
"Cangdu of bear tribe!"

"He broke through to the top!"

"As far as I know, Cangdu's talent is not outstanding. In the bear tribe, Cangdu can only be regarded as above average. His ability to break through to super-s level has exhausted his potential. But somehow, his highness Shamu has taken a fancy to Cangdu and recruited him as a guardian. Now he has broken through to the supreme level. It's really incredible..."

"Hum, the Elven royal family is one of the strongest races in the world, and his highness Shamu is also the Elven royal family. It's hard to imagine the resources that can be mobilized, let alone Cangdu. As long as his highness Shamu is willing, even a pig can use massive resources to hit the supreme class In my opinion, it must be thanks to his highness Shamu that Cangdu has been able to break through to the supreme. "

Some of the representatives of the forces saw that Cangdu, who was just plain gifted, had become supreme, and their voice was full of jealousy.

As long as you become the guardian of the spirit royal family, you can not only get the protection of the spirit family, but also have a lot of cultivation resources, which is why these forces try to be guardians.

Cang didn't pay attention to the discussion around him. Lin Luo was the only one in his eyes.

As these people said, he can achieve supreme, all rely on his highness Shamu, now Shamu want this Linluo's life, then Linluo must die, no one can save him.

Therefore, Cangdu did his best, without any reservation. The powerful atmosphere of the supreme class suddenly swept across the whole palace.

However, under the violent Weiya of Cangdu, Lin Luowei did not move, and even did not shake his face. This is the second time that he has faced the supreme class since he came to this dimensional world.

To tell you the truth, Cangdu's prestige seems to be powerful, but it is less than one third of the shadow clan's supreme power.

Lin Luo can even seal the supreme of the shadow clan. Are you afraid of a Cangdu who has just broken through to the supreme!?

In this war, Lin Luo not only won, but also destroyed Cangdu with overwhelming force. He wanted to let others know that he was not easy to provoke.

If you want to provoke him, you must be ready to kill yourself first!!

At the next moment, Lin Luo stepped out with the same step. Chakra in his body had no reservation. He swept out like a storm, tearing apart Cangdu's spiritual power

Together with the tear, there is the defense of Cangdu.

In a flash, Lin Luo's figure had disappeared, and he came to Cangdu in the blink of an eye. At the same time, a spiral pill had hit Cangdu's chest.

He and Cangdu's sudden hand, two powerful breath crazy rampant, make the air in the palace become thick up, the strength of the weak is even more difficult to breathe.

Many representatives of the forces took a breath of cold air when they saw Lin Luo tearing Cangdu's aura and defense in a thunderous manner.

This native human being is so terrible!!?

One of the most surprising is the people from the holy land, especially Helen. She knew that Linluo was not simple, but she didn't think that Linluo had the power to face the supreme!?

Helen could not have known more clearly what the supreme level of combat power represented.

You know, the Holy Land opened up by human beings only has three supremacies, and all of them are incomplete. Compared with the supremacy of other races and tribes, their combat effectiveness is much worse.

If Linluo exposed his fighting power earlier, Helen was sure that the high-level of the holy land would not have time to confess Linluo. How could they expel Linluo!?

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