With the iluosi belt Road, Linluo and others directly went around the whole battlefield in a short time, just like the wind sweeping leaves, digging all the large graveyards in the battlefield.

That speed and that efficiency. Even if ilos was used to the big waves, she felt that she was too ruthless.

To iros's surprise, as noble Elven royal families, Aisha and Maggie even joined in digging graveyards. They were even more ferocious than avrila. They almost didn't fight for a demigod corpse

And this kind of thing is not once or twice, almost every day.

It's the first time that ELOS has lived for so many years to rob the corpse. However, as the first generation of fairy queen, ELOS has her own pride and dignity, and will never join in digging the graveyard


No matter how proud and dignified she is, she can't stand the actual controller of linlo. With the help of iros, the strong one at the top of the demigod, linlo and others reaped a lot. Only the strong one at the top of the demigod dug up four corpses, more than a dozen of ordinary demigods, and countless corpses at the highest level.

This still does not count the gains of avrila, Asha and Maggie.

The harvest is really big, but Linluo's heart is also cool.

At that time, so many demigod strongmen took part in that war, but they only won miserably. Countless strongmen fell, and the fourth dimension ethnic tribes were destroyed, which directly made the whole dimensional world lag behind by an era and become the ghost of today.

How many demigods can we find in today's fourth dimensional world? One hand can count, once the demons really make a comeback, it will be a disaster.

The more Lin Luo thought about it, the more frightened he was and the more determined he was to go to the top of Taixu.

Finally, a group of people all the way to sweep, and finally came to the edge of the demon battlefield, and further forward is the demon territory.

Along the way, I never met a demon clan again.

If you want to be influenced by the ancestors of the demons, after all, with the presence of the first generation of Elven queen iros, you can't bring food unless you let a demigod like Sikou appear.

"Lying trough, rich, rich, Linluo, what to do next? How do you bring these bodies back to life? " Seeing that she had reached the edge of the demon battlefield, avrila began to count her harvest.

It has to be said that thick skinned has the advantage of thick skinned. With shameless spirit, the two goods forcibly snatched several demigod corpses from Aisha and Maggie, and the supreme corpses were countless.

If the corpses in her hands were really reincarnated by the filthy earth, they would be able to build an army of demigods and the supreme.

Asha and Maggie are also staring at linlo with expectant faces.

The total harvest of both of them is not as big as that of avrila, but they are very satisfied.

Today, among the elves, the powerful demigods are the great prophet and Her Majesty the queen of elves. If they show up in the elves with a few demigod level guards, they will definitely cause a sensation in an instant, not to mention the first queen of elves

"If you want to revive these corpses, you need some sacrifice. The stronger the sacrifice is, the more powerful these corpses will be in their lifetime..." Lin Luo didn't hide it. He looked at the territory of the demons and said slowly.

A bold idea suddenly appeared in his heart

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