The conferment of the royal family of the elves spread to all the subordinate forces of the elves through the representatives of the major forces for the first time.

Linlo rolls over Lowell and eclipse and becomes the winner!?

The way to attack the shame of Holy Land!?

Linluo explodes the prehistoric bear warehouse which is infinitely close to the supreme peak!?

The first one who dares to ignore the guardian of the elf royal family!?

The story between linlo and the fairy queen!?


In short, after the exaggeration of the representatives of these forces, there are various versions.

But these versions all have one thing in common.

The rise of Linluo will be unstoppable!!

The holy land, which once expelled Lin Luo and branded him with the shame of holy land, also fell into an embarrassing situation.

It can't even be described as embarrassment. The holy land is in danger.

Many forces around the holy land are almost covetous of the holy land. They all want to take this opportunity to go down the drain and please Lin Luo.

Even these forces immediately sent troops to encircle the holy land. As long as Lin Luo nodded, they would definitely rush to wipe the holy land out of this dimensional world

That's how the fourth dimension works!!


What the hell is that!? Can we keep these forces strong!? In order to obtain more resources!?

If not, don't talk about the useless

The holy land also realized this, and immediately held a high-level meeting to discuss the solution of the matter. But the embarrassing thing is that this so-called high-level meeting, from the beginning to the end of the meeting, was almost conducted in silence.

It is impossible for these high-level officials not to regret.

If they didn't expel the holy land at the beginning, but did their best to help him complete the guardian test, then the holy land would definitely soar into the sky

Now, however, it's all over.

I can only hope that Yu Linluo can help holy land through this crisis in the past.

The supreme of the monastery informed Helen at the end of the meeting that she did not need to meet the holy land, but went directly to Linluo for help.

However, when Helen was ready to catch up, linlo had already left.

He didn't know that because of him, the holy land was in trouble

Of course, even if Linluo really knows, will he take care of it!?

Ha ha

Who knows!?

At this time, Lin Luo is on his way back to the station.

He had already made all the plans for the next, and began to capture the dimension beast.

In her dealings with the great prophet of the elves, she mentioned a different dimensional space called the top of Taixu, where all kinds of heavenly Warcraft are kept and belong to the heavenly Warcraft family.

The world of Warcraft almost sweeps the world of Warcraft from the fourth dimension, at least.

The great prophet of the elves tells Linluo the news of the heavenly Warcraft. If he says that he has no selfish intention, he will not believe it if he kills Linluo

But he has no right to refuse.

If you want to get rid of the status of a chess piece, Lin Luo has only one way to go.

His eyes twinkled and he whispered: "the next plan is to take over the bear tribe, and then go to the top of Taixu to catch Warcraft!"

Think of here, his speed suddenly burst out, want to catch up with Muye.

However, just then, two people who should not have appeared suddenly stopped him

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