"I quit!"

"I quit too..."

Almost in an instant, many tutors in the nature academy and Yanwu hall decided to quit the fight between Lin Luo and the shadow clan.

Even the Taoist temple has been declared out.

With the help of the elves, they would be happy to participate.

But the spirit royal family said that this war will be the business of Linluo and the shadow clan, and the spirit clan will not intervene.

In that case, why do they want to die?

As many tutors decided to withdraw from the war, the scene immediately fell into embarrassment.

Avrila couldn't bear it and said to those quitting tutors, "Wow, you guys, when you get credit, you'll find someone to flatter Linluo. Now you're in crisis, and you're running faster than anyone else. Are you dogs?"

Linluo did not speak, but he also looked at these people with disdain.

They are dogs. They have insulted dogs. They are not as good as dogs

No wonder Maggie would say that these people in the holy land are all people who have evil intentions. No wonder the holy land has been opened up for such a long time and has never really entered the vision of the elves

They can stand idly by at the critical moment and may betray the elves in the future.

These people are responsible for the present situation of the holy land.

And those who refused, avrila pointed to the nose and scolded them as dogs, all of them turned pale for a moment.

But they didn't dare

On the one hand, they are afraid of Xiao led by Lin Luo. On the other hand, their faces are a little red. After all, this is really their fault.

But clearly know is to send to death, why still want to go!?

He said, "I hope that you will not leave the holy land of the war between nature and the holy land."

"But, linlo, we want you to leave at once."

"Just now, the Royal elves said that the orders of the Elves will be given only one day later, so they must leave before tomorrow..."

And other people, also instantly began to agree.

"Well, you're not even as good as dogs. Look, are you talking about human beings?"

Avrila blew up, "just now that Maggie has said that holy land is also one of the targets of shadow clan, but not only did you not unite against foreign enemies, but you also began to expel your own people. It's too much."

Hearing avrila's words, some people were silent, but they didn't change their position

Lin Luo glanced at these people and said, "don't worry, we'll leave, but don't regret it later. You kneel down and beg me, and I won't come to this place again..."

With that, he left Serena, katanya and others.

"Yes, I'll remember you dogs. Even if you ask us to come, we won't come..." Avrila said a cruel word to the people present, and then quickly followed up.

Helen wanted to persuade her, but when she saw that other teachers of higher status didn't speak, she obviously showed her position and knew that her voice was slight. What could she do even if she said it?

As for Leila, almost without any hesitation, she left behind Lin Luo.

Although she became a teacher of the Taoist school, it was all thanks to Lin Luo. Now that Lin Luo has left, why does she still stay here!?

Lin Luo nodded. He was going to take teacher Leila away. Seeing her leave, he was relieved.

However, to his slight surprise, Laura and norratt also left, which he did not expect

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