"Your Highness Asha, as far as I know, it seems that this Linluo did not participate in the war against the shadow clan!"

Lowell expressed his dissatisfaction in his heart, "a coward who only dares to hide in the camp, how can he become the guardian of his highness Aisha?"!? Is it because he knows his highness Asha? "

It's no secret that Linluo and Aisha knew each other for a long time. Many affiliated forces of the elves know about them.

Some of the forces are also guessing, is it because Linluo and Aisha know each other, so Aisha will give her guardian quota to Linluo!?

That is to say, the number of guardians has long been determined by the government!?

For a moment, the representatives of many affiliated forces of the elves looked at Lin Luo with strange eyes.

And linlo, he's even in a muddle.

As soon as he left, he felt the hostility of many representatives of the forces in the palace, and even some of the Royal Elves were hostile to him

The problem is, he didn't do anything!?

But for Lowell's words, Lin Luo is sniffing.

As for Muto's request to die in the territory of the royal family, he knew that it was the elves who dared to die.

Now, Lowell is obviously losing Asha's face. It's strange that the elves can bear it!?

Thinking of the species, Lin Luo could not help shaking his head. Where did this kind of fool come from and dare to take part in the test of the guardian of the spirit royal family!?

Isn't it obvious to give the head away!?

Sure enough, Lowell's words made Aisha's face sink instantly.

She stared at Lowell and said, "Lowell, are you questioning the decision of the elves?"!? Or are you suspecting the fakes of the elves? "

It seems to feel the anger in Aisha's tone, and a flash of panic suddenly flashed on Lowell's face. He also realized that he had said something wrong.

However, he clenched his teeth and suddenly said, "Your Highness, I don't mean to question the elves, but it's really hard to convince the public that Linluo has become an elves royal family!"!? I want to know why! "

Lowell paused and continued: "if Linluo's contribution is really greater than mine, I'll admit it, but I have to be convinced..."

"I'm convinced!"

Let me give you a cold smile

The next moment, her eyes swept over the representatives of the major affiliated forces in the palace, and said aloud: "do you think Linluo is not worthy to be the guardian of the royal family of the elves?"

No one spoke, but many representatives of the forces looked at Lin Luo with doubts.

Seeing this scene, Aisha knew immediately that he had guessed the thoughts of some representatives of the forces, and said: "I tell you, Linluo can become the guardian of the elves royal family by destroying the camp of the shadow clan, and even killing one supreme and two sword saints of the shadow clan..."

Her eyes once again swept the representatives of the major forces in the palace, and finally fell on Lowell, "I don't know if this credit is enough to become the guardian of the royal family of elves!"

The voice fell and the audience was silent.

And Lowell's face was even more distorted. "It's impossible. Lin Luo didn't even participate in the war of the shadow clan. How can he destroy the shadow clan's residence?"

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