"Your Majesty, you lost?"

After hearing ilos's words, Lin Luo's heart was raised to his throat, "you not only lost, but also killed all the ethnic tribes who didn't agree with the alliance, and sent them to the abyss of the earth as sacrifices to the underworld?"

Think of the words before ilos, when she set up the alliance to resist the demon army, she must have met countless resistance, but Linluo never thought that ilos was so cruel!?

What's the difference between this betrayal of the whole fourth dimension world and the blood sacrifice of the demons?

In fact, there is no difference!!

It's a dilemma to either kill those tribal races who don't agree with the alliance, or the whole fourth dimensional world will die together

Death of a small part can save the majority. A king like iros, who is in charge of an ethnic group, naturally knows how to choose.


He couldn't have done such a thing for linlo.

"You're right. I was defeated and put into the hands of the underworld. Not only that, but also I sent those ethnic tribes who did not agree with the alliance to the abyss of the earth as sacrifices to evil gods..."

From the tone of ilos's voice, there was no sign of regret at all. I have to say that she was really cruel. "Now, except for me, only some ancient beings of the underworld know about this matter, and other races in the fourth dimension don't know about it..."

Then, ilos's eyes fell on Lin Luo again, "the reason why I told you this, you should also be aware of it. If you want to persuade the underworld to join the war against the demons, there are only these two options. Besides, there is no other way."

She paused and suddenly laughed, "if you don't have the power of the underworld, it's very difficult, very difficult to resist the army of the demons by relying on the power of the fourth dimension world alone, but I see a glimmer of possibility in you. Maybe you can do what I couldn't do at that time. You don't need to give sacrifices to the underworld, and you can let the whole underworld join the war against the demons It's a fight. "

ELOS's words made linlo a little embarrassed.

If you can pull out the demons by relying on the power of an ethnic group, the underworld is not easy to be provoked. The race in this dimensional world may know nothing about power, and the underworld is the most powerful

Sure enough, none of the guys who have something to do with immortals are easy to provoke.

Lin Luo had a hunch that this trip to the abyss of the earth might be very restless

Endless desert, heat wave.

The fiery aura makes the world feel ignited.

In half a month, linlo and iros almost crossed the whole fourth dimension world and came to a desert.

This also showed Lin Luo the breadth of the whole dimensional world. He launched the pupil force of reincarnation eye, which can directly penetrate the void. Compared with the legendary magic power, it is not so far away.

However, even so, it took half a month to come to this desert

"Your Majesty, is the abyss of the earth really in the center of this desert?" Lin Luo looked at the distant place where heaven and earth wanted to connect, a little surprised.

This kind of ghost place will also have creatures, and it's a powerful underworld? Are you kidding?

"Why, is it hard to imagine? There are too many things you don't know in this dimensional world. When all the creatures in this world gather together, you will know how small you are... " Ilos looked ahead, with a trace of excitement in her voice.

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