Chapter 032 John Wick is back,

and Lear is indeed not a big winner in this incident.

But his gains were also heavy.

The first is the money necessary to operate in the United States.

It can be said that you can get rid of poverty and become rich in one day.

This is followed by two professionals, Perkins and Ette.

Perkins is indeed not a good player, but it can also be used, at least after forming a high and low match with the fox, the combat effectiveness has steadily and sharply improved.

At least you can stand alone.

Then there is the accounting ETH of professional skills.

He may become the actual operator of Lear Holdings, and it may be reluctant to be a manager in his capacity as an accountant, but people always grow in the work.

More importantly, his accounting experience is very good, and he can always audit all kinds of waste in the enterprise, and Lear is still relatively relieved to hand over the enterprise to him.

So a framework is built, and as the whole working framework is built, the next thing becomes smooth.

The girls had returned to their rooms to take a shower after a busy day, and Lear turned to Ette and asked, "How much a year is a manager like you?" Is 300,000 enough?"

His words made Ette shine, although his income was not less than 300,000, but one was illegal, the other was legal, how could it be compared?

The per capita annual income in the United States is about 39,000 US dollars, many of which are "averaged" by the rich, so the actual annual income of Americans should be about 20,000-30,000, which later they created a new statistic, called the median per capita annual income, and the final survey result was 27,000, which means that this is the real income level of Americans.

And 27,000 a year and 12 months is $2,250 a month, and then divide by four to get a weekly salary: $550.

People with an income of more than $40,000 are considered to be the best in the United States, and an annual income of 300,000 yuan is undoubtedly already a rentier, even in the capitalist country of the United States, which can be comfortable.

Although taxes over $40,000 are basically paid at the top 48 percent, and Europe even receives 53 percent for the middle class, there is no need to be afraid, the last thing that capitalist society fears is tax evasion.

Whether it is consumption or charity, it can help most of the rich to avoid taxes.

After waiting for a higher level of capitalists, tax evasion and tax evasion is even more outrageous, such as Trump, who made accounts through accounting, forced his company into a loss, and paid only $750 in personal income tax for two years, really let him take up all the good things, and let him do all the bad things.

That's really not willing to let the federal government taste any sweetness, that is not willing to give any money to the U.S. government.

Therefore, the income of ordinary people is 40,000 per year, and after deducting taxes, it is only 20,000.

And the rich earn 300,000 a year, which is a real 300,000.

The 300,000 of ETS is different from the 300,000 of black money income.

Those 300,000, he can only barely use in his own family, after a little washing, it is already good to have 200,000 in hand.

And in normal times, there are often no 200,000.

What could be better than spending a lot of money on this person in a capitalist country and showing great importance to this person?

There are no more.

"Go take a shower and take a break." Lear stood up, his young expression was very calm, like an elder, patted Ette's shoulder, and said.

"Okay, then I'll go wash up first." Ett's excited heart, trembling hands, stood up, not feeling in the slightest that he was nearly ten years older than the other party.

He walked into his room with the papers, knowing that he should finish the rest of the work in his room.

And their own master, will have a carnival.

He really knows too much about silver parties.

Or that he knows too much about rich people.

Sure enough, when Lear pushed open the door and walked into his master bedroom, the washed fox and Perkins had finished foreplay.

Just before the fox wrapped around like a female python, Lear's Nokia phone rang.

Lear's phone number knows very few people, basically only a few people, one of them is still in front of Lear, either George or Marianne.

This was an important call, so instead of lingering with the fox, Lear connected the phone directly.

Today's phones only have numbers, but no caller ID.

When Lear connected the phone, Marianne came over the phone with a slightly excited suppressed voice.

"Sir, John Wick is back."

Lear's rare expression came with a strange expression.

Logically speaking, this matter should end here.

John Wick retrieved his car, adopted a new dog, and returned to a peaceful life, only to be out again after the second installment was approached.

And so on....

Lear sat on the edge of the bed, but his whole brain was running rapidly.

"Go on." Lear took a slight breath of cold air, his brain became more clear, and Marian Balabala over there said everything he knew.

It turned out that early this morning, John Wick returned to the Continental Hotel again with a embarrassing injury, which caused a sensation in a small area.

John Wick, who has just died and has no reward, should be able to return to his peaceful life.

Similarly, John Wick without a bounty is something that no one wants to provoke.

He left calmly, with a touch of tranquility, and drove away a Dodge at the Continental Hotel, and returned in a mess, which caused a small sensation among the employees of the Continental Hotel.

Thinking that John Wick might still have a back-and-forth, Marianne held back her excitement and called Lear after work.

"I already know about this matter, thank you for your service, I will definitely give you a satisfactory price

, Marianne is really familiar with this matter, her face suddenly turned red, and her breathing was slightly rapid: "So I wonder if you need room service now?"

"I'm on call 24 hours a day."

He hung up Nokia after giving an address on the other end of the phone,

and he had already guessed why John Wick had returned to the Continental Hotel so shortly.

Because I am afraid that the time between the first and second parts of the extreme chase is shorter than most people think in the movie, and it is likely that there is only about a few hours between them.

Lear was lying on the bed, his whole brain was racing, he now has a very strong memory, almost able to remember all the movies he watched in his previous life, and he quickly found out the second part of the speed chase from his mind, which is called the speed special attack movie.

Speed Attack is said that John Wick immediately attracted a lot of attention after his comeback.

Among them is the attention of Santino, the Italian gangster who once helped him complete: [Mission Impossible].

In the past, when John Wick proposed to break away from the Russian gang, the leader of the Russian gang, Vigot, gave him an absolutely impossible task.

But in order to be able to return to the countryside with his lover, John Wick blatantly accepted the challenge.

The so-called impossible task itself is literally like it, so in order to complete this task, John Wick had to make a blood oath and ask Santino to help him.

Santino should have been a second-generation gangster with few resources at that time, but his help should have been very effective for John Wick at that time.

So John Vic successfully retired – until he made a comeback again.

This period should have passed seven or eight years, including John Wick getting married, his wife dying of cancer, and finally coming back.

After John Wick retires, it should be difficult for the other party to find his shadow, so he has not taken this blood pact for so many years to force him to come out again.

- All of the above are inferences that Lear has obtained based on the plot.

In the killer world, if you make a blood oath and make a contract with the other party, then you must complete this contract no matter what, of course, this is only in the most important thing.

And the Continental Hotel is this notary

This is even a thing that can be publicized in the killer world

And whoever wants to break this oath will be spurned by everyone, and even hunted down by some people.

So after John Wick came back and brought down the Russian gang, the Italians came to the door and asked John Wick to fulfill this oath, and there was really nothing wrong with that.

John Wick wants to use his retirement to prevaricate the other party, which is really not the slightest bit sincere, and is somewhat a scoundrel.

But the other party was not vague with John Wick, and directly bombed John Wick's home with heavy firepower.

The implications are, of course, obvious.

If you haven't died yet, come back and fulfill the contract for me.

Then John Wick, who lost his home and everything, returned to the Continental Hotel with his newly adopted dog.

He had to do it because ordinary killers, individual killers, don't have any logistics.

He had to rely on the Continental Hotel system, and since he had to rely on this system, he naturally had to abide by the rules of this system - such as fulfilling the custom of the Continental Hotel: blood oath.

Even his old friend Winston persuaded him to go back and fulfill his promise to Santino.

If he doesn't finish, then the other party is qualified to kill John Wick with his own power at any time.

It doesn't even take any reason: refusing to fulfill the blood oath is itself the biggest reason to kill him.

The power of Italians is not small, as one of the three major gangsters in Brooklyn, New York, they may still have their own families and forces in Italy.

And the forces in this most prosperous city under the sky are only likely to be a small branch of them.

Italians like this, breaking up their families without disconnecting them until they become the biggest gangsters in the world.

The traces left by the Italian mafia in the United States were there before World War II.

For example, the godfather Vito Don Corleone, played by Marlon Brando, is based on Caro Gambino, one of the five major families of the American Mafia.

He was the first godfather of the Gambino family and the other 4 remaining Italian families and was known as the New York Big Five.

Paramount Pictures, like the filming of The Godfather, was previously controlled by the Clonbo family.

It was not until the mafia provoked outrage and was jointly investigated by the IRS and FBI that they had to restrain their rampancy in the face of the national violent agency and gradually declined.

This is the real Italian mafia family that appeared in the history of New York, and as for the movie, the power of these mafia families is even stronger.

Santino's family is even one of the 12 behind-the-scenes controllers at the Continental Hotel.

Although Continental Hotels appear around the world in the form of franchises and are run by local local snakes, even so, this power to provide the benchmark level of the killer industry logistics hotel is still very strong.

Can John Wick kill without relying on the power of the Continental? Of course it kills. But after killing someone, can he get out safely?

That's another question.

John Wick may find that whoever he has killed over the past decade or so has been helped by the Russian gang or the Continental Hotel to clean up his body and put the finishing touch.

When these two greatest dependencies do not help him now, I am afraid that the power of the individual will become extremely powerless in the face of this strict social system.

What benefits can a task for Santino, who wants to kill his sister and successfully replace his sister on the throne, bring Lear?

Lear probably had to think about it carefully before he could get an answer.

Before that, of course, you have to applaud this huge gain.

When Lear had another rotten night.

He found exactly one room in the villa—including himself.

This safe house was perfect for him.

What's more, his bed here is big enough to accommodate three or four of them.

After waiting for the silver snap of the celebration banquet, Lear returned to the sage time, and his brain became faster.

He turned to Marian in his right hand and asked, "Do you have the phone number of the Italian chief?" "

This is just a nonsense, as the bartender of the Continental Hotel and the 12 shareholders of the Continental Hotel, there are countless classes in between.

Marian shook his head with wide eyes: "How can I have a phone call from someone of that level."

Lear nodded, and sure enough, as expected, then he could only contact Winston.

If this thing is done well, it can sell a great favor to the woman who is one of the 12 people at the new high table.

But if the other party is not willing to believe his words, he is too lazy to save this kind of dragon set character who died cleanly in the plot.

It is impossible to leave New York, and it is impossible to leave New York in this life.

Compared to saving an insignificant female dragon set in the second plot, although she is very powerful in reality, Lear still believes that things on his side are more important.

As the so-called listening to people to eat a full meal, the reason why the killer can defeat the strong with weakness is to rely on a long period of preparation to attack the enemy's weakest place, whether it is security systems or personal defense.

If Lear had reminded the other party so, she would have been killed by John Wick.

Then this kind of person really does not have the need for Lear to personally save her.

Therefore, to meet Winston, to get the other party's phone number, to give the other party a reminder call, it is already benevolent.

Lear nodded, not embarrassing Marianne, who was already tired and sleepy.

As the three of them woke up lazily at noon the next day, they found that Lear had already left the place.

"What about him?"

Looking at Ette in the living room, all the papers spread out on the coffee table, it seems that he has been busy all morning.

The fox scratched his somewhat messy hair, walked out in his bathrobe and asked.

Ette didn't dare to look at Angelina Jolie, with the style of pleasure, she was like a stunner in the world.

He was afraid that he would not be able to control his color heart, so he could only stare at the document in his hand and replied intently: "The BOSS went to see Winston, the owner of the Continental Hotel, and the boss asked you to wait for him here."

The fox nodded indifferently and asked rhetorically, "Is there breakfast?"

"Yes, I ordered takeout, at the entrance."

When the fox warmed breakfast in the microwave and locked it in the bedroom, Ette breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

He finally withstood the test in front of Meisei.

His loyalty to his boss is unshakable!

But at the same time, the idea of moving out became more and more urgent, he is not an incompetent person, in case of a violent reaction in this thousand flowers, I am afraid that the first to take care of him is not the boss, but Perkins or the fox.

Just when Ette breathed a sigh of relief, Lear had already arrived at the top floor of the Continental Hotel in New York.

This is a garden-like rooftop, and only one person can enjoy the space exclusively: Winston, the owner of the Continental Hotel in New York.

He had just received John Wick in the morning, but when he heard the front desk say that Lear wanted to see him, he unexpectedly received this unknown man in the killer world.

Watching Lear walk in slowly, he couldn't help but laugh out loud: "You can fool others, but you can't fool me." "

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