Add wood leaves?

No, that's not true.

As long as you have a little bit of an eye, you can see that the rise of today's wood leaf is imminent, and it will take place of the Holy Land sooner or later.


Although the Holy Land betrayed Lin Luo and others, it was good for Helen. How could she abandon the holy land when the holy land was in crisis?

When she refused, the whole wood trembled?

It's like a meteorite falling from the sky and hitting on the space boundary of Raytheon.

"What's the matter?"

"Did anyone attack the leaves?"

"Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

"Everyone, get ready to fight."

In an emergency, the advantage of woody leaves is reflected.

In this case, no one was flustered. Instead, they performed their duties calmly.

The next second, in everyone's eyes, the space boundary of Raytheon was directly torn open a crack, which made people scared.

Because in everyone's consciousness, the space boundary of wood leaf is invincible. It is almost impossible to open it from the outside.

The dark cracks, like black holes, make people panic.

"Ah Dying, dying, linlo, how do you locate the space node? Do you want to die? "

With a pig like scream, several voices were vomited out of the dark cracks, fell from the air, and smashed on the ground.

Boom boom!

Ah, ah, ah!

The sound of landing, the sound of screaming.

These people are Lin Luo and others who have successfully escaped from the demon territory.

Originally, Lin Luo would not have done this kind of thing of tearing down his own home, but the situation was critical at that time. It was good to escape. Who cares about this

Lin Luo hastily opened a void channel, and hastily was sent back to the wood leaf, the violent force of space directly tore the boundary of flying thunder.

Even if Lin Luo is transformed into a full-fledged immortal body, it's a bit hard to bear. Of course, the most important thing is to protect avrila, Aisha and Maggie. As for the early elf queen iros, it doesn't need Lin Luo to take care of her


"Avrila, and Asha..."

"What are you doing? Why did you almost tear down the wood leaf? "

See Linluo and others in a strange way, Roddy, Serena's brow immediately wrinkled, as for others, is a face to see the ghost.

Especially Anna tasiya, Valkyrie, Leslie, Kouji, Ray Allen, raysword, and ray Arnold, who just came from the Noah empire in the third dimension world, saw this wonderful scene.

They knew that Lin Luo was very strong, but they never thought that he was strong enough to tear the void.

"Oh..." As soon as he got ready to check the situation around him, Lorraine got up and felt strange.

He fixed his eyes and was dumbfounded.

Isn't this Luna, the mascot of Dawning team? What's the matter with the goods

"Linlo, give me back my things?" When Luna saw Linluo, her reaction was not so bad. She rushed to Linluo with her hands and feet, and even used her teeth.

"Are you a dog? Why did you bite? Stop biting, stop biting... " Lin Luo slowed down for a while, and then found that the leaves seemed to be a little different.

What happened to all the troughs?

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