
"The fifth dimension of the evil god clan!"

"Immortal corpse, immortal fight!"

What are these special things!?

Avrila's face was dazed.

Asha and Maggie, however, have bright eyes.

Both the fifth dimension and the legend of immortals are recorded in the elves.

In any case, they did not expect to see a God and an immortal body with their own eyes today.

It just seems that something is wrong!?

Why does this God call linlo his master!?

"You mean you're responsible for the black fog? The dark creatures in Warlord's secret place are also your ghosts! " Lin Luo's tone is very bad, "and the immortal mode of my practice, is that what you did?"

"Yes, master!" Hei was modified by other gods. Even if he wanted to hide it, he could not hide it, so he had to admit, "master, as a descendant of the immortal, you can not only absorb the power of the immortal, but also the power of the evil god. That's why I use this to take away the master and swallow the immortal's body..."

Immortal family!?

The immortal family of shentemo!?

Why don't I know I'm an immortal!?

By a trace of ghost calculation, almost paid for this life, Lin Luo was a little upset.

It turns out that the immortal mode he has been using is not the immortal mode at all, but the evil god mode. Is it so evil!?


I almost got it.

"When I collect this immortal body, I'm going to clean you up!" Lin Luo said in secret.

Then, he turned the black directly into a black fog, which melted into his body.

The black figure just disappeared.

The screams of Asha and Maggie burst out.

"Linlo, that was really a God just now!? What's more, this is really a corpse! "

"Why does a god recognize you as the Lord?"

"Wow, it's developed!"

"This is an immortal corpse. With this immortal corpse, the Elves will become the strongest race in this dimension. What demons? What underworld? It's all dregs... "

"Even if the elves get this immortal corpse, they may be able to open the door of the fifth dimension and successfully enter the upper world!"

"Lin Luo, you are a lucky star..."

Listening to the more and more excessive fantasy of Aisha and Maggie, avrila finally realized what was wrong.

The Heihua Linluo that appeared just now is a God, and the mountain like corpse in front of us is a immortal corpse!?


Avrila is not calm for a moment, and pours directly at the immortal body, shouting: "Wow, a immortal body? Mine, all mine I'm going to be an immortal... "

However, the next moment, her body as if touched a barrier, directly rebounded back, fell a dog to eat.

Asha and Maggie see this scene, in time to step back.

In fact, they wanted to rush up just now, but they were only one step slower.

Now it seems that it's not as easy to accept this immortal corpse as expected.

However, this is not important. As long as we report this matter to the great prophet of the spirit, with the wisdom of the great prophet of the spirit, there must be a way.

However, will Linluo give the elves a chance!?

The next moment, countless golden chains from his body, crazy rushed to the immortal body

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