Stark's words are not finished, and his figure has been absorbed by the violent attraction of the sky.

However, he continued to struggle, and his voice came out intermittently, "this war It's just the beginning, the real war It's about to explode. "

"Then The war will spread to all races Even spread to all dimensions of the world, the shadow clan and the demon clan will surely avenge me... "

"Then you will die The power behind you will also be destroyed, all the people you care about All will die... "

"My death is worth it Ha ha ha... "

With Stark's grim laughter coming out, the suction of the earth exploding star became more violent, making the ground vibrate more violently.

As if there had been an earthquake with a magnitude of more than ten, the whole crust was broken, turned into debris, flew into the air, and constantly attached to the black sphere.

In a short time, the residence of the shadow clan below has completely disappeared. At the same time, the original black sphere has become a huge sphere with a diameter of several thousand meters.

The shock of the shadow clan's residence is also transmitted to the battlefield outside Qianren canyon.

At this time, the war between shadow clan, Tianlei clan and Moyu clan has entered a white hot stage, and both sides have gone crazy.

However, lying on the ground are the corpses of Tianlei and Moyu.

It is not so much a war as a unilateral Massacre

Lowell and eclipse look at the corpses of the people everywhere, their hearts are in pain, but in order to get the identity of the guardian of the spirit royal family, they still lead the people to rush up one after another.

However, it didn't work.

The shadow clan just sent out two sword saints and two shadow beasts, plus a few S-level assistants, and killed most of the Tianlei clan and Moyu clan.

Even the rear army did not move.

One of the swordsmen saw that the time was ripe, and was ready to let the rear army go out to kill all the Tianlei and Moyu on both sides of Qianren gorge.

And at this time, the ground suddenly came a burst of earth shaking sound, followed by it began to vibrate violently.

Countless huge cracks suddenly appeared, extending from the rear of the shadow clan army to the Qianren Canyon, making the whole Canyon shake up.

When the two swordsmen saw this scene, they felt a little uneasy.

These cracks seem to have spread from their residence, and even the source of these vibrations is their residence.

The next moment, the two swordsmen suddenly turned back and saw a huge sphere floating above their residence in the distance.

The two swordsmen instantly affirmed that this sphere was the culprit causing their resident vibration.

"Damn it, our station has been attacked!? This must have been done by the elves. No wonder they only sent two such weak tribes to stop us. They wanted to attack our camp by chance

"Retreat, quickly retreat, go back to help Lord stark..."

The two swordsmen did not dare to stay at all, and immediately commanded the army of the shadow clan to return to the base.

When Lowell and eclipse saw this scene, they were stunned for a moment and then overjoyed.

"All the members of the Tianlei clan listen to the order and kill me! Don't let them run away. "

"Listen to the people of Moyu, heaven and justice are on our side. Give me a rush. As long as you kill these two sword saints, I can become the guardian of the royal family of spirits, and lead the Moyu to the top of the mountain when it's time..."

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