Rocks' main ship is huge, built by Adam the Treasure Tree, and is a four-masted sail warship.

The bow resembles a megalodon, revealing hideous and terrifying fangs.

Once on board, Bakar noticed that the Rocks battleship was sailing fast, faster than some small sailing ships.

The golden lion Shiji stood not far from Bakar, seemed to guess what Bakar was thinking, and slowly said:

"The helmsman of this battleship is the ability to move fruits, and has the ability to make dead things move."

Bakar nodded, about what he had guessed.

He thought that the golden lion was using the fluttering fruit to control this huge battleship.

"Captain Shiki, can you tell me about the fleet level of the Rocks Pirates?" Bakar asked.

The golden lion Shiji folded his arms and looked out to sea, the sea breeze blowing his blond hair like a lion's mane.

"In addition to the captain, the Lokes Pirates have three large fleets, led by Silver Axe, John, and Wang Zhi!

The three were also known as the top cadres, of which Wang Zhi's fleet was the strongest.

In addition, there are captains, deputy captains, officers, and ordinary crew members.

I am currently the captain of the fourth team! "

When Bakar heard this, he thought of Blackbeard, and after the disintegration of Lox, Beehive Island was occupied by Wang Zhi.

Then Wang Zhi was defeated by Blackbeard, and Hive Island changed hands again.

It is estimated that Wang Zhi at that time has already aged and is not like that, and it is good that his combat power can be maintained at half.

When the Rocks Pirates disintegrated, it was estimated that Wang Zhi's fleet still maintained most of its combat power, so it was possible to occupy Beehive Island.

As Lockes' lair, saying that Hive Island has no treasure will not be believed by a three-year-old.

Even if most of it was stolen by other Rocks cadres, the part left behind was amazing.

Shiki glanced at Bakal, saw that he didn't have a surprised expression, and continued:

"The captain is very fond of you, otherwise he would not have promised to let you form a fleet in the future."

The formation of a new fleet means that Lokes believes that Bakar can become the top cadre in the future, on an equal footing with Wang Zhi and other sea thieves.

Bakar smiled, "The ship also said the same thing to Captain Shiki." "

Only twenty years old, the bounty has exceeded one billion, the ability of fluttering fruit, plus has excellent kendo talent.

Shiki is very capable in all aspects and is called a monster rookie by the Navy.

It's impossible for Rocks not to see the potential of Shiki.

"Hahahaha! Bakar, you're smart! Wait for me to form a fleet, come and be my deputy! "

Shiki laughed loudly, his wild blonde hair fluttering in the wind.

"I still like to be a captain." Bakar rejected Shiki without hesitation.

His optimism about Shiki's potential does not mean that he wants to be Shiki's deputy.

In terms of potential, who can surpass Lingling, who has steel skin, evil god power, and soul fruit at the same time?

The Fluttering Fruit is an extremely powerful fruit, but the potential of the Soul Fruit is even greater!

The Homiz created by the Soul Fruit is divided into ordinary and special, and ordinary Homiz is only self-aware and has no ability to fight.

The special Homiz has great power, can assist the ability to fight, and exists for a long time, and the ability will disappear after death.

The original rotten Lingling just created a few special Homiz to assist her in battle, the big knife Napoleon, the flame Prometheus, the thunder Zeus and Hera.

The potential of the soul fruit has not been tapped, in terms of strength, the soul fruit is definitely god-level!

Develop the soul fruit well, create all the natural attributes of Homiz, Lingling alone has all the natural system abilities, and a single blow is a natural disaster!

Coupled with Lingling's talent for steel skin, it is stronger than the elementalization of nature!

The combat power will reach a terrifying point!

At present, Bakar did not let Lingling start to create the special Homiz, but was developing the Soul Fruit.

The huge warship sailed fast on the sea, setting off waves seven or eight meters high, and it only took one day to reach Locks' old hive island.

After docking, Bakar couldn't help but complain in his heart that the houses on Beehive Island were really bad, with a tattered appearance and no painting, worse than the houses in ordinary towns.

In the middle of the island stands a huge skeleton monument, and the hollow of the skeleton nose is sealed by a window.

There were many pirates gathered on the shore, and it seemed that they had received the news of Lokes' return in advance and specially assembled to greet them.

"Oooo The captain is back! "

"The boss returned so quickly this time, did he go to a nearby country to plunder?"

"I don't know if the boss brought beautiful women back, there are not enough women on the island!"


Rocks fell from the sky, and the ground on the soles of his feet cracked into spider webs.

"Little ones! Banquet in the evening! Welcome to the two newcomers! Rocks yelled.

When the pirates heard the banquet at night, they shouted wildly.

Then hearing that it was to welcome the newcomer, many pirates were puzzled.

What newcomer deserves to be welcomed by Rocks?

Newcomers to the Rocks Pirates shouldn't start at the bottom, deserve their welcome?

Back then, Shiji joined the Roxes Pirates and did not welcome the banquet!

Shiji also flew off the ship and stood calmly beside Lokes.

Then Bakar and Lingling, Long Bread walked off the huge battleship.

The unfamiliar faces of the three made the pirates realize that they were the newcomers that Lokes said to welcome.

"A dwarf, a little girl of a giant race, an ordinary child, what qualifications do they have to welcome us!"

A stout pirate who was more than three meters tall taunted.

"Bucklin! Go up and teach them a lesson! I give you the maid that I have collected for many years! "

"Newgate! When you joined, the captain didn't hold a banquet, aren't you angry?

Go up and give them two punches! You're a supernova! The captain will definitely not blame you! "

Many pirates echoed and coaxed, pirates are like this, there is no sense of companionship.

Pirates in the same fleet also often pit each other and play black and eat black.

Even if the shrewd pirate is not convinced, he will not take matters into his own hands, but will trick others into taking risks.

Newgate glanced at the pirate who seduced him, "I'm not unconvinced, the captain must have a reason for doing this." "

The pirate who had bewitched the defeat pouted in disappointment, sighing that the little ghost was getting harder and harder to fool now.

Bakar looked at the shouting pirates, and secretly said in his heart that there was indeed no shortage of fools anywhere, as strong as there were many fools in the Rocks fleet.

A little brain, will not make trouble at this time.

"Captain, you can kill them all." Bakar said lightly.

The expression was as flat as water, and it seemed that he was not killing people, but slaughtering a herd of pigs and sheep.

"Hahahaha! If you can do it! Just do it! Rocks laughed, found a large rock, sat cross-legged on it, and watched the two sides clash.

The high sea thief Bucklin snorted angrily, "It's just a newcomer!" "

"What a big breath! Just a hairy boy! Still want to kill us! "

"Oh, the boss means we can do it too!"

Many pirates showed their weapons and aimed them at Bakar and his group.

Bakar waved his hand, "Lingling, let's do it." "

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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