"Attention all! The Rocks Pirates are here! "

The phone worm rang the voice of the intelligence officer.

Sengoku put aside his messy thoughts and picked up binoculars to observe the sea.

The ships of the three cadres of Silver Axe, Wang Zhi, and John sailed in the front, followed by the ships of many captains.

The fleet approached Dongpagu Island.


With the order of the naval commander, the navy hidden on the shore ignited its artillery, and one shell after another streaked across the sky.

The shells in the sky were like a large net, shrouding all the pirate ships.

All shells explode, enough to blow up a city!

Pirates are far weaker than the navy in terms of artillery and gun technology, and the navy's guns can shoot five kilometers, and most pirates' guns can shoot up to one kilometer.

Even the artillery of the Rocks Pirate Regiment can only shoot three kilometers!

"Hahahaha! The Navy will still only engage in these little tricks! "

Wang Zhi stood at the bow of the boat, pulled out the big fast knife behind him, and cut out a huge flying slash with the horizontal knife!

The pitch-black crescent slashed and exploded the artillery, causing a chain reaction, and the artillery in the air exploded one by one, turning into yellow-orange-orange fireworks!

The shock wave generated by the explosion caused the pirate ship on the surface of the sea to shake.

"Kill! The phantom beast species is mine! "

"Slaughter them! The captain intercepted the naval support, just because the navy on the island could not stop us! "

"Thief hahaha! Treasure! Devil Fruit! It's going to be sent this time! "

The pirates roared excitedly, and the anxious pirates jumped directly into the sea and swam quickly to the shore.

The pirate cadres solved the naval shells, covered the pirate ships, and when the ships landed, the two sides began a formal confrontation!

On the shore, the captain of the navy walked the battlefield with his excellent six-style, and in just ten minutes, more than ten pirates died at his hands.

"Pirates! Let's all die! Good will triumph over evil! "

The captain punched the pirate through the chest and said viciously.


A silver axe fell from the sky and an axe chopped down.

"Pieces of iron!" The Captain of the Navy shouted, did not dodge, and faced the slash of the silver axe!


The captain's body was cut in half, split from head to sole.

The silver axe put the axe on his shoulder, spat out, and said with disdain: "What justice and evil, do you think you are living a family?" Where is there any difference between good and evil on the sea! "

"Silver axe! Wang Zhi! John! Finally waiting for you! "

A figure approached the silver axe at an extremely fast speed, and the speed was so fast that an afterimage was formed.

The pirate blocking the front was directly knocked dozens of meters high, and the bones under his body were cracked, and the severe pain made the pirate roll his eyes and lose consciousness.

The silver axe heard the sound and subconsciously took the axe to block.


A huge force came from the axe, the mouth of the silver axe cracked, blood flowed, and the body couldn't help but retreat more than ten meters before stopping.

Looking at the axe again, a deep fist mark appeared on it!

The axe body is all deformed!

This is an axe made of sea lou stone mixed with super alloy!

Incredibly hard!

He himself could not leave a trace on it!

Silver Axe's face sank, and his expression was solemn, "White fight general!" It's you guy again! "

General Bai Da is one of the current three admirals of the Navy, and he is good at physical skills and domineering.

The body is trained into a weapon, and all parts of the body can be used as weapons, and the physical skills are extremely terrifying!

It is rumored that hand-to-hand combat defeated the current marshal of the navy!

Silver Axe once killed the apprentice of the White Beat General in a robbery, and was chased and killed by the White Beat General for many years.

Knowing that the silver axe defected to Lokes, he got rid of the white fight general!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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