Gray spent one night proving his ability to Bakar.

One person prepared the materials needed for the voyage, and at dawn, he gathered all the members of the twenty-ban team, ready to set off at any time.

Before leaving, Barkin found Bakar.

"You're going to the Forest Kingdom?" Barkin asked.

"How do you know?"

"Gray bought the Forest Kingdom Eternal Pointer from me." Barkin shook the pointer in his hand.

"Remind you, don't go to the royal city of the forest kingdom, it is dangerous there."

Bakar took a deep look at Bajin, and then raised his hand for a while, "Go!" "

Barkin looked at Bakar's back and fell into deep thought.

Bakar's eyes made her feel very uncomfortable, as if the secret of her heart had been seen.

"What does he know?"

"No, it can't be! He is only twelve years old, even if he is talented, his mind is not yet mature! "

Barkin shook her head, probably because she had been too nervous lately.

The New World may not be the sea area with the most pirates, but the overall strength of the New World pirates is the strongest and highest in the Great Voyage.

Countless powerful pirates gathered in the new world, each plotting something.

Some sea thieves like treasure and burn and loot everywhere.

Some like women, and often attack non-world government countries and snatch beautiful girls.

The pirate group that attacked the forest kingdom is called the Kagami Pirates, and its captain is the type of treasure lover, and after killing the king, he stole all the treasures in the palace.

Afterwards, the God Hunting Pirates did not occupy the Forest Kingdom, but left the Forest Kingdom with a huge amount of treasure.

Since the soldiers of the Forest Kingdom were all killed by the Hunter Pirates, many small pirate groups landed in the Forest Kingdom.

Since then, the forest kingdom has been reduced to a country of pirates, pirates can be seen everywhere, order has collapsed, and morality has been completely lost.

After diving into the Forest Kingdom, Bakar finds out the cause!

The Forest Kingdom did not hand over the heavenly gold!

Not a member of the World Government!

"Less than a month after refusing to hand over the heavenly gold, the God Hunting Pirates attacked the Forest Kingdom, and if it was a coincidence, you jumped off the ship with long bread." Bakar said.

The long bread paused, "Why did I jump ship?" "

"Shouldn't you jump ship for the captain?"

The corner of Chang Bread's mouth twitched, "Captain, you mean that the Hunter God Pirates have connections with the World Government?" "

"Nine times out of ten, of course, it is also possible that the CP organization secretly provoked and lured the God Hunting Pirate Group to make a move against the Forest Kingdom."

"Because they brutally destroyed a country without paying the heavenly gold, the people of the world government are heavier than most pirates." Long Bread couldn't help but say.

Not all pirates have the ability to destroy the country, the vast majority of pirates are against villages, and only pirates dare to attack a country.

Bakar shook his head, Long Bread did not know enough about the world government, and on evil, ten loxes could not compare to the world government.

Draco has done evil for hundreds of years and has accumulated countless sins.

Marin Fando

The general held a cigar in the air, read the intelligence again and again, and swallowed the clouds and mist again and again.

"The Pirate Queen and Monster Hunter join the Rocks Pirate Group, and if you don't suppress the Rocks Pirate Group, I'm afraid it will be difficult to solve." The steel bone said solemnly.

Or the rear admiral's Sengoku frowned when he heard this, "Why didn't the marshal order to encircle and suppress Lokes?" With so many pirate supernovae gathered, the Rocks Pirates could easily become the biggest scourge in history. "


Steel Bone took a deep breath, then spat out a huge smoke ring, and the entire room became cloudy.

"This is the meaning of the top of the world government."

Sengoku's pupils shrank sharply.

The top of the world government?

Those five supreme leaders?

Why did they let the Rocks Pirates grow?

Sengoku, who had the title of wise general, quickly guessed a possibility.

Five old stars, no, is the world government needs a powerful pirate group! Mess with the sea!

There are many great powers in the New World that are non-world government allies and are unwilling to give heavenly gold.

Only when a super sea thief appears, making the great powers of the new world insecure and afraid of being destroyed, will they take the initiative to hand over the heavenly gold!

"But in this way, many people will die." Sengoku said in a deep voice.

The justice in his heart made him unable to accept this answer for a while.

"People die every moment in the world, we can't change the world, follow the flow to achieve justice."

Steel Bone Kong patted Sengoku's shoulder and said something meaningful.

"I know you have a lot to say, but I think you should go back and think about it and talk to me again."

"Don't think about Locks, the crane has already gone to intercept the Pirate Queen, if nothing else, Rocks will lose a future high-level combat power."


Did the crane go to intercept the Pirate Queen?

The Warring States were suddenly anxious, and said in a panic: "The pirate queen has a bounty of up to 700 million Bailey!" Tsuru is not an opponent at all! "


Steel bone empty laughed, "Don't worry, of course I know that the crane is not the opponent of the pirate queen, this interception operation, the crane is only an auxiliary, and the real main force is the ghost lieutenant general!" "

Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief.

Lieutenant General Hades was promoted to lieutenant general eight years ago, and he is powerful, proficient in two-color domineering, and pure in the six-style furnace.

Among the many lieutenant generals in the headquarters, he is also powerful, and he has single-handedly captured a sea thief with a bounty of up to 600 million Bailey!

With the assistance of many naval elites and cranes, the Pirate Queen will also lose!

"By the way, where did Kapu that smelly boy go?" Steel Bone asked.

"Go with Zefa to capture the pirates."

"Who made them act! Acting without permission! Call them back to me! Steel bone cursed angrily.

"Can't call back, I've contacted, the Kapu guy threw the phone bug into the sea."

"Wait for them to come back! I want them to have a good taste of the iron fist of my love! "

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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