Chapter 057 Daredevil

Twelve High Table proved his dominance.

So loyal to the Twelve High Tables, the casual killers of the Continental Hotel are more confident and active.

There are people who can cover the head, and those who act, and those who are not covered, that is completely different.

They act a little more brazenly.

More importantly, the New York police officers, who had only fought a war two days ago, were satisfied, tired, and lazy.

I don't bother to care about some things in the city.

It's like the afterglow after pleasure, everyone just wants to lie in bed and don't want to get up to work.

As a result, the killers are cooler and more brazen.

He has been under attack since Brooklyn.

These people's attacks, like mosquito bites, made Luke Cage uncomfortable.

But for Luke Cage, attacks like mosquito bites are life-and-death matters for ordinary people.

This is the scene of the shooting and the crossfire.

People are scrambling and unable to provide all the services to Luke Cage, while humans live on society and groups.

When Luke Cage was unable to access services, he himself began to weaken.

He's a superhero, but he's poor.

That's why he later opened a "superhero firm."

People are poor and short-minded and do not rob, and they do not have the ability to catch the wrong door, and they do not have the brain to operate.

Can you just be a hired superhero?

And now it seems that Luke Cage has also made a completely wrong choice, he chose to stand on the opposite side of the twelfth high table, and even angered a twelve-high table.

Stupidity is always the aria of superheroes.

Especially for someone like Luke Cage.

If Lear was chased and killed like this, he would definitely choose the Great Road.

Involve as many people as possible for the purpose of holding most of the population hostage.

But Luke Cage, as a superhero, in order to prevent ordinary people from being involved in him, he singled out those remote places.

And these places are all occupied by homeless people, and these homeless people are organized.

This kind of organization at a very small price - to feed the homeless people, hire this group of homeless people to work for him, and become his eyeliner.

It is also known as the king of Baoli.

It's just that in the far east, everyone calls this kind of person the gang leader.

I don't know that he was watched by the homeless man the whole time, and after the king of Baoli sold his itinerary to the killers, Luke Cage, who made a lot of money, is still wondering why these killers are chasing him like bone-destroying poison in this era without the Sky Eye Skynet.

That, of course, was for Gianna's favor.

How valuable Gianna's favor is, take her brother Santino.

When her younger brother did not hold the power of the family and was only the son of a seat at the twelfth high table.

One of his words could help John Wick accomplish the impossible and smoothly retire from Russia.

And this is still what her younger brother, who does not control the power, relies on the power of the twelve high tables, and does it casually.

From this, we can see how powerful the power of the Twelve High Table is, and how valuable Gianna's favor is.

In order to get this favor, all the killers fought hard.

Even the bite of Africa's most inconspicuous mosquito can make an elephant or rhinoceros, unable to hold on, collapse.

And New York City definitely has a lot more mosquitoes than in Africa.

In fact, if Luke Cage's IQ is improved a little more, he will know that this group of killers will find that they can't break Luke Cage's defenses no matter what, and then they will scatter as birds and beasts.

Because he turned himself into a piece of chicken ribs, tasteless food, abandoned, but unfortunately he could not take it down.

It also delays the killers to make their own money.

The killers have always had little patience and will disperse on their own after three to a week of grinding with Luke Cage.

Only a few, such as those like John Wick, who are already in a desperate situation, will look for any way to kill him.

But after that time, Luke Cage will have to face and deal with much fewer people and threats, and will not be troubled and entangled anytime and anywhere.

But in just two days, the bite of this group of killers like blind insects completely broke Luke Cage's defense.

He began to become confused, scurrying around like a headless fly.

He is like a male lion hunted by hyenas, harassed all the time, unable to sleep and rest, or even replenish food.

It is important to know that once a person does not sleep for more than 20 hours, he will begin to become anxious, and the hormones in the body will begin to change.

If Cage is making such changes, you must know that his body has long been different from ordinary people, but he is still a human after all, and the things that a human need are nothing more than clean diet and water, sleep and rest, and socialization.

However, Luke Cage now can't get any of these things, and coupled with the changes in hormones in his body, he has become irritable and irritable.

Began to gradually move closer to the villain.

He no longer even taboos about superheroes not killing people, and began to plan to kill these killer assassins.

Luke Cage himself is not from a good background, he is still a black man who has not received a good education, and once his temper is provoked, it is naturally transformed into a walking bulldozer.

The whole of New York City was shaken by his power.

Everyone thought he was just an insignificant pawn.

But after actually putting him on the scale, it was discovered that he was actually a hidden tiger shark.

It is no wonder that the Water Covered Snake used him to directly compete with the Twelve High Tables.

Many people saw that Luke Cage was actually able to play so well, and they couldn't help but feel a little moved for a while.

Among them is the emperor of Hell's Kitchen in the neighborhood where Luke Cage is now - Jin He.

And as Jin He's old rival, there is a person who really knows him too well.

So before Kim gave the order, he had already found Luke Cage in advance, and stunned several killers who were chasing him and appeared in front of him.

"Are you here to trouble me too?" Luke Cage, who had not slept for 50 hours, opened his blood-red eyes, looked at the masked man in front of him, and asked imposingly.

"I'm here to help you, come with me if you want to live." Daredevil shrugged his shoulders and said calmly to Luke Cage.

Watching his dexterous and light movements, he climbed up the wall and building in three strokes and two strokes.

Luke Cage couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He rushed forward two or three steps, his powerful leg muscles with unparalleled strength, making him catapult like a cannonball, he jumped seven or eight meters in one go, grabbed the edge of the building, and lightly pulled himself up to the top floor of this apartment.

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