On the battleship of different space, Selena, avrila and others can clearly see the war situation in the shadow clan.

When they saw the appearance of the two tailed animals, everyone was completely shocked.

"Wow, there's another dimension beast!" Avrila looks at the figure of two cats, with little stars in her eyes.

Serena's face also showed a look of joy, "and the fluctuation in this dimension beast seems to be more powerful, isn't it Is there really nine dimension beasts in linlo!? And nine are stronger than nine! "

Hearing this, others suddenly remembered.

When Lin Luo was fighting against dark dimensional creatures, he did say that he had nine dimensional beasts!?

At that time, they only thought that Lin Luo was joking, but now it seems that it can't be true any more.

Then, everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Nine dimensional beasts!?

Now, only two of them have stirred up the whole camp. If you put all the nine dimensional beasts on the battlefield, how wonderful!?

But the next moment, a doubt suddenly appeared in their hearts.

Where did linlo catch so many dimensional beasts!? Or where did he get the immortal cells that he injected into us!?

It's getting more and more mysterious.

Serena's heart was also puzzled, and she whispered, "is linlo really the son of a plane?"

The sound was small, but it was heard by others.

For a moment, the others were completely confused.

Son of plane!?

What is this

While everyone on the warship was puzzled, the scuffle among the four beasts in the shadow clan's camp was completely white hot.

The two shadow beasts of the shadow clan are not even dimensional beasts. How could they be the opponents of shouhe and Maoyou? They were beaten all the way

If there were not two sword saints to cover, the two shadow beasts would have been torn to pieces.

And suspended in mid air, stark could see the battle clearly below, and his face was gloomy to the extreme.

He looked at Lin Luo with anger rising in his eyes. "He has a powerful rune warship and controls two dimensional beasts. Who are you!? Which force does it belong to? "

You know, even the shadow clan doesn't have Rune warships of this scale, let alone dimensional beasts.

In this fourth dimension world, dimension beast generally exists as a strategic deterrent, just like the tail beast of the five villages in the fire shadow world.

Only the most powerful tribes are qualified to have dimensional beasts.

And the elves are just one of them

Stark began to mistake these people for elves, but when he saw the two dimensional beasts below, he knew that they were not elves at all.

Because the dimensional beast of the elves, which he once saw, was an acquaintance who could control plants, not the creatures below who were full of killing breath.

Even the two creatures below don't look like dimensional beasts. Their internal strength is more violent than ordinary dimensional beasts

Lin Luo heard Stark's words, didn't speak, directly controlled the ten fists sword in Xu Zuo nenghu's hand to chop in the past.

Why do you talk so much about war now!?

And today's Muye is still in the stage of creation. Lin Luo doesn't want to be targeted by other forces so soon

You have to wait until you have enough leaves!!

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