Chapter 030 Black Cat

"Goahead, (Go about your thing)" Lear shrugged and said to John Wick.

No one except John Wick knew he was back.

Including Lear, who has long forgotten the plot of the rapid chase.

Most people watch movies and remember the plot at that time, and they forget it after a few days.

If it weren't for the fact that the movie is still famous, Lear wouldn't even remember its plot and male lead.

John Wick nodded politely, then went to his car and lifted the curtain.

Many people do not understand him, thinking that he is just for a dog, it is really unreasonable to give up his peaceful life and kill his original power boss.

But Lear understood that he really wanted to retire, and Vigo's son really didn't want to be a man.

Faced with his confinement, John Wick had no other way.

The death of his wife, the flame of anger, burning in his chest, filled him with a tendency to self-destruct.

In the face of this kind of person, Wei Guo really does not know how to be evil.

John Wick got into his car, gave Learby a courtesy, gestured with two fingers on his forehead, then dashingly lit the car and drove away.

Looking at John Wick who left, Perkins seemed to have suddenly opened his brain, grabbed Lear's clothes and screamed: "I know, I know why you saved John Wick!" After

watching Lear fish tens of millions on Viggo's body, she found out why Lear didn't kill John Wick.

"John Wick is a shield, right?"

She grabbed Lear's arm, and her long nails dug into Lear's flesh, which showed her excitement now.

"You moved these gang leaders in New York City, he helped you block all the guilt, and everything can be pushed onto him, right?"

Lear shook off her hand in disgust and jumped out of the car and walked towards the building.

"I'm disappointed that you've only found out about this now."

Lear's disgust was not in Perkins' eyes at all, and she chased after her with a look of excitement.

What is she exhausted to be a killer for?

Isn't it just for the money.

However, she risked her life to break the rules of the Continental Hotel, that is, to earn four million.

However, the four million she thought she could retire was earned in one night in front of Lear.

She found that it was more important to follow the right boss than to fool around herself.

She suddenly understood the subtlety of Lear's design.

First of all, both Viggo and his brothers are famous meat eaters and chess players in the underground world of New York City.

Even for the dignity of the chess players between them, other chess players will not allow others to dare to provoke them.

This is a bit akin to fighting for righteousness: if outsiders like Lear kill the gangsters, then the gangsters will unite to hunt down Lear and them, and take the people who killed him as the heirs of the Viggo inheritance.

This is the rule, this is the rule, this is the circle, this is the class.

The class is different, and you are not entitled to take away a penny from Vigo's legacy.

However, John Wick is different.

First of all, John Wick is already an outcast.

Secondly, everyone tacitly assumed that his revenge against Viggo was just, even if he destroyed the entire Russian gang, he was just.

Everyone will fight and fight for the legacy left by the Russian gangsters, but no one will attack John Wick.

Because John Wick, from the Russian gangster, has every reason to come back after retirement and take revenge on the Russian gangster.

He has the highest status and legitimate legitimacy in the audience.

Even the police would have turned a blind eye to John Wick's choice of action tonight.

It is precisely because of this that John Wick cannot die, he must be alive and alive in the sight of everyone in New York City.

Perkins, who did not react until this time, reacted too slowly, and his children could not be taught.

Vigo's brother Abaram thought that John Wick had come to cut the grass and remove the roots, and he was trembling in the office because of the name of the night devil.

But when Lear and Perkins walked into his office, he stood up with a surprised look and asked, "Who are you?" "

What answered him was a bullet.

His head burst open instantly, and the brain pulp mixed with fragments of bones splashed the glass wall behind him.

"Look and see if he has anything valuable, but I think since he plans to escape, then the valuable things should be underneath."

Lear's words made Perkins' eyes light up, and she turned around and walked out the door almost without hesitation.

Lear ignored her and just began rummaging through the study.

After his education as an accountant, he also began to understand the importance of these documents.

He didn't quite understand how much wealth a man like Abaram could amass, but it was clear that it was not yet the information age, and his correspondence had been accumulated over the past few years, more than a decade.

Taking into account his identity, a drug lord, a smugglers, a gangster, a Russian.

Those who can exchange letters with him, one counts one, and he is shot without wrong.

Lear first put the headphones in his arms into his arms, and then rummaged through his desk.

Piles of letters were placed on the table by him, intending to catch them all, take them back first, and then slowly classify them by penny.

But suddenly outside the door came the exclamation of Perkins.

The office is already some distance away from the black car factory, if it were not for Lear's physique has reached 31, his eyes and ears are smart, and he can't even hear the exclamation from the black car factory.

And the enemy?

Lear didn't want to think about it, pulled out his legs and rushed out.

His speed is very fast, which can be described as lightning-fast.

I only saw that he rushed out of the office at a speed far beyond ordinary people.

His strength and speed, coupled with explosive power, instantly brought a strong air current, and he suddenly passed through the corridor and came to the black car factory.

Here, Perkins is being pressed and beaten.

She obviously held a pistol in her hand, but the other party easily suppressed her, so that she had no time and opportunity to shoot.

To be precise, her muzzle is not aimed at the opponent at all, and she will be set up by the opponent to shoot the pistol, or avoid the gun line.

This is a very clever way to dodge, but when Lear saw clearly the person pressing Perkins to hit, he was surprised to grow his mouth.

She's a Catwoman!

And Lear recognized at a glance that she was none other than Catwoman in Batman: The Dark Knight Rising, Anne Hathaway!

You must know that there are many film and television images of Catwoman, but each image is clear.

For example, the hood is disgusting, like a stitching monster, Michelle Pfeiffer's version of Catwoman.

For example, the most exposed and sexiest black pearl catwoman Harley Berry.

For example, the latest version of Batman, the Jewish catwoman Zoe Kravitz, who is neither sexy nor beautiful.

Another example is the eternal classic Anne Hathaway's version of Catwoman in film history.

All are recognizable at a glance.

Why is she here?

Isn't it just the Marvel Universe here?

Lear instantly realized the urgency and eagerness of the intelligence, plus she was still oppressing Perkins.

Almost without hesitation, he fired three shots at Anne Hathaway.

The first shot was a direct shot that predicted her movements.

The second shot was the arc that predicted her retreat.

The third shot prejudged her up and down refraction.

The three shots demonstrated Lear's extreme marksmanship, but all the bullets went to Anne Hathaway's arms and legs.

Lear's purpose was to injure her, leave her, and then question her.

But then, he also opened his eyes for a rare time, and for the first time saw what the real level of "superheroes" with a high level of popularity looks like.

Only to see her two slender long legs, quickly kicked out two kicks, forced Perkins back, immediately with the power of kicking Perkins, stretched her body in mid-air, as if gymnastics and ballet, with an exceptionally beautiful and aesthetic movement to avoid the bullets that Lear shot at the same time but flew at different times.

Although Baidu Encyclopedia said that she has cat-like speed and reflex nerves, a sense of balance and physical flexibility, this is really too outrageous, and has completely exceeded the scope of ordinary people's cognition, and even beyond Lear's cognitive range.

Cats, are they such fierce creatures?

Even if she has the cat's speed and reflex nerves, does she even have the cat's eyes and slow motion?

After dodging these three bullets, she seemed to understand that Lear was not easy to mess with, and did not entangle with Perkins at all, turned her head and jumped directly onto the 2nd floor of the black car factory.

The pistols in Lear's hand kept coming, trying to force her back from near the 2nd floor and prevent her from escaping through the window.

But she was always able to dodge every bullet of Lear at the most dangerous time, like a slippery loach, into the exhaust window on the second floor of the factory, and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Perkins' whole person was shocked on the spot, and she was still merciful just now?

If she gave it her all, wouldn't she be knocked to the ground in a few rounds?

Lear calmly loaded the bullet into a magazine, came to her side and asked, "Are you all right?" No injuries, right? "

Hmm." Perkins, who recovered from the shock just now, couldn't help but confide in Lear the scene where she just met Anne Hathaway: "This little thief wanted to steal our things, but I turned back and found out, I plan to stop her, she still wants to hit me!"

"She was aggrieved to death, mainly because she hadn't beaten, and she was even kicked twice by the other party.

Lear's face showed a thoughtful expression: "It seems that we are not the only ones eyeing this piece of fat." "

It's only natural to think about it, there are many smart people in this world, and most of them are just one step slower than Lear's actions.

Moreover, the window period left by John Wick for them was particularly short, basically only one day and one night, and most people had already ended by the time they got the information, and John Wick should have returned to his house long ago and continued to live in seclusion.

Lear can't remember the plot of the second part of the rapid chase, of course he thinks so.

And during this window period, those who can move are counted on one hand.

For example, the black cat just now.

She specifically took this kind of channel, and it was natural for her to rush over when she received news and rumors.

Is there still a Bruce Wayne's richest man in this New York City?

Lear, who let Catwoman escape, was very upset, but he still suppressed his temperament and asked: "Since she is here, it means that the wealth of that guy is here?"

When it came to the topic, Perkins immediately became excited: "We are developed this time, just the mainland hotel gold coins, this guy has more than a thousand!" I was caught by that thief, but there are at least tens of millions left!

"And cash at least one or two million, and the Russian favorite nuggets, my God!" Is rice poison so profitable!

She cried excitedly in Lear's ear like a little sparrow.

For a young female killer who retires with enough 4 million, it is really too exciting to put so much money here.

Stimulated, her endocrine is a little out of order, and she is incoherent.

"Just pack it and take it away." Lear nodded calmly to her, but instead picked up a large bag of bills from a taxi, poured out all the bills, took the large bag and turned his head to continue into the office.

After Perkins recovered from his excitement, he realized how heavy these gold nuggets and coins were.

He doesn't help with this kind of thing! Instead, let her move alone?

Still not a man!

Money gave her endless motivation.

While carrying gold nuggets, banknotes and Continental Hotel gold coins drenched in sweat, she cursed Lear viciously in her heart.

But I can't help but calculate how much I can get out of this vote.

It stands to reason that there are at least 500,000, right?

A mainland hotel gold coin is only 10,000, and most of the time she gets a gold coin when she does a single task.

Now it's fifty gold coins at a time, follow the good boss, hugging your thick thighs is the right choice!

She was accepted by Lear almost immediately—unless Lear wasn't going to give her a bonus.

She drove Lear over, there is no credit and hard work, right?

She drove Lear into the crowd, can it be regarded as living and dying together?

She helped Lear save his property in Catwoman's theft, can it be regarded as sharing happiness and suffering?

All these credits add up to 500,000 is not too much, right?

Just as Perkins was calculating how much he would get, Lear walked out of the office with a pack of paper.

Seeing that she was already sitting in a yellow taxi waiting, Lear nodded and sat back in the cab of the Chevrolet Corvette.

When Corvette began to roar, he and the taxi spun out of the black car factory one after the other.

After they left, Catwoman slowly walked out of the office, and couldn't help but sigh as she watched the backs of the two cars leaving.

She was also carrying a small backpack full of cash, roughly estimated to be about 200,000 US dollars, although it was already a lot, but compared with the box of gold coins of the Continental Hotel, it was still a little inferior.

Sneaking out of the factory building, she galloped through the factory alleys in the Bay Area, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

It seems that the whole of New York City is about to set off a bloody storm because of Vigo's death.

And what role did Lear and Perkins, who took advantage of the fire, play in this?

When Lear and Perkins drove one after another into the black car factory in Aurelio, the repairmen in the black car factory broke out into earth-shattering cheers.

This time, Ett really sold Aurelio a good deal, and helped Lear establish power.

The previous Viggo has been crippled by John Wick, and even if Lear really kills Vigo, it doesn't prove anything.

But Viggo and his brother's men were intact, and as a car repairer, Aurelio knew too well how capable the black car factory over there was.

Now Lear single-handedly leveled the entire black car factory, not only proved how strong he was, but also made all the repairmen happy with him, and more importantly, after Viggo's death, the entire Brooklyn area will be vacated a power vacuum, and Lear helped them wipe out the competitors of the black car factory at this time, and in the time before the competition for the king of Brooklyn, their black car factory was the only player who monopolized the only business in Brooklyn.

They don't dare to guess how much money they will make next month.

For this alone, they would all be tight-lipped about Lear's identity and offer their loyalty to Lear.

And all this is absolutely impossible without Ette's mouth.

It's like Ette and Aurelio tacitly set a test for Lear, and Lear easily solved him without thinking, let all difficulties and tests be invisible, and also stood up, closed hearts, convinced people, and completed it in one go.

This has resulted in a win-win situation that everyone is satisfied with.

It can be said to be a very classic operation.

On the modified Cadillac, the height of the car was once again lowered by two centimeters, and Lear couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the harvest full of cars.

It looks like he's moving.

"Does Vigo have any secluded safe houses?" Lear asked Ette.

"Be big, be remote, be quiet, have a parking space."

These requirements are worth at least millions for New Yorkers.

Even the rent is around 10,000 a month.

But for an underworld boss like Vigo, the monthly cost of maintaining these safe houses may be more than one million.

Safe house does not refer to the kind of room that locks oneself in, but can make the big guy more comfortable, safer, more relaxed, more hidden, with guns, water and food, and even a beautiful woman's house anytime and anywhere.

This kind of house does not necessarily have to be placed in a remote place, because this does not overlap with the movement trajectory of the big guys, and cannot give them a sense of security anytime and anywhere.

But it must be very comfortable and close to where the big guys live.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

Lear knew his apartment and elevator weren't good at transporting these things.

Immediately thought of borrowing Victor's safe house.

As soon as Lear asked, Ete was able to answer immediately: "Yes, I will lead you!" "

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