at the information on the communicator, he had a hunch that things might not be as easy as he thought.

Two elves!

In addition, there are four guardians

When Lin Luo saw the three words guardian, he thought of what Aisha had said!?

Is Asha here too!?

If it is true, the purpose of Aisha may have something to do with the guardian besides the sword Saint

Just as he was daydreaming, a few more figures came into the bar and walked in their direction.

And the first one is Helen of the monastery.

At this time, Helen, with a brilliant smile on her face, did not expect that things would spread to the elves so soon, and directly sent two elves to come.

This is something that has never happened since the founding of the holy land.

But Linluo just came to the Holy Land and did one thing at random.

That's right. It's just something you can do!!

In Helen's eyes, Lin Luo's status has risen to the level of equal with the three overlord

Even above it.

And this time she came, that is the meaning of the supreme level of the monastery, invited Linluo to welcome the arrival of the elves!!

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