Chapter 021 LEVEUP! UP! UP!

Special Weapons and Tactics Force, full name Special Weapons and Tactics, abbreviated as S.W.A.T.

The siege of this castle should have been carried out by the most professional people.

But the New York Police is not simply a police agency.

As one of the wealthiest regions in the United States, only California can barely touch the tail of New York.

New York not only has the worst policing in the country, but also the best police in the country, including their own special tactical unit - and even more than one!

NYPDCRC: CRC is the NYPD's first line of defense in response to terrorist attacks, and its members are trained in explosive identification, nuclear, biological and chemical attack recognition, and equipped with long-range weapons (rifles).

NYPDSRG: SRG is part of the Special Operations Division of the NYPD Patrol Division. The Special Operations Branch is designed to fully support other NYPD units in their law enforcement missions. SRG's mission is to be highly mobile and responsive citywide. Respond to various civil disputes and major events.

NYPDESU: Like SRG, it belongs to the Special Operations Division, but ESU is better trained and has more experience than SRG because its members are better-trained. In addition to tactical training, ESU team members must also master diving, high-altitude rescue, confined space rescue, emergency medical treatment, rope technology, etc., and are a more professional and versatile tactical team.

And that's just three departments, under which there are 1 to 3 squads.

And the number of squads is even higher, and each squad is almost more than forty people.

And these more than forty people are all well-trained elites, per capita three-level bulletproof helmets and third-level body armor, in urban street battles, they are almost already rogue fighters.

Note that the first three grades here are not a noun in PUBG, but from the US body armor standard system: NIJ0101.06 standard.

The NIJ0101.06 standard stipulates that the

depth of the back concave shall not exceed 1.73inch/44mm.

Type IIA: Able to block 9*19mm round-nosed FMJ bullets and .40S & WFMJ shells.

Type II: Able to block 9*19mm round-nosed FMJ round-nosed FMJ rounds and .357 Magnum JSP rounds.

Type IIIA: Capable of blocking .357SIG flathead FMJ rounds and .44 Magnum SJHP rounds.

Type III: Able to block 7.62*51mm FMJ (US military designation M80) shells.

Type IV: Able to block .30-06M2 armor-piercing shells.

In other words, the level 3 A here is already the bulletproof standard of the fourth level.

SWAT is mostly subordinate to the governor, state prosecutor, and state police.

Theoretically, it's a higher level than New York City.

But in New York City, which is equal to the strange place of New York State, SWAT is really not as good as the above agencies.

And Lear's father-in-law, no, Chief George, coincidentally, is one of the three New York Special Mobile Police powers above.

The former prosecutor was assassinated, and then there was the order of the Queens Police Chief.

NYPDCRC, NYPDSRG and NYPDESU are all in the hands.

However, in order to ensure the security of New York City, they still retained the reserve team of CRC and SRG, but only transferred one CRC and SRG, and ESU was all transferred by Director George.

A whole three ESUs are here, plus two CRCs and SRGs, if you add the patrol officers, detectives, and sheriffs who are miscellaneous around, more than three hundred police officers have gathered at the entrance of the Queens Police Department in New York, of which more than two hundred people, all of them are heavy firepower, each holding an M4 short-barreled carbine, fully armed to the teeth.

"I think some of you already know why you're here today."

"But I still have to say that in my precinct, there is a gang of bandits who dare to threaten me and assassinate the prosecutor, which is a shame for me, a shame for Queens, a shame for our entire police force."

He revealed his shortcomings in front of everyone, but he suddenly shocked all the policemen who were waiting in the square.

They didn't know that their police chief was actually threatened by this group of people.

Immediately after that, an angry evil fire emerged from the bottom of their hearts.

But one, two, not three, this group of people not only dare to threaten their own director, but also dare to assassinate prosecutors across districts, and now they have become daring extrajudicial maniacs, and if they don't kill them, it's hard to imagine that they will continue to do something to assassinate the governor? Or assassinate the president?

As law enforcement agencies in New York City, they would not allow this organization to continue to exist, they clenched their guns, their breathing was already getting heavier, killing intent burst out in their hearts, and they finally knew what they were gathering for today.

Kill them!

Looking at the special operations team below, whose eyes were red, Chief George nodded with satisfaction.

Ever since the League of Assassins attacked and threatened his daughter on the day, it had touched his counterscales, stuck in his throat like a barb, reminding him and threatening him all the time.

Americans like Chinese are very family-oriented, and after the early death of Chief George's wife, Gwen has become the treasure of Director George, even the boys in the school who have a clean and clean background, he is not allowed to touch his daughter, and even sends school police to monitor, not to mention the League of Assassins who will bring the life of his daughter.

Lear has been lurking within the Assassin League for several months, and he has not been idle, and has begun to use his political power and power to find out who the politicians behind the Assassin League are.

This is actually a chicken or egg first, he was going to do it to the politician first, but he didn't expect Lear to be so efficient.

In that case, let's cut off one of the politician's arms.

"Get in the car! Let's go! He raised his hand, clenched it into a fist, and yelled loudly into the microphone.

In a group of arrogant generals, only the bosses who are fierce and decisive can make them bow their heads and submit.

Director George's set is really too much of an appetite for the big-headed soldiers.

The special reaction forces slipped into their bulletproof armored vehicles.

The rest of the officers dispersed and found their own cars among the police cars waiting inside the police station.

The whole scene suddenly seemed like an army moving, one heavy truck after another, holding the bulletproof armor on it, loaded with eight or nine rapid anti-terrorist units, one after another drove out of the gate of the Queens Police Department.

Then there was the police bulletproof SUV filled with four heavily armed police detectives.

Finally, there were police patrol cars, which were also full of officers.

The whole scene is simply like a Hollywood blockbuster, which generally alarmed not only the media, but even various politicians.

What they don't know is that there are also police patrol helicopters in the air, providing them with all kinds of information, and if necessary, special forces can even use police patrol helicopters for airborne operations.

You must know that the annual retired military personnel in the United States, in addition to some to go to college, the rest of the employment is also a big problem.

Especially in the army, soldiers who have received professional killing training and have professional killing skills and knowledge are a great stealth bomb in society if they are not properly placed.

More importantly, the military has undergone a certain political background political review, after they retire, the police in various places can directly use it, without having to check the background information of these people themselves, which is very convenient.

Therefore, there are often people who have served in the military within the police in various places, and although these people do the most dangerous work, they hold the highest salary in the entire police station and belong to the high-risk and high-income group.

Their combat effectiveness is sometimes even stronger than that of the army.

Because within the army, in addition to training, actual combat is almost close to 0, on the contrary, this group of arrogant generals who have retired from the army, in addition to high income will add life-saving equipment to themselves, almost every month to go out several times or even a dozen actual combat missions.

This is also the reason why in some countries, there are big competitions within the army, and the winner is often a certain armed police detachment.

There is no need to say more about the rate of fire of such a group of arrogant soldiers, in terms of bulletproof equipment, it is completely crushed against the League of Assassins.

In the United States, you can't buy body armor, just as in ancient China you could hold a sword, a gun and sword for self-defense, but you couldn't hide a few pieces of armor.

The mind that hides the armor is basically known to passers-by: it is used to fight law enforcement agencies.

This is, of course, an idea that must not be tolerated.

So even in the League of Assassins, there is no body armor.

In a NYPDESU (New York City Police Department's Emergency Response Team) car, the heavily armed and hooded officers couldn't help but turn their heads to look at the rear of the car, and then the man who was as equipped and attire as them.

He was not a member of their squad, but the one who had been shoehorned in by Chief George, and it was said that he knew the gang well, and they were on this mission, all under his command, because he knew the terrain very well.

Whether he really understood, they didn't know, and they didn't dare to ask.

His code name is SEVEN, which is a code name for safeguarding witnesses.

The weapon on his body is said to be just a disguise, mainly to avoid the situation that the other party recognizes him at a glance and shoots him during the firefight.

Anyway, this is the thing, the person who stuffed in them still has to be carefully protected, in fact, everyone has some complaints in their hearts, but they dare not say it.

This mission dispatched more than 150 rapid reaction force police, plus the surrounding supporting personnel, the number of actors has exceeded 250, it can be said that this is already a big battle in New York City.

No one can afford to blame the destruction of people in this epidemic, including the big soldiers who acted below.

They drove dully all the way to the vicinity of the textile factory, where the patrolmen had already raised a cordon of prohibitions.

The rear door of the armored vehicle parked near the cordoned net opened, and the special reaction force officers immediately rushed down and formed a formation in the clearing.

The so-called formation is actually very simple, that is, two shield-wielding agents stand at the front, and all the others are lined up in two lines, standing behind them, and the breakthrough hand with a heavy hammer is ready to break into the door at any time.

Others stood behind them with bated breath, ready to shoot at any enemy that appeared.

It's just that this is a tactic in a narrow space during normal operations, and there are two teams in every door of the entire textile factory, and two reserves are ready to go into it.

The big scene of 150 people is no joke, it is directly according to the war scene.

In addition to the sniper has already set up the gun at a high point hundreds of meters away, the blaster's goal-breaking hammer has also been directly replaced by the M72LAW rocket launcher, which is light and small and extremely accurate within 50 meters, and is the "door-breaker" they intend to use to blast open the gate.

There are helicopters circling in the air, and even the reporter's helicopter can only set up the camera from a distance of thousands of meters, and dare not approach, because those helicopters really have accurate shooters and guns, ready to shoot any enemy who dares to emerge from the castle at any time.

Neither the fox nor the cross nor Wesley had ever seen such a battle with the police.

They only now understand what a country's violent institutions really represent.

Without the support of the US state organs, the powerful S.H.I.E.L.D. fell in a blink of an eye, becoming a small organization that uncles do not love and grandmothers, and once the police in the United States of the police state really begin to get serious, the power and terror displayed are no less than S.H.I.E.L.D.

On the contrary, in order to show the power and high technology of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the movie, Marvel is consciously suppressing the strength and performance of other official institutions.

But now, the most intuitive feeling comes.

The sniping of the Cross and the Fox made the League of Assassins afraid to leave the castle, and in the face of widespread defection, they were still gathering to try to ask Sloan for an explanation.

And the police are aiming for this moment when they can be swept up.

You know, assassination and fortification are two completely different categories.

Where there is no cover, the opponent only needs two M4 rifles to completely block all your advance routes, and the pistol says that it has an effective range of 50 meters to 100 meters, but everyone who has used it should know that being able to hit the target within 10 meters is considered victory.

Fear of adrenaline and bullet turns can extend this range to 20 meters, but in the face of a blockade line of at least 50 meters or more, the Assassin League still came and died as much as they could, and after three or four deaths, they stopped trying to rush out, ready to borrow the terrain of the textile factory and the police to attack and defend.

In the end, people who have all the skills are bandits, even if they are usually polite and gentle, but now after encountering a desperate situation, they are still the bachelor.

The police will not let them go because of their desperate resistance, on the contrary, you do not surrender when this is the case, it can be seen that there is no mistake in the intelligence, these people are absolutely big bandits, and they must fight harder.

A gate was instantly blasted by the M72 bazooka, and the heavily armed rogue warriors, protected by 4 shields, stepped on the smoke and dust exploded by the M72 bazooka and entered the castle.

The moment they entered the castle, bullets came out of the window.

Although it is either a 9mm or 11.43mm caliber bullet, hitting the body armor police, will make people pause temporarily, to prevent being punched, the skin behind the body armor must have been bruised, but this attack will not stop the police from advancing.

The opposite side soon discovered the enemy's scoundrel and really began to unfold his unique skill - throwing a gun.

The bullets penetrated into the weak spots of the police through various gaps, and even if they were not fatal, the rolling bullets instantly rendered the special reaction force officers incapacitated.

Just one heavily armed policeman, seven or eight were shot.

They had never encountered a situation where the bullets seemed to have eyes and turned and penetrated their bodies through the middle of the shield and body armor.

They had never encountered such a magical situation after playing with guns for so many years, and the formation in the entire team suddenly became disordered.

Some wanted to bend down to pull their shot brothers out of this dangerous battlefield, while others just wanted to rush through the wide square faster into the buildings and engage them in hand-to-hand combat.

The entire team, except for those who were shot, instantly split into two sections, and suddenly lost the unified and coordinated formation.

Just as the killers of the League of Assassins smiled and aimed again at the policemen who were about to rush in, a man standing behind the police opened fire.

The M4 carbine instantly spewed out deadly flames, and bullets flew in mid-air, as if someone had fired indiscriminately because of panic.

While all the assassins did not take the M4 to heart, many 5.56mm bullets accurately passed through the gaps in the windows and bunkers, killing all the killers hiding inside.

Listening to the continuous sound of experience in his ears, Lear was in a good mood.

He has done so many things, after two or three months of layout, isn't it just for this moment.

Wandering the streets, killing those robbers, when do you have to kill to rise to the level of Captain America?

Become a killer and do black work for the League of Assassins, when will you have to kill to match Iron Man?

Time is running out, he doesn't have that much time to slowly drip through the stones.

Only chaotic warfare and killing can allow him to quickly gain experience and level up quickly.

Can killing a robber be the same thing as killing the experience gained by a professional killer who can turn bullets around?

Don't look at the fact that he has only killed 5 people now, he has already raised him to level 8 again.

You know, in the entire textile factory, there are forty or fifty of these people.

It was such a waste to kill the cross before.

But it really took too much time for him to set up an ambush with the cross and kill each other one by one.

Now this situation is perfect.

The killers' attention was all on the police, unaware that the police were mixed in with a predator who was even better than them.

And this is just the first appearance of the top predator's fangs.

"Drag the wounded back and let the reserves come up immediately!"

After he finished shooting, the opponent's counterattack disappeared instantly, and even a fool should understand that he alone suppressed all the opponent's attack.

Under the crushing of absolute strength, no one questioned his command anymore.

Seven or eight people dragged their wounded colleagues and retreated behind the arch of the castle with a field of blood, and a group of explosion-proof troops with shields rushed in behind the castle's great stability.

"Come with me!" Lear held the gun in one hand and shouted.

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