"What's the matter!? Didn't I devour all these forces? Why do these forces suddenly run rampant in my body? "

Boundless black air gushed out from Cangdu. He looked at Linluo and roared madly: "Linluo, please, suck these forces away quickly, I can't stand it any more!"

However, it was Lin Luo who responded to him.


All of a sudden, the warehouse of the incarnation of the prehistoric bear suddenly burst open and turned into a blood fog.

"Without the immortal body, you dare to absorb the immortal skill chakra. I have to admit that you are also a cruel man!" There was a mockery on linlo's face.

The next moment, he did not wait for the fairy queen to open the battlefield, but directly launched the yellow spring biliangban, penetrated the space barrier of the battlefield, and came to the palace again.

At this time, the palace was silent.

All the representatives of the forces were staring at Cangdu, who had turned into a bloody rain in the battlefield. They were shaking all over.


"Linlo won!"

"How can it be? How could that be... "

"Cangdu has activated the atavism blood in his body and incarnated himself as a prehistoric fierce bear. His strength is approaching the peak of the supreme level. How can he be defeated by Lin Luo?"

"What is that power?"

I don't understand. The representatives of the major powers in the palace don't understand.

Even the Elven queen, Muto and other people don't understand what the power Lin Luo just used is!?

"Did you win at last?" Aisha let out a deep breath and finally let go of her worry.

"Well, won Xiong rencangdu? What's the big deal? " Next to Maggie cold hum, a face of displeasure.

However, people with clear eyes can see that she is envious and jealous. She insists that grapes are sour when she can't eat them.

Aisha has a strong Linluo as the guardian, and his position in the major elves royal family will surely soar all the way.

If you don't envy, how can it be!?

Sure enough, the next moment Maggie looked at the guard behind her. She made a contrast in her heart, and almost blew up.

But compared with Maggie, Sharm was the most miserable in the palace.

This contest was put forward by him. Now Cangdu has lost. Before losing, he even talked wildly in full view of the public.

It can be said that everything he did was ruined.

From now on, Sharm will become a marginal figure in the elf royal family. It is almost impossible to enter the vision of the elf queen.

"Linlo, it's all your fault. It's all your fault!"

However, Sharm doesn't seem to realize that everything is his own fault. His eyes twinkle with madness. He stares at linlo and roars from the bottom of his heart, "die, die, die I want you to die... "

At this time, the fairy queen at the top of the palace finally spoke.

She looked at Lin Luo and said with a smile, "Lin Luo, congratulations on winning the contest. As a reward, you can make a request to me!"

The spirit Queen's tone was full of temptation, "any request!"

The words fell, and the whole palace exploded.

Not only the representatives of the major forces, but also the most powerful guardians, such as Muto, were all unimaginable.

What did your majesty just say!?

Any request!?

That is to say, even if Lin Luo proposes to marry an elf royal family, it is OK!?

If Lin Luo really put forward this kind of request, isn't it going to soar!?


It should be against the sky

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