The sudden retreat of Cao Feng and Cecil made Su Xiaoyu a little dazed. He had just gotten into the mood.

After the victory of the previous match, Su Xiaoyu could be said to have been reborn.

The bloodshed of the Berserker bloodline.

It could be said that Su Xiaoyu was very inflated.

However, he still strictly carried out the tasks assigned to him by Lin Luo.


As long as they were able to defend well, they could easily win this group battle.

Hally. Not to mention Berry.

One of the three strongest in Star Glory City, the one with the most experience, the Spiritual Energy s who had erupted with power.

If it was a 1v1, she was not afraid of either Cao Feng or Cecil.

And now Hally. Barry.

It could be said that he had nowhere to vent his anger on.

The two idiotic warriors on the other side rushed up and beat them up, then ran away again.


They just slipped away.

From Hally. Under Berry's nose.

Damn it.

He could still run after putting on his fork.

And the culprit behind all of this was Captain Linluo's defensive strategy.

For a moment she even doubted it.

Did the captain really have a brain attack?

At this moment.

Lin Luo's voice sounded, "Are you two idiots? Don't let your opponents get away, kill them for me.

I want you guys to defend, but I'm not going to make you stand there in a daze.

"Random response? What the f * ck? Do you understand? F * ck!"

He held his forehead, speechless.

Two idiots.

You even need someone to teach you how to adapt to random situations?

Su Xiaoyu and Hally. Barry woke with a start.

That's right!

Captain Linluo seemed to have said that.

The next second.

Hally. Berry was the first to rush out.

Although she was a heavy soldier, the powerful explosive power of the Spiritual Energy caused her speed to not lose out to warriors.

Moreover, they also had Marksman's support.

Just as Lin Luo spoke.

The rune gun in Selina's hand was already aimed at the two of them.

Bang Bang Bang...

Countless bullets rained down on Chu Feng. His supernatural ability to control the field had been fully demonstrated.

Even if Cao Feng had Flame Ability s, they could still shatter the surrounding ice dregs.

However, Selina had already achieved her goal. She only needed to slow down Cao Feng and Cecil's footsteps.


Hally. Berry was like a gale of wind.

C Class offensive skill: Bursting Whirlwind.

Su Xiaoyu followed closely behind.

He did not have a Spiritual Energy.

However, the Berserker bloodline gave him a powerful body, and his strength and speed reached an extremely terrifying level.

Secret Skill: Horizontal leap from left to right.


A few meters of distance passed in the blink of an eye.

Before Cao Feng could calm down, Su Xiaoyu had already knocked him into a daze.

Cecil was in an even worse situation.

Straight to Haley. The shield in Barry's hand was blasted away, then smashed ruthlessly on the ground.

Watching his teammates fall one by one, Herbert was on the verge of tears …

In this training competition.

His experience was the worst.

The entire process was targeted by Selina and Elsa. With just the slightest movement, death was predicted, and then he was summoned by the ice attribute Rune Bullet.

His entire body was about to be frozen.

However, the opponent would not make the final strike.

He finally saw through it.

It was a conspiracy.

The opposing team was trying to use him to get into danger to lure in their teammates for support. Then, they would seize the opening and attack them one by one.

No one would believe him if he didn't say it out loud.

In Herbert's team battle, not a single bullet was fired.

And he was even f * cking hammering.

The difference in strength was too great.

To be honest, the other party's cooperation was nothing but trash.

To be able to win this group battle, it was all thanks to his formidable personal strength, and he was able to completely crush them.

This year's members of Star Glory City and psionic Academy Team.

Why are they all these freaks?

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