Chapter 106: Monkey Winston's

only advantage was easily erased by Lear.

But she knew Lear wasn't lying.

As a woman is still an iron T, she has the intuition to easily distinguish other people's lies.

Lear was telling the truth, her advantage was gone, she couldn't help but be a little discouraged, but instead made up her mind.

"I have a friend who is a top scientist, but he is a little special."

Lear fished half a little, and finally fished out her last hole card, and couldn't help but turn his head to look at her with some curiosity: "What do you mean?"

"How special?"

Her words made Luke Cage's eyes widen as well.

Gossip is human nature, and Luke Cage has long been suffocated here, and his ears are straight and almost stand up.

"He, or rather, it's a monkey..."

said Hunter Kong in embarrassment.

Luke Cage's eyes widened, with the characteristic whites of black eyes, which were particularly scary and funny.

On the contrary, Lear did not smile or show a contemptuous expression, but looked at the hunting sky secretly and asked very calmly, "And then?"

"He was a genius, his name was Winston, he was the product of some experimental project, but he gained extraordinary intelligence and became smarter than humans, and he was a good friend of mine."

Hunting Kong's words finally made Lear's eyes widen.

He seemed to remember who Winston was.

If he still doesn't remember who Hunter Sky is because he has seen too many beauties.

Then Winston, the talking monkey, suddenly brought his memory to that afternoon ten years ago.

He suddenly remembered where Hunter Kong and Winston came from.

He nodded: "Contact him, let him come to my company, I guarantee your safety, and her treatment."

Lear pointed to Black Lily and said.

"You're going to join the company too." Lear pointed to Hunter Kong: "You are her guarantor, you have to make sure that she will not escape after she is treated."

Lear's words were not polite, but as atonement, they were perfect for the current hunter.

She bit her lower lip and nodded, although she temporarily lost her freedom, but now she may not have secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and she has a stable place, which may be able to let Winston crack the brainwashing in Black Lily's brain.

Of course, this kind of thing is not in a hurry, she must first look at the black lily before speaking.

Of course, this matter must also be a secret, and Hydra cannot be let know, otherwise they will definitely not let go of such a good tool as Black Lily, and will definitely use force to plunder Black Lily.

However, if Winston comes, plus her, and the combat power shown by Lear, it may not be without the strength to resist the other party.

Hunter Kong still does not know how outrageous Lear's enterprise is, and how powerful Lear is around him.

Of course, this was only after she and Lear came to his company the next day that she discovered how outrageous Lear really was.

Although she rarely wore a suit and trousers, a shirt and tie underneath, in addition to being a little petite and a little short, only the strange shiny thing on her chest was a little strange.

It's just that she has changed to something that is more convenient for everyday use, which looks much smaller, and it is more and more like Tony Stark.

When Lear came to pick her up in the shelter villa, he once asked what was on her chest, and she replied: "My body has a problem in an experiment, and I need this thing to stabilize my own time flow rate..." Although I

couldn't understand it, it seemed to be something very profound.

Lear doesn't want to continue to explore this issue in depth, but as long as Hunter Kong is still in his company, he only needs to continue to deepen the relationship and trust between the two sides with Hunter Kong, and she will definitely hand over these technologies to share with him.

As for the situation of Black Lily, after he and Hunter Kong got to know her, he finally knew what her situation was.

She was also a battle-hardened agent, but in the face of the evil Hydra, accidentally trapped in the demon cave, was caught by the other party and then transformed and brainwashed, which is basically a familiar thing for Hydra, she was brainwashed after being transformed, and finally became a very sharp knife of Hydra.

It wasn't until she began to make a name for herself in the killer world that Hunter began to chase her one step at a time.

It's just that she seems to enjoy the feeling of chasing very much, and did not report the sky hunting to the top of Hydra, both sides you chase me and escape, you chase me, I will hehe.

But Hunter Kong was often one step behind her, and when it arrived, she was already damn dead.

She has always lagged behind, and now she has finally caught up with Black Lily.

It's just that the strength and skill between the two of them are not much different, so when Black Lily lost to Lear, she did not have the confidence to defeat Lear.

After being led by Lear all the way to the office building of the Walt Company, where Black Widow and Anne Hathaway were already waiting for him.

Behind the two of them, each brought two beautiful women, which can be regarded as their assistants, plus Lear, the five people here are actually the highest power structure that constitutes the entire Walt company, although it seems child's play, so much money is handed over to this group of young women, but on the contrary, Lear has received a lot of praise in the circle of women's rights - capitalists who like to use women, there are too few in American capital circles.

After all, capitalists know too well what group women's rights are, and can they not know the character of their own dogs.

It's just that the dog may also bite the owner back, or the dog also needs more meat and bones.

This in itself is a matter of nature.

So although they are close, they are not one and the same.

And women, in this world, only need to sleep with the rich, you can get the rest of your life through J children or children, and the last time can easily get half a million US dollars in hush money, no wonder they are eager for the opportunity to reach the rich.

None of the four girls behind Black Widow and Anne Hathaway did not have this thought.

After seeing the young and handsome Lear, his eyes lit up.

They knew that Lear was young and handsome, but they didn't expect Lear to be so young and handsome.

Although he was followed by a girl dressed as a boy-like-toothed man, in front of them who were tall and plump, they did not feel that Hunter Kong was an opponent, but regarded each other and their own leaders as competitors.

After seeing Lear, a sweet smile appeared on their faces, and they bowed down to greet Lear in unison.

Let the white-collar workers in front of the office building can't help but look sideways to see what kind of big people have come here.

After seeing Lear's young expression, their faces showed a stunned expression, obviously they didn't expect that the big man in their minds was still so young.

"Did Dr. Bruce Banner of MIT accept our offer?" Since Lear started a business, of course, he would not forget the famous Dr. Banner, who asked Black Widow as soon as he got off the car.

Although Anne Hathaway is HR, it is clear that she still wants to be a black widow again, and Lear still prefers to find black widow in things.

The black widow with a big burgundy wave is full of maturity, and today she specially wore a burgundy dress similar to her own hair, and the stockings were white silk.

She bowed slightly, her attitude was not picky at all, and she shook her head: "I'm sorry, the other party still has his own research topic at hand and refused our invitation."

Lear nodded, and did not have too many regrets, if you pick the smartest person in the entire Marvel world, then Dr. Bruce Banner can at least be in the top three, but after trying, the other party refuses, and there is no way.

This is fate.

What's more, in front of Black Widow, Lear could not do his best to invite the other party and change the fate of the other party.

If Dr. Bruce Banner comes by himself, then it is normal, but if Lear is forcefully tied, the cause and effect in this will be great, and it is very likely that the ancient mage will be dispatched.

So, since you refused, then forget it.

Fortunately, although Dr. Bruce Banner rejected Lear, the hunter behind Lear brought Lear a flat replacement.

Winston, the monkey used for experiments, mutated on the moon, producing a super high IQ and physical fitness, but it was a little worse than the superheroes.

So he followed Tony Stark's example, made some equipment for himself, and became a superhero.

Of course, outside of superheroes, he, like Tony Stark, is also a super scientist.

He has studied a lot of fields, and he can even be said to be a kind of all-rounder.

Even though he is not in New York City, he has no fixed place to live, and only his friends can find his whereabouts.

And it just so happened that Hunter Sky and Black Lily were his friends.

At least, at least Black Lily was his former friend.

This matter, after leaving Lear, Hunter Kong has contacted Winston alone.

As Winston, who has been supporting the sky hunting behind his back and looking for Black Lily, he saw this matter very clearly and thought thoroughly: "If someone is really willing to provide me with a place to stay, then I don't have much opinion."

"If he really could, he would accept me."

Don't look at Winston looks like a genius monkey, but in fact there are few people who can really accept it, and in this racially discriminatory country, they can't even accept blacks, let alone a chimpanzee?!

Therefore, for Winston, shelter is more important than displaying his talents.

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