Chapter 006 Firefox

Lear walked into the café and said to the shopkeeper: "A cup of latte, two sugar cubes." He

casually picked up today's newspaper from the boss's bar, sat down in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass bar, and waited for the boss to bring the coffee.

The door of the café was pushed open with a bang, and two patrolmen walked into the café with smoke.

Going from the cold outside to the indoor.

Lear glanced at them squintally, without the slightest fear, slowly opened the newspaper and began to read.

The two policemen looked at him as a yellow man, and their eyes did not even stay on his body for a moment, so they walked straight to the boss and laughed and chatted with the boss.

This shop is directly opposite the main entrance of the Queens Police Station, and idle thieves dare not come to this area to wander, because a large number of family members of police officers live in this neighborhood, whether for their own life safety or for the safety of their relatives, the local police station will never allow any outlaws to appear nearby.

If a little black appeared here, then these two policemen would have come to question his social security account and driver's license account long ago.

Lear was not anxious, but seemed to carefully read the news in the newspaper one by one, and when he encountered something interesting, he would take out a small book from his arms to write it down.

In this era without the Internet, this kind of bad pen is more reliable than your own brain.

Seeing his appearance, the two patrolmen were even more relaxed.

Lear's performance seemed to perfectly reflect the Asian stereotypes: nerd, high-level intellectual, and pen-playing.

Only he is not playing with guns, there is no threat, even if he refuses to take off his trench coat indoors, he is regarded as dull and inflexible.

Although Lear's attention was on the newspapers, he had already calculated the time when the police were dispatched.

After a long time, a private car drove back from outside.

Lear wrote down the license plate of this private car in traditional characters, even if the police came to check it, they couldn't understand it at all.

He knows that many cars in the American police are private cars for camouflage, although there are sirens and police lights inside, but the appearance usually looks like ordinary private cars, looking shabby and old.

The car doesn't have to be George Stacey's.

But in terms of time, this car is very likely.

So after Lear drew a circle behind the license plate number, he continued to stare at the police gate.

He only ate one sandwich for dinner, and spent the rest of the time in the shop until closing.

Before leaving, he stopped at the bar: "The coffee and sandwiches are delicious, I will come back tomorrow." The

typical red-necked Mediterranean fat boss was stunned, and a happy smile suddenly appeared on his face, looking at Lear who pushed the door out, and said loudly: "Thank you for your patronage!" Give you a discount tomorrow!

Lear pushed the door deaf.

The next day, he even went straight to the coffee shop in the morning and sat for the day.

This time, the burgundy Cadillac SUV arrived very early.

Obviously, the other party is a civilian, not a police officer on field duty, so his suspicion is even greater.

In the evening, the burgundy Cadillac SUV left on time again, and it is more likely that he is George Stacy's car.

Throughout the month, the police knocked on the door several times, but Lear gave no response, and they turned off to him for detailed thoughts.

Of course, Gwen, who is the target task, is likely not to come to this block, this apartment, upstairs in this life.

But it doesn't matter, Lear's goal is not Gwen at all, and the other party's goal is the same.

Gwen was just a small warning, and then everyone was watching George Stacy's reaction.

He only needs to compromise once, and then there will be a continuous stream of sugar-coated shells and threats to corrode and erode him.

As a party, the organization that threatened Gwen would naturally continue to follow Stacy.

Lear tracks down Chief Stacey in order to catch up with the tail behind him.

As a person with savings, of course, he does not need to run around like other Americans, but eating and drinking in a café for a month in a row does make him curious about many people.

You must know that this is the opposite side of the police station after all, in addition to the patrol officers can eat at the delicious food shops in their patrol area, other people who work in the bureau can only find food nearby, or order takeaway.

Lear has been here for a month in a row, and it is suspicious no matter how you look at it.

But strangely, because he was so calm, no one came up to check his identity and ID.

Finally, today, a fat police officer couldn't help it, came to Lear after lunch, looked at the various words and Chinese in Lear's small book, and couldn't help but be in awe.

"Sir, I've been here for a month, can I know what you're writing?"

Lear slowly put away his notebook and pen, turned to look at the other party with calm eyes: "You know, I'm an accountant..."

Fat police officers can't help but flee, and decades later, an accountant feels that police power has been rampant to a certain extent, and decides to use his knowledge and power to use this power to earn his own money and deter them.

Therefore, every time he is illegally handcuffed by the police, he will be billed according to seconds, because the accountant salary is very high, and he has a deep relationship with the tax bureau, which can be regarded as a tax lawyer, so once the other party begins to detain him, when he is released again, the money he needs to lose will be astronomical.

To put it another way, even if this kind of "porcelain accounting" is not yet rampant, it is not a good thing for ordinary people, even ordinary police officers, to be involved with the tax bureau.

When it's time to instigate, you have to provoke.

This is the iron law of living in America.

Lear stood up and patted his trench coat, knowing he should go now.

Most of the clues and Stacy's stalkers have already been found, and staying here is just a futile incident.

He put $10 on the counter, and the rest of the money was a tip, as was customary, and walked slowly out of the café.

When he got back in his Chevrolet SUV, he suddenly tensed.

From the rearview mirror, he saw a beautiful woman already sitting in the back seat of his cab, looking at him with a smile.

"I think we need to talk."


PS: Happy New Year everyone! The New Year keeps changing! But not much!

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