Chapter 018 Life loser5K

What exactly will make a top killer soft?

The cross is simple enough to give everyone the answer.

No one knows who the son of Cross really is, and no one knows when he had a son.

He kept it a secret very well, and until the moment he defected, the League of Assassins never knew that Cross had a son.

But in the face of his own son, Cross flinched.

Simply put, he prodded.

Will he be a good father? He doesn't know.

What can he bring to Wesley?

He couldn't give Wesley anything but money.

He has long lost interest in money, he has long been out of low-grade tastes, and he has not been interested in money for a long, long time.

People like him don't know that money can solve 99.9

% of his son's problems and solve 100% of his problems.

Wesley is such a low-level loser who lives at the bottom of American society.

All he wants to do every day is make money.

That's how he is.

Fearful, withdrawn, and prodded, Cross gave up his plans and ideas to recognize his son Wesley.

Only on his son's way to work, after pretending to be a homeless man, after pretending to be drunk, he bumped into Wesley's body, hugged him awkwardly, and left him in a hurry after his disgusted scolding.

He didn't even dare to meet him with his true face.

As the days passed, the cross did not sit idle.

He first used the money he had accumulated over the years to rent a small villa opposite Wesley's house, which was used as a base to watch over his son Wesley's commute every day.

As a killer who has lived in the midst of fighting and death for a long time, he feels that he is not qualified to return to a normal life, but he vows to defend the right of his son Wesley to live a normal life!

But someone soon broke the calm.

As a cross who already knew the secret of the Destiny Loom, he had to die so that Sloan could sleep peacefully.

In his opinion, even the number one killer in the organization is just a killer.

Who wasn't once the number one killer of the organization?

So for the cross, Sloan actually did not pay too much attention, he specially selected three henchmen backbone, and gave them a killing order to the cross.

They were all Sloane's close henchmen, and even if they knew that there was a problem with the Destiny Loom, they would never betray Sloane.

And they are all masters of being able to use adrenaline, bullet turning, three people to catch a cross one, there should be no big problem.

But his arrogance comes at a price.

After discovering the pursuers, Cross, who killed the three backbones almost unharmed, suddenly realized something was wrong.

Even if he didn't want to become someone else's knife anymore, the knife bearer would not let such a sharp knife go outside.

What's more, Cross knows no less inside than Sloan, as long as he defected to the police, he could easily bury the entire organization.

Sloan wouldn't let him live after he defected.

When Cross discovers that his presence is already an obstacle to Sloan's survival.

He knew that there was no room for détente between the two sides.

A man with children is weak, he is full of compromises and weaknesses.

A man with children is strong and will do anything for his children.

Although the rules of the League of Assassins do not target relatives of the target mission.

But Sloan had already broken the rules, and how could the guy who dared to change even the orders of the Destiny Loom follow the rules.

Cross is a killer, a top killer.

No matter what the industry, the people who reached the top of the industry were not ordinary people, at least not stupid people, and he quickly developed a plan for how to dismantle the League of Assassins.

As a top killer, his individual combat effectiveness is amazing, but once he falls into the siege, even if he is strong, he can only drink hatred.

So he had to play his strong side, and he

prepared a lot of things in the wooden house.

Thanks to this old-fashioned wooden cottage is large enough, even if it occupies less than 80 square meters, there is a front yard on the 1st floor and an attic on the roof.

He prepared various combat items and firearms in the attic, and was even able to see his son opposite him directly from the attic window with a telescope.

Cross sat in his chair while preparing his gun, and couldn't help but glance sideways at the binoculars.

Although he knew that his son should go to work and was not in the house now, he still liked to subconsciously glance at his son's room.

Even if it's to see if your son's girlfriend is pregnant.

If he could really see his son's coquettish girlfriend pregnant before he died, he would have died right away.

It's just that after this glance, he directly stood up from the chair in shock, knocked down his chair and didn't realize it.

His son, Wesley, had tears on his face and was holding a piece of cardboard with several large thick black letters, "weneedtotalk."

His son was held hostage until he was watching him and even wanted to talk to him.

Even if he died on the train, he had to grab his son's cross, and his heart was suddenly confused.

He grabbed a pistol and rushed out of his room.

His house and his son's apartment are separated only by a street and a floor.

Wesley lives in the kind of old, dilapidated apartment that can be rented for a few hundred dollars a month.

The main reason why he lives here is not only because he has no money, but also because it is relatively close to where he works.

In this place in New York, if you want to find a house that is only 30 minutes away from work, basically only the old and dilapidated people in the city can live.

Lear, on the other hand, lives a little further from the urban core and can rent larger apartments or even factory buildings.

Even Cross, who was extremely concerned about his son's safety, did not rush directly into Wesley's room.

He kicked open the wooden door of the room, and then shot a broken mirror from around the corner, and the moment the mirror shot in, the adrenaline slowed down allowing him to see the scene in the house.

His son had turned from the window and was standing next to a man, and it seemed that the tense expression on his face had eased a lot, and he was talking to the man, but because he kicked the door open, he turned his head and looked at the door in surprise.

Apparently he didn't know anything about what he had done.

His girlfriend was kneeling on the floor, trampled by the man, and at a glance he recognized who the man was

It was the man who had only joined the League of Assassins in recent months, Lear.

Why is he here?

In a blink of an eye, the cross discovered the problem.

No matter how weak the League of Assassins was, it would never let him assassinate him.

They would only tie their son into the castle and threaten him to die himself.

But on the original movie, Sloan had to be smarter.

He deceived Wesley with lies, then trained him to become a brilliant assassin and let his son kill Lao Tzu.

Even until death, the cross is voluntary.

I have to say that Sloan's methods are too clever.

Now, this guy who has just entered the League of Assassins has not only left the organization and found the location of his son, but even knows that he is monitoring his son.

Just now, he even asked his son to bring him a message and asked to talk to him.

This shows that the other party does not seem to have any malicious intentions.

The assassins were gamblers, and every shot was betting on their own success.

Thinking that his son was still on the cross on the other party's hand, he walked in from the door cleanly.

His gun was stuck in his waist, covered by a trench coat.

Hands raised, indicating that he did not have any malicious cross, and was stunned to find that the other party did not even have a gun.

Then how did he just blackmail his son.

His gaze turned to the pistol on the dining table in Lear's hand.

"Now we all know that the other party has no malice."

Lear said calmly to the cross.

Cross nodded equally calmly.

The two of them had had a brief exchange before, and he thought Lear and he were the same kind of person.

Calm, indifferent, not much to say, but very intelligent, thoughtful.

He thinks that Lear will become a good killer like him in time.

But I didn't expect that he had already caught up now, and was not weaker than him.

Whether tracking him down or finding his son, it takes a lot of observation and action.

The important thing was that he dared to come to this room alone and meet him, which was far more daring than Sloane and the like.

"Hi, Cross."

"Hi, Lear."

After the two greeted each other calmly, Lear shook his head and sighed.

Behind him, an old-fashioned New York tram roared by, and the noise of clanging railroad tracks filled the room.

"No, I'm still a little unwilling, come and try to stop me, the strongest."

His hand grabbed the pistol on the dining table, and the cross was instantly shocked, lifting his trench coat with his left hand and pulling out the gun directly with his right hand.

After grabbing the loaded pistol, Lear shot Wesley non-stop.

Both Wesley's girlfriend and Wesley himself screamed madly.

Even if she was stepped on by Lear, she was still like a maggot, writhing on the ground, and the gurgling water stains continued to flow down the base of her thighs.

One shot from Lear and one shot from Cross.

He held his breath and kept the adrenaline and rhythm ahead of Lear at all times.

In the case of his son's life and death, he played his highest level and realm, incomparably calm, and shot down the bullets shot by Lear with bullet after bullet.

Both of them knew in their hearts that Lear was closer to Wesley.

Therefore, if you want to intercept Lear's bullet, the cross must predict Lear's excitation, predict the trajectory of the bullet, and predict everything.

Ten bullets, each of which knocked Lear's bullet down, and 20 copper pellets fell on the wooden floor, scattered all over the place, very concentrated.

All concentrated between Lear and Wesley.


Wesley stroked his body frantically after the gunshot, trying to find the gunshot wound on his body.

But he found himself unharmed, and Lear had put down his pistol with two bullets in his hand.

The train whizzed past behind the window, masking the gunfire and quieting the room again.

"You really are the strongest." Lear sighed helplessly.

He and Wesley were separated by two meters, he and Wesley were five meters apart, and at a long and short distance, none of the ten bullets missed.

This kind of predictive ability and marksmanship are already unparalleled in the sky and right on the ground.

Superhero Hawkeye is not necessarily as strong as him.

Lear, who left the last two bullets, wanted to tell the other party that he only wanted to try the other party's skills and had no real malice.

"What do you want to talk about?"

After greeting Lear in a killer manner, Cross calmly inserted the gun back into his belt.

After the killer has been doing it for a long time, people will become more or less abnormal.

For example, he regards money as dung, tries his best to want his son, and maintains a dull and dick life.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with the trick just now, and when Lear had made it clear that his subordinates were merciful, he didn't need to really fight with the other party.

The two of them were calm, but Wesley, who almost walked before the ghost door closed, roared madly: "Wait, wait, wait, I said did you forget something?" What the hell are you two talking about? Did you just almost kill me? Do you owe me an explanation?

"I'm just an ordinary accountant, why should someone have to be rushed into the house and stand in front of the window with a gun to my head and cardboard."

"What's going on with you guy who just rushed in?"

He roared angrily, saliva sprayed everywhere, and his face and neck were all swollen red, just like a real red neck.

"Will you explain or will I explain?" Lear turned his head to look at the calm cross-asked.

Cross opened his mouth and paused for ten seconds, but finally did not say a word.

Looking at his instigation, Lear understood, raised his finger and pointed to the cross and said: "He is your father, a legendary killer.

"I'm his colleague and a killer."

"It's just that I'm an undercover agent sent in by the police, and he was recently hunted down by the organization for defection, and I want to get more information from him before he dies."

"And you are his son."

When Lear finally helped him say this.

Cross's lips trembled, staring dead at his son, Wesley, who had calmed down, whether he found some sort of identification on his face.

But Wesley's reaction was even more agitated.

"You say he's my dad and he's my dad? Leaving me and my mother behind for so many years, now a stranger breaks into my room, points a gun to my head, shoots me, and introduces me to another stranger who says he is my father?

"Should I believe you? Can I trust you?

"He probably has more than 3 million in deposits." Lear's words quieted the excited Wesley and his girlfriend.

After completing the mission recently, he received about $20,000 from Sloan.

This, of course, is significantly lower than the life of a prosecutor.

But the difficulty between the two sides is that a rotten boy who is difficult to find a reliable killer to kill a prosecutor, on the other hand, who is willing to dare to kill a prosecutor, will not hesitate to betray the League of Assassins when facing police interrogation.

Lear believed that Sloan's money was vastly greater than his $20,000.

But even for an average killer, after $20,000 in cash is not taxed, they spend at least a month or two drinking.

A newcomer like Lear has $20,000 in his hands after completing a mission — and that's on par with the income he hunts on the streets.

It can only be said that for the upper echelons, money is never a problem, the question is whether you can get the results you want after spending money.

What is the concept of $3 million in cash? Most Americans live on loans, even if they work two or three thousand a month, and immediately deduct utility bills, cable TV bills, Internet bills, rent and mortgages, or credit cards.

Americans' credit cards are the same as Huabei, food, clothing, housing and transportation, basically all paid by credit card, and then deducted centrally on the day of your salary and food.

If you can leave three or four hundred dollars in cash, you are already a very frugal American.

Why is the fertility rate of Americans so low that even blacks are unwilling to give birth, relying entirely on Asian, African and Latin American immigrants to supplement the population of the United States?

It is because the cost of living in the United States has ballooned to a point where ordinary people are overwhelmed.

The cost of living is high, ordinary people naturally have no money to leave for children, and naturally do not think about having children.

Although Americans grew up with happy education and were raised as pigs by the US government, they are not real pigs, and this simplest account can still be clearly calculated.

With that $3 million in cash, it didn't matter if Cross was Wesley's father or not.

What matters is whether Wesley will be able to inherit the cross money.

"Is what he said true?" Wesley asked with a flushed face.

"It's true." Cross sighed, not expecting his father-son recognition to be so dramatic.

But in other ways, as long as Wesley is willing to admit that he is a father, it doesn't seem to be much of a problem.

"Wesley, Wesley, I'm still your girlfriend, right? Right? Trampled under Lear's feet, the white female green tea couldn't help but scream screaming.

"When I have money, I must complain to you!" Good complaint about you undercover! She screamed loudly, struggled, and seemed to have rolled over and lived a human life.

You see, even the lowest strata of the United States know that if you don't have money, don't go to the complaint and provoke the police.

After having the money, her waist suddenly hardened.

Lear shook his head and grabbed the pistol on the table.

He wanted to spare this woman's life, but she was too stupid.

To spare such stupid people is to harm themselves.

Only a snap was heard, and the bullet pierced her head, and the blood accompanied by the brain pulp was scattered all at once.

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