Chapter 027 is just

right when Lear takes the fox and Perkins to the roof opposite the Little Russian Church, and the good drama here is at its climax.

John Wick himself, alone with an assault rifle, broke into the Russians who had already gathered.

He had already destroyed this place in advance and attracted the main forces of the Russians, and everyone did not expect him to be so bold, and even dared to ambush the main forces of the Russians alone.

Including these brave and warlike Russians.

So in one face, these Russians were directly shot by him 4 good hands, and the remaining Russians scattered around in a panic looking for cover.

John Wick, with a short-barreled M4 assault rifle, completely suppressed the Russian gangsters with submachine guns and pistols.

A dozen Russians were actually suppressed by him alone, unable to raise their heads.

He is not only brave, but also very accurate marksmanship, with a very wide line of sight, and those who dare to rise will be shot by him at the first time.

Although his accuracy will decrease at this time, the number of bullets masks this.

It looks like you're going to die if you stick your head out.

"That's awesome." Lear beckoned to Perkins.

Perkins placed the box on the fence, opened it for Lear, and began quickly assembling the MK14EBR.

"Seriously, is it really necessary to do this for him?"

She complained endlessly while assembling, and after leaving the Continental Hotel safely, Lear became less restrained on her, she looked a lot more presumptuous, maybe she still can't do without Lear and the fox, but the speech was obviously more presumptuous.

"I'm not for him." With only one word, Lear took the MK14EBR from her hand and put it on the roof.

It's just that at this time, the situation below has changed abruptly.

Although John Wick killed most of the people, the Russians took advantage of their numbers before they were finished, and while John Wick was unprepared, he crashed him to the ground with a car.

Looking at John Wick, who had lost his mind, Perkins whistled: "Now we don't have to insert ourselves into this war."

"Let's wait." Lear withdrew the gun mounted on the eaves and watched John Wick being put up by them, and he slowly followed their path, pacing above the row of roofs.

John Wick, who had lost his mind, was dragged into the church by the few remaining Russians, with their feet off the ground.

Lear, who had lost his vision, took a deep breath and decided not to wait any longer for the situation inside, he set up his precision rifle and aimed it at the church.

As the sound of his breathing intensified, all the details of the church were amplified in his eyes.

It was collected by his brain.

He fired a shot steadily, the bullet instantly ejected and disappeared, and when the bullet casing was ejected by gunpowder power, five hundred experience points were directly received.

Without pause, Lear fired a second shot.

The sound of the silencer does not directly silence the gunshot, but it can make the huge gunshot echo only in a small area.




A steady stream of gunfire echoed on the rooftop.

Perkins, who didn't understand what Lear was doing, looked at Lear in disbelief, and then looked back at the fox with his hands on his chest, leaning against the wall with a relaxed smile on his face.

I don't understand what the hell is going on.

"Don't you care about him?"

"Shut up and watch quietly." The fox was not so polite to her and reprimanded.

Vigo, who brought more than a dozen people over, was directly killed by John Wick, leaving only five or six people.

And Lear's precision marksman rifle MK14EBR fired bullets without missing bullets, and all the remaining subordinates of Viggo were solved at once.

An ordinary robber gives 300 XP, a gangster gunner 500 XP, an experienced assassin 800 to 1,500, which is all reasonable.

It's just that ejecting bullets is not the same as turning bullets, and you can't even see where the enemy is with ejection bullets, and you don't know if the enemy is dead or not, purely by feeling.

The fox knew that Lear had practiced the bullet in the corner to the extreme, even to the point of being able to refract.

This is a skill that no one in the history of the League of Assassins has ever been able to achieve.

But for someone like Lear with talent, it's just one step away.

Although she couldn't see what was happening in the church, most of the people had already been solved by Lear.

A figure rushed out of the church in a hurry.

He rushed into his bulletproof Cadillac, quickly activated it, and drove away in a puff of smoke.

"What the hell did you do!"

Perkins was going crazy.

She felt that the world was going crazy too.

"Put it away and follow it."

Lear handed her the MK14EBR, turned and jumped off the steps and headed out of the rooftop.

"Hey!" Perkins shouted as he scrambled to disassemble and assemble the MK14EBR.

By the time she hurriedly carried the MK14EBR to the Little Russian Church, John Wick was awake.

"You owe me once, John." Lear and the fox have already collected Russian weapons, as well as cars.

They have now become rangers, without the organization, it is difficult for them to get support in terms of weapons, and it is indeed convenient to find a mainland hotel to rent and buy, but they are naturally lone wolves, and they are naturally guilty of conflict with the mainland hotel.

"You wouldn't want me back." John Wick shook his dizzy head and got up from the ground, he didn't know what had happened just now.

He didn't even hear the gunshots, and the Russians fell one after another.

The sound of bullets cutting through the air resounded sharply in the church.

The man had powers he couldn't understand, and more importantly he was completely unclear about his intentions, and John Wick had to admit that he did owe Lear a favor.

But this is the most troublesome place, people are not good to pay back.

John Wick, who had long since entered retirement, understood this all too well.

"It doesn't matter." Lear stored the pistols one by one in the shock box, and the submachine guns that were not very convenient to carry were also put into the rear trunk of the Russian gangster's Cadillac.

In addition to these guns, there are also the cars they left behind, which will also be driven away by Lear and them.

Maybe they will give these Cadillac to the car dealer for recycling, or they may just change some glass and paint and use it themselves.

This recycling is very bold and offends the Russian gang.

But neither Perkins nor John Wick knew that there might be no Russian help after tonight.

"Hi Perkins." John Wick held his wound, looked at Perkins, who hurried in, and nodded softly to her.

Of course, he could tell if Perkins was hostile to him or not, he gave Perkins to Lear last night, but Lear appeared with her in the Little Russian Church today, and it was clear how things were.

John Wick did not expect that Lear was so daring that he dared to directly skip the supervision and notification of the Continental Hotel, and it was obvious that he did not obey discipline.

But there are many people in this world who do not take the rules of the mainland hotel in their eyes, although they all paid the price of their lives in the end, but not in the eyes is not in the eyes.

Let's just say good luck to him.

"You just let him go? So what's the point of you saving him? Before John Wick left, Boggins was already shouting, she was on purpose, at least the favor to be sold, right?

"Let him go, my goal was not him in the first place." His words made everyone stunned.

John Vick ignored him and just left the Little Russian Church on his own.

He still has unfinished tasks to do.

Some people have to die.

He didn't care at all who Lear's target was.

He can only guarantee that as long as Lear does not stand on his opposite side, then he will never attack Lear.

"Put all these things in the car, and then send the Continental Hotel Cadillac back and take a taxi back." Lear said to Perkins.

He really used Perkins as a killer assistant, Perkins was stunned, she was a member of a continental hotel, at least a high-level killer, was actually used by Lear as an errand runner for the little brother?

But after staring at Lear for a while, she finally decided to obey Lear's orders.

Because she has discovered that all the Russians in the Little Russian church are dead.

She did not hear gunshots when she came in, that is, Lear really used the MK14EBR to kill her invisible Russians by some unknown method without a view at all.

In the face of this kind of guy with weird and unpredictable abilities, it is better for her to be more obedient.

What's more, she knew that the fox standing behind Lear had always looked at her a little unpleasantly, but she didn't say it, if she had the opportunity, she would probably teach her a lesson.

After she left, Lear looked at the hellish place where only himself and the fox were left in the entire church, and suddenly said: "Get up, I specially spared your life, not let you lie on the ground and load the corpse."

His words made the fox show a surprised expression, but a man on the ground climbed up with a puff of smoke.

He looked at the owner of this incident with a fawning expression on his face, and although he didn't know how Lear did it, he still understood who was the one who really did these massacres, and compared to him, even John Wick was less terrifying.

"Do you know where the property of the Russians is? If I'm not mistaken, you're probably an accountant, right.

His words brought a smile to the shrewd man, who was clearly not Russian: "Yes, yes." "

The other party came prepared, the bottom of the Russian gangster is clear, when Viggo fled, he didn't pay attention to him at all, he has long been angry, and now seeing that the other party has touched the bottom of the Russians so thoroughly, he has no pressure to betray."

"Take us."

Lear ordered calmly.

Money is of course one aspect, but it is the real thing that matters if the strength of the Russians is thoroughly understood to facilitate the next move.

He took Lear and the fox all the way to the basement of the Little Russian church, which had just experienced a fire and John Wick burned everything here, except for the unburnable thing - gold.

The melting point of gold is very high, about 1,000 degrees, and the incendiary bomb that John Wick dropped here is obviously impossible to melt all the gold, but even so, after the high temperature, the gold master has all become unrecognizable.

The Continental Hotel gold coin, which can be exchanged for 10,000 US dollars outside, has returned to its original value in this fire, of course, the accountant did not come here to lead Lear and them to see the Continental Hotel gold coin that was burned beyond recognition.

Rather, some nuggets of gold left here by the Russians.

The nuggets are almost melted together, but even so, their value can still be seen.

"Now the price of an ounce of gold is about 2600 US dollars, and the gold here is more than 300 kilograms, Viggo is now facing John Vic's pursuit and he has no time to care about us, if time permits, we can completely pry this gold off and take it away."

300 kilograms of gold actually does not seem to be much, the density of gold is very large, for example, it frequently appears in movies, and the gold as thick as a person's forearm in the bank is 12.5 kilograms.

And the 300 kilograms of gold here are burned on the ground, which is only a place the size of a living room carpet, uniform in thickness and color, and it is necessary to use tools such as pickaxes to strip the gold from the ground.

But even so, they have that value.

As the accountant just said, the price of an ounce of gold is about $2,600, and the gold here is more than 300 kilograms, which means that with the price of gold recycling alone, they can exchange wealth in the bank for about $27 million.

You must know that even in the second part of the rapid chase, the Italian of the "High Platform Twelve" of the Continental Hotel offered a reward of only 7 million to John Wick, and now the Russian gangster Vigo's reward of 2 million to John Wick has already topped the Continental Hotel Bounty Ranking.

Most of the time, the top of this bounty list is only 2 million.

27 million, even if the accountant can get 1 million retirement, he is enough to live very comfortably - many accounting professionals are not lacking ability, but lack of resources and funds to make their wealth work.

Once he had his first start-up capital, he was able to use his smart brain to make his life extremely comfortable.

He now only hopes that Lear and Fox are well-behaved people, and since they will not kill him now, he will let him leave safely after explaining enough benefits.

"Maybe we're going to find some pickaxes or something?" He suggested: "The chapel is being renovated, and there should be no shortage of such tools.

Lear did not speak, but came to the gold, which was still slightly warm, and grabbed the large gold carpet with both hands.

What's going on? What does he want to do? Before the accountant could react, Lear had lifted a large gold carpet off the ground.

That's 300 kilograms of gold!

The accountant's eyes are about to fall, although it is not large, but the weight is really heavy, and anyone who has touched gold should know this.

An ordinary person can't even lift a 100kg barbell for 30 seconds.

The arms of a 300-kilogram bench press are basically thicker than the waist of an ordinary person.

The accountant admitted that Lear is indeed very tall, 1.85 meters tall even among whites, but his figure is very well-proportioned, there is not a trace of fitness, how did he manage to lift 300 kilograms of gold so effortlessly?

Then something that surprised the accountant even more happened: he only saw Lear pressing the gold to the ground and manually starting to bend the gold that still had a residual temperature on it.

The texture of the gold was already soft, and it had just been fired at high temperatures, and although it had been spread out, it was slowly kneaded into a large ball under Lear's power.

It is said that it is a large group, but it is only the size of a person who can hold, and the Atlas stone ball of the Hercules game is the size of a stoneball

But the Atlas stone ball is only about 100 kilograms to 150 kilograms, and the density of gold directly doubles the weight of this golden ball.

Lear hugged him like this and calmly said to the accountant: "Open the way." "

Lear's level was raised to level 13 after the battle of the League of Assassins, and his strength went directly from 21 to 31, which was manifested in the fact that Lear did not feel tired or reluctant for most physical work.

This 300 kilograms of golden ball finally made him feel the upper limit of 31 points of strength a little, and it may take about another 100 kilograms before he becomes reluctant and uncontrollable.

That's probably his limit.

It is worth noting that this increase of 100 kilograms to 100 kilograms is not a simple addition and subtraction, but more similar to the marginal effect of the human body, and each breakthrough may be the limit of a super-athlete.

Without this system that can easily increase his physical fitness, Lear would definitely not be in this world full of superheroes.

He has always been a cautious man.

The fox's beautiful eyes are full of brilliance, and Lear will always be the man who can constantly give her mysterious experiences in her eyes.

She and the accountant guarded Lear one after the other, watching Lear walk 361 steps, and put a 300-kilogram gold ball on the back seat of a Cadillac without blushing or panting.

The entire Cadillac sank by a centimeter.

"Wait here."

Lear closed the car door and said to the accountant.

The accountant nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice, and now no matter what Lear asked him to make, even if it was to take off his pants and offer chrysanthemums, he would not refuse.

Because Lear just now was too manly, his hormones were simply bursting, and he walked up step by step like Hercules in ancient Greek mythology, with unparalleled greatness and charm.

Even the man secretly broke his heart.

Not long after, Perkins stepped out of a yellow taxi.

"Do you know where the black car recycling shop is? Lead the way.

Lear asked the accountant.


I'm so sleepy today, I'll take a shower and go to sleep later."

I'd rather see which author went to accompany his girlfriend today, no codewords!

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