"Female Jianhao is rare, who is your master?" Bakar asked the female swordsman.

"I'm from the country of Wa." The female swordsman said coldly.

I see!

Bakar nodded, there are many samurai in Wano country, there are many kendo schools of inheritance, and several great swordsmen have been born in history.

One of the most famous is the dragon slashing warrior Ryoma, known as the sword god hundreds of years ago, since his debut, he has never been defeated, his combat power is super strong, and he has trained the black knife, the ultimate target of the swordsman!

After Ryoma's death, his saber was enshrined as a national treasure by Wano Country.

The dragon sword technique was kept by the descendants of Ryoma and has not been cut off until Kaido occupies the country of Wano, and the Frost Moon family gradually declines.

In the future, when his forces become stronger, he may be able to get news of the country of Wano through the female swordsman and occupy it.

"From now on, you will be the people of the twenty-ban team, I am the vice captain, and the captain is Lingling."

"Lingling, say hello to everyone."

Lingling grinned, and the earthquake Homiz floated above Lingling's head, and also laughed with Lingling.

Thousands of pirates subconsciously took half a step back.

They had palpitations about Lingling's destructive power.

A punch to cover a city earthquake, such a fist hit the body, even the bones will be shaken into powder.

"Captain, did you eat the Shock Fruit?" The female swordsman asked curiously, looking at Lingling's eyes mixed with some adoration.

"No, I am a soul fruit ability, it is a soul life form created by me."

Lingling did not hide it, and she must hide it.

There must be well-informed among the pirates who can recognize Homiz as a creation product of the Soul Fruit.

In addition, Whitebeard did not die, and the Shock Fruit was not reborn, and it was only a matter of time before the Soul Fruit was exposed.

The most important thing is the fruit development plan that Bakar made for Lingling, and the subsequent parts do not need to be cooperated.

Please Whitebeard to cooperate because there is no physical earthquake force in nature, and most of the other natural elements have a body, which can directly give the soul and create a special homiz.

"Soul Fruit." The female swordsman muttered, and then looked at Lingling's eyes even more fiery and adoring.

"What's the name of the four of you?" Bakar Road.

"Return to the sea"

"B white cloth"



"In the future, you will be the seat officer of the twenty-ban team, and the ranking issue will be discussed when we return to Hive Island."

The strength shown by the four people is at the level of seat officials, and the pirate group has always respected strength, so Bakar directly made the four become seat officials.

Not only pirates, but also the Navy.

Battle merit is a part, the most important thing is strength.

Just like Fuji Tiger and Green Bull, when he joined the Navy, he immediately became a general, surpassing hundreds of vice admirals with outstanding combat achievements in one fell swoop.

After simply setting rules for the pirates, Bakar led many pirates back.

On the way, Bakar pondered who to send to the North Sea.

Gray is very capable, but Bakar wants to keep Gray to support him.

Suddenly, a sound of shelling interrupted Bakar's train of thought.

"Boss! It's the Navy! They are attacking our ships! Nassi shouted.

Bakar left more than fifty pirates to guard the ship, including three fruit powers.

Under normal circumstances, it is no problem to fight against a fleet of naval ships.

But the overall situation was bad, and the pirates he left behind were unilaterally crushed by the navy.

Bakar's eyes froze, staring at the two figures in the naval ranks.

"Vice Admiral! This is the elite of the Navy! "

"Up! Solve them! "

"Lingling! You go and deal with that lieutenant general! The other officers besieged the two major generals! Especially the female rear admiral! "

"Capture that female rear admiral alive! Reward a Devil Fruit! "

Gray received the order, turned into a lion, and rushed to the navy.

The rest of the officers also quickly joined the battlefield, and the situation on the battlefield was immediately reversed, and the weak pirate side began to counterattack the navy.


Finger gun!

The lieutenant general of the ghost poked more than a dozen times in a row, and the three pirates in front fell in response, and each pirate had several more blood holes on his body.

The injuries are fatally located in the heart, kidneys and neck.

Suddenly, the ghost lieutenant general raised his head and looked at Bakar in the distance.

"Tsuru! Be careful! I sensed the Monster Hunter, and he brought thousands of people! The ghost lieutenant general said in a deep voice.

After solving the pirates who wanted to sneak attack, Tsuru nodded and said with some concern: "Vice Admiral Hades, let's retreat first, there are too many people on the other side." "

The ghost lieutenant general decisively refused, and said firmly: "This is a very rare opportunity!" Don't miss out! "

"It's good that they have a thousand more people, but these thousand people have blood on their bodies, they must have fought once, and their physical strength is not at their peak!"

You just need to hold them back, and after I defeat the Pirate Queen and the Monster Hunter, it's too late to retreat!" "

Tsuru was still a little worried, and as soon as the battle began, she felt faintly uneasy in her heart, as if something terrible was about to happen.

"Hopefully I'm feeling wrong."


Sensing someone in the rear, Tsuru dodged to the left with his combat instinct, then quickly pulled the trigger.

Armed color domineering wrapped in buckshot and hit the sneak attack Gray.

Bang bang!

Gray tried his best to dodge, but was still hit with three buckshots.

"Armed color, you are more difficult than I thought." Gray frowned, lead bounced into his body, and there were three more blood holes on his body.

But fortunately, he is an animal ability, the skin is rough and thick, these blood holes look scary, but in fact, they have little effect on him, not even minor injuries.

The animal line does not have the strange power of the superhuman line, and does not have the destructive power of the natural disaster of the natural system.

But the animal line is thick in blood!

Fatal injuries to the other two lines are at best minor injuries to animal lines.

"If you can't beat it, let me come."

Guiliu Yihai walked over, his eyes full of bloodlust, and he looked at the crane's eyes like a lamb slaughtered.

Gray glanced at the female swordsman from the country of Wa, "You are not her opponent either, she is one of the new generation monsters of the navy!" "

Guiliu Yihai licked his lips, raised a long and a short knife, and cut out two flying slashes, one large and one small.

The crane started to see and smell, drank a low sound of paper painting, and his body became extremely soft, like thin paper fluttering in the wind, and his body passed through the gap between the two flying slashes, and he dodged without injury.

"It's not over yet!" A sea burst to the crane, and slashed with two knives!

The crane's right hand covered the armed color, grabbed the double knife, and carried it down abruptly.

Guiliu Yihai raised her eyebrows, the strength of one hand turned out to be stronger than her hands, worthy of being one of the new generation of monsters in the navy.

Moreover, the strength of the armed color domineering is also stronger than her, and she resisted the blade with her hand, and she was not injured.

"As I said, she is not something you can solve alone, go together!"

Bakar entered the battlefield at some point, and he seemed to stroll, swinging his sword from time to time.

With each swing of the knife, he can slash the navy that approaches him.

"Monster Hunter!" Tsuru saw Bakar join the battlefield, decisively abandoned Gray and returned to the sea, and rushed towards Bakar like a cannonball.

"How can I get you close to the boss!"

Baida blocked in front of Bakar and punched out, hitting Tsuru's face directly.

"Get out of here!" The crane twisted his waist and kicked Bai Da away.

"Don't be happy too early!"

Naxi, who was hiding behind Bai Da, took the opportunity to grab the crane's arm, and the cold fruit was launched, and Naxi's skin turned miserably white, and a cold aura of Senbai appeared.


Tsuru gasped, the pain in her arm that froze into her marrow made her brow lock tightly.

The cold breath entered the body, and the crane's body couldn't help but tremble.

The large amount of heat in the body has caused the crane's physical strength to decline rapidly, and it takes all his strength to launch the armed color.

"Tsuru!" The lieutenant general shouted in panic.

The crane is the hope of the new generation of the Navy, the importance is still above him, and it must not be lost here!

"Damn pirates! Let go of the crane! "

The lieutenant general roared!

"You better care about yourself first!"

Lingling blocked the ghost lieutenant general and clenched her fist and handed it out.

"I actually delivered it myself! Solve you first! Go save the crane again! "

The ghost lieutenant general was undaunted to throw a punch with all his might.

The next moment, the ghost's pupils shrank sharply, and a terrifying force came from his arm.

His tiger's mouth cracked, blood was like a column, and his body involuntarily retreated six or seven meters before stopping.

The ghost lieutenant general looked at his fist in disbelief, fighting for strength, he actually lost to a ten-year-old child?

Or used armed color domineering situation!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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