Chapter 062 This matter is not over

, in fact, when the two appeared, Lear already recognized who the two of them were.

This is the 4-player hero duo of Hell's Kitchen, Luke Cage, Tekken, Jessica Jones, and one Daredevil left.

The 4 of them who came out alone did not have much fame, and they belonged to the second and third tier superheroes.

But when put together, it becomes very distinctive, very famous.

Until this time, Lear did not have a real feeling that he was really in the Marvel universe.

If after meeting Luke Cage for the first time, he still felt a little unreal, then when superheroes appeared in front of him one after another, Lear should understand that the era of superheroes has really arrived.

Thankfully with the system, he is not without the power to fight back when facing these superheroes now, but the fact that Jessica Jones and Iron Fist saved Luke Cage under their noses still made Lear a little angry.

He issued a warning to Jessica Jones and Iron Fist.

But whether they understood Lear or not did not know.

But the priority is to see a little how Gianna lost under the attack just now.

Just to assess how effective the Iron Fist is.

Iron Fist is among superheroes, which can be regarded as a superhero of the third and fourth lines.

But after the real fight, Lear discovered that Iron Fist was not a weak hero.

His fists are capable of flying and even injuring Luke Cage.

When he fell from the air and hit the air wave with his iron fist, it was like dynamite.

He left the center of the explosion with Gianna and Perkins in his arms, and the others were not so lucky.

As soon as Lear turned around, he saw Gianna screaming Cassian's name and rushing towards him.

Cassian was the only unlucky bastard among them.

He had previously stood behind Gianna, who happened to be the flower bed of the garden.

After being knocked out by the explosion set off by the iron fist, his head slammed heavily on the flower bed, and the whole person passed out directly without saying a word.

Now he has a large amount of blood on his head, the details of which are completely unknown.

No wonder Gianna rushed towards him in such a panic.

John Wick, who was the most injured and weak, lying on the ground and unable to get up, paid no attention to him at all, and everyone returned to Gianna's side to check on Cassian's symptoms.

Winston's black attendant didn't need Winston's initiative to order, so he turned around and went to the medical class.

Soon doctors from the Continental Hotel arrived, bandaged Cassian and pushed him out of the elevator on a stretcher.

Gianna grabbed Lear's hand from beginning to end, not letting go at all, everyone turned a blind eye to this scene, as if nothing had happened, and began to comfort Gianna.

But to say who can really solve things, it depends on Lear: "Cassian is injured and hospitalized now, and your side is not protecting me, I suggest that John Wick temporarily replace Cassian's duties and protect your safety." Indeed

, although Cassian's injury and coma are very worrying, the priority now is Gianna's safety, and Cassian, as Gianna's close henchman, single-handedly supports Gianna's safety line.

But because of his hospitalization, one of the biggest holes in the security line around Gianna was that they had lost their leader.

After losing Cassian as the backbone, many people who said a word and only took a step lost their command and became headless flies.

At this time, someone needs to step up and command Gianna's security team.

To be honest, John Wick is a very good candidate.

When Gianna's gaze turned over, the weak John Wick stroked his chest and bowed slightly, "This is my honor."

"Until he can really do the job, I want you to stay with me."

Gianna showed a rare woman's side, she grabbed Lear's hand and did not let go, pleading with Lear.

After thinking a little, Lear finally nodded.

After all, there are not many opportunities to make a big person like Gianna owe favors.

Instead, go after Luke Cage and take revenge on Jessica Jones This matter can be temporarily put aside and slowed down.

Seeing Lear nodding in agreement, Gianna's face couldn't help but bloom.

"In that case, for Lear's sake, I forgive you, John."

Gianna waved her hand at John.

John Wick stepped forward lightly, raised his hand to hold Gianna's hand, half-knelt down, and gently kissed the back of Gianna's hand, swearing allegiance to Gianna.

There was nothing he could do either.

Although he successfully brought back Luke Cage, Luke Cage has been rescued and injured Gianna's left and right arm Cassian, but he knows how small a woman's heart is.

He didn't want to continue to be tripped up by this woman.

And in the case that retirement is destined to be unstable, finding a force to turn to is also a familiar choice.

"Let's go to the room first." Lear raised his head and looked around.

He remembered saving Gianna's life here last time.

"This place doesn't seem to be very lucky, don't talk about things here in the future."

Lear's words made Gianna and Winston nod deeply, apparently they thought so.

A group of people, from the rooftop to the presidential suite of the Continental Hotel, here is really amazing, a whole floor of more than five hundred square meters of space is opened up to form a migration line, only two large amazing bedrooms, all other are functional rooms, just the toilet is distributed around there are five, the bathroom is three, most of the other functional rooms are connected to the living room and do not have door locks, looking luxurious and luxurious.

Gianna had lived here before.

It's just that Westerners value their private space more, and they don't want to bring business into their private space.

But now, apparently, for her own safety, she followed Lear's advice.

"Did you get hurt just now? Except for Cassian. Lear's question made everyone shake their heads.

Gianna and Perkins, who were protected by Lear, naturally needless to say.

Even the relatively close John Wick had Luke Cage as a cover, and actually did not do much damage in the explosion.

On the contrary, Cassian did not lie down at the first time, but wanted to chase Gianna, which became the most seriously injured.

"We're all right."

The black room butler handed a Mauser rifle he had brought into Lear's hand, "Good luck with you." Obviously

, judging from Winston's expression or Gianna's expression, this matter is far from over!

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