Chaos ape demon!?

What the hell!?

Listen to the tone of black, it seems very powerful.

Lin Luo looks at the super mallet like skeleton in avrila's hand and suddenly falls into meditation.

"Chaos ape demon, born in chaos, dominates the upper world with powerful combat power. Even if the fairy king and the God King meet, they have to take a detour. However, for thousands of years, the number of chaos ape demon is only two or three, and the number is extremely rare..."

Hei said: "however, the chaotic ape demons belong to the neutral camp and did not participate in the fight between the two camps, which also makes the extremely rare chaotic ape demons proud to survive."

Its voice was full of unprecedented excitement, "master, if you really resurrect this chaotic ape demon and let him rise to the realm of immortals and gods, no one will dare to provoke you when you enter the upper world in the future..."

Listen to the black words.

Lin Luo's face changed a little, muttering: "it's so fierce, isn't it more cruel than the first fairy queen?"

However, the next moment, his face turned black and asked, "black, there is a chaotic ape demon in this area. Why didn't you say that earlier?"

"Master, this This... " Black embarrassed said: "this is an accident, chaos ape devil's breath of death is too special, I just recognized it."

It's OK that it doesn't explain, and this explanation is even worse for linlo.

"How about linlo? What about? Do you see anything? Is this the skeleton of the ancient magic dragon? " Avrila's voice sounded again, in a tone full of urgency.

Watching avrila protect the mallet skeleton in her hand like a baby, Linluo knows that it's almost impossible to fool the skeleton of the chaotic ape demon from avrila's hand. This creature is really a little silly, but she's not stupid.

"Well What do you say? "

"This skeleton is not an ancient magic dragon, but it's very powerful."

Lin Luo has no choice but to tell the truth.

"Really?" Hearing Lin Luo's words, avrila was overjoyed. She ran so many pits with so much effort and finally found the treasure.


She was not satisfied with linlo's answer, and asked again, "what race was this thing? How powerful is it? Is it just more powerful than the ancient magic dragon? "

"Well Lin Luo choked and rolled his eyes. "This is called chaos ape demon. Once it grows to the extreme, it's even worse than the immortal Corpse I caught when it was alive. Are you satisfied?"

"Damn it!"

Hearing this, avrila jumped up and covered the super mallet skeleton in her hand. "Wow, Kaka, the era of avrila is finally coming Lin Luo, you must help me revive this thing, so that I can get revenge... "

A trace of resentment suddenly rose in her voice, "especially, I've seen those guys in the Holy Land unhappy for a long time. When the chaotic ape demon is resurrected, I must go to the holy land for the first time..."

Looking at avrila's angry appearance, Linluo can't help holding a cold sweat for those guys in holy land. Once the chaotic ape devil really resurrects, this two goods may really use the power of chaotic ape devil to level the Holy Land!?

After listening to the dialogue between avrila and Linluo, not far away, Aisha and Maggie can't calm down any more. They can see that avrila seems to have dug out a wonderful guy.

At this moment, they finally put down the arrogance of the royal family, and suddenly came to Linluo and said, "Linluo, do you still want to dig?"

When Lin Luo saw the appearance of Aisha and Maggie, how could he not know what they were thinking? It's just to see Elvira dig up the baby, and her eyes are red?!

Without hesitation, he said directly: "dig, of course, continue to dig, go, I'll take you to dig your ancestors!"

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